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Who are the villains

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Who are the villains?

Wretch is a man of Belial, that is so, on which it is impossible to count, which can take at any moment. Not every offender is a scoundrel, and not any rogue criminal. On the contrary, a very large number of villains, beautifully situated in power structures and the militia (police). Many rogues completely respected, and occupy high positions. How many villains in power is evident, for example, after the accession of the dictatorship. Villains were most of the leaders since Stalin and other dictators. Many of the villains remain in power after the fall of the dictatorship, they just are not as noticeable. Some activities are well suited for both the villains and for Chesney principled people. For example, this policy, the protection of law and journalism. Scoundrel, unlike the primitive, not at all inclined to disinterested evil. He is interested only evil useful. Wretch even capable to do good deeds, but only to the extent that they are beneficial to him. Who are the villains? villain is a man, above all, having no conscience.

Conscience is the inner sense of what is right and wrong with regard to moral choice. Sense of satisfaction in that if you did the right thing, or dissatisfaction (remorse), if you made a mistake. According to Cicero's conscience is the inner voice that is more authoritative than any form of public approval. According to Cicero, the conscience of bite, which is consistent with our word "remorse" from the verb "bite". Scoundrel has no remorse. Conscience - an inner witness who is present for any action - for the person who has a conscience. However, the villain of this witness is not - or he was not born yet, or have already died. Thomas Aquinas believed that even the erroneous conscience oblige them to follow, even if they are contrary to the will of a superior. Conscience is the infallible authority of the soul. In this sense, the soul of a scoundrel - a disability, she has such an infallible authority. Thus, a common disease like rascaldom - is, first and foremost, hypoplasia or complete otstutstvie conscience.

Lack of conscience

1. Two young poor wretches in the metro fun run to the highest poverty-stricken, paralyzed, and push it. That falls on her back and loses consciousness. Kids still fun diddling their rival eliminated, and life is beautiful. They are suited to the old woman, choosing the poorer and poneschastnee (the rich have not bought) and curled up plaintive face, begin next mosheynichestvo. As a result, the old woman gave the last money. Taking her pennies, the fun begins again - immediately, do not hesitate robbed woman.

2. Large police official has decided to play tennis in the mornings before work.

He knew that on the court play a lot of people, but not in the morning and at night. That is, these people he does not interfere. But now, the site was closed on all sides and allowed to go inside the guard dog - to anyone and never had povadno play there - except for the largest rank when it izyavit desire. A lot of people deprived of their usual rest, he did not care. Did not bother him, and that these people think and talk about it. He just wanted and made me another fiefdom. You can guess what this person is guided in their professional lives - than anything, but not his conscience.

One gets the impression that the lack of conscience means both a lack of shame. In any case, such an assumption quite plausible. Synonyms of the word "bastard": brazen, shameless, shameless and unscrupulous man. She has no shame and no conscience. Moreover, in cases of hypoplasia or apparent lack of conscience can be observed and antistyd: if ashamed of a man was wrong, avoids the limelight, the man "antistydyaschiysya, in this case, attention is drawn intentionally.

For example, a scoundrel, a teenager, she blew her nose on the seat in a tram, encircles all look to make sure that the act seen and properly evaluated - as a deliberate evil. And his friends and girlfriend at this point begin to overly loud laugh, or rather to draw attention to the act. Cases of "antistyda" not so rare as it may seem at first glance. In our century, a whole culture of scandalous behavior.
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