Who is a professional?
Agree that a professional in their work should have the totality of relevant knowledge, but here's the problem - what knowledge he needed? Ministry of Education has developed a curriculum, which is written and recorded what is knowledge and how much should have specialist in each particular area. As they say, came disaccustomed five years in high school and all - the expert is ready. But it was not there! Professionals annually produces a large number of "professionals", but not all of them find jobs in their field. What's the matter? It is clear that knowledge is the foundation of professionalism, but that's what it is and the extent to which very few people know.
Another way of obtaining knowledge are various commercial educational institutions, training, seminars, which are now in abundance. Agree, not everyone is recruiting ad - "I will teach in a short time, you can trust. This question can only rely on their experience or reviews of their friends. Commercial educational programs are designed more to have held professionals who want to elementary to improve their skills, improve knowledge. What do young inexperienced specialist? Increasingly relevant and popular in recent years is another source of knowledge - various print products. These include books, magazines, Internet and more. Do not underestimate this source of professional knowledge, since it was he who provides the most relevant and timely information. But again, when working with this source must have some basic knowledge, which play the role of the information filter and navigator.

So who is this professional? For the formation of professional knowledge is necessary to use all the organic sources of knowledge as well as skewed to one side can lead to improved outcomes. There is another feature of professional knowledge, which must be considered in the first place - it is their fast ustarevaemost. XXI Century - is not only a time limit, but the new century, which dictates the radically different living conditions. In today's world of knowledge obsolescence is a monthly average of 10-20%. Thus it turns out that knowledge becomes obsolete every year by an average of 80%. This key feature and should be considered in the formation of knowledge - they become obsolete, even before he could gain a foothold. Therefore, in the foreground is not so much a person knows and how much a person with a methodology for obtaining, collecting, analyzing and using knowledge. More important is not so much knowledge and many skills to work with them.
In relation to this issue is much more complicated, since there are two ways of acquiring skills:
1) first specialist receives certain knowledge, and then have them work out in practice, that is, receives professional skills;
2) a specialist in professional activities, work out your skills, regardless of the knowledge gained.
With the first option is more or less clear: on the knowledge, ability to seamlessly overlap occurs gradually becoming a professional. But the reservation, that this option is so rarely encountered in practice and it becomes so perfect that he had been very few targets. The problem here again is reduced to the knowledge that there is a specialist. It turns out that starting the profession, develop and hone in practice there is nothing - the knowledge that there is a specialist in principle can not be used in everyday work.
The second option, it often happens that another jargon is called "Duck test. The situation is that the new employee brings to the workplace and say: "Work!". Nobody cares about how and how he will perform new duties, but at the same time in front of him are clearly defined goals and objectives. Yes, after such tests are run only a few, but they do get invaluable professional skills. Despite all the pluses and minuses of "Duck Test", it is increasingly used in Russian companies. Apparently, despite all its cruelty, it yields positive results. The second option comes from the fact that it is necessary to solve specific problems, achieve their goals here and now, but at the same time, with no specific professional knowledge to carry out professional activities.
Obtaining skills in this case - is the path of trial and error, which takes much longer than in the presence of relevant professional knowledge. Figuratively, it looks like the invention of bicycle, which had long since been invented and widely used. If, as you are faced with a situation when you are engaged in professional activities, which do not have enough professional knowledge, we still do not do reinventing the wheel, and tighten it. Fortunately, today the Internet and the book market to obtain information from virtually any field of knowledge. The complexity of the formation and development of professional skills is that they can not come and learn in a lecture hall for a few days. Indeed, today more and more popular The technology training, which allows you to translate knowledge into skills. But, again, the result of them depends on the individual coach and can not form the basis of professional knowledge and skills.
Professional skills are formed by the repeated performance of any action. Kind of a waste, and embodied technology that has been repeatedly honed in practice and have shown their effectiveness. They are strictly individual for each expert, as they are acquired during the execution of professional activities. That is why many students who believe that the labor market rend them with your hands, are in demand. Know what they know, a lot, but now can not do. Professional skills, as well as knowledge is personal, not only in relation to certain professions, but also specific specialists.
Experience plays the role of a certain subconscious mentor, that is, a set of conditional-unconditional reflexes, which work in every situation. In other words, it allows, in a prism to analyze a situation and resolve it accordingly. Professionalism rests on three pillars - knowledge, skills and experience. That is, their condition determines the quality level of professionalism of a particular specialist. Therefore, the impact on these three parameters allow you to develop more actively as a professional and highly qualified specialists in their field of activity.
"Burnout syndrome" as a phenomenon directly related to the profession, it is possible to diagnose, manage and treat only in the section, these three components of professionalism. Another component of professionalism is the personality of the man himself - the specialist. Agree that even with the possession of extensive knowledge, or, for example, skills and professional success of a particular expert depends on his personality. Without going into details, to the personality traits, important for the professionalism include:
1) will power;
2) commercial acumen;
3) responsibility;
4) motivation;
5) intrapersonal growth potential.