Who is the adult?
Child grows, he becomes an adult? Not always. Sometimes and say: you have a big one! That is, you have big hands and legs, body, head, but that relate to size, rather than psychological maturity. In other words, big uncle or aunt can remain a child for life. You have these met? It is interesting to think about, and who then can call a grown man?
In children, the main motto in life - I want! This determines the behavior, attitude towards others, beliefs, what is good and what is bad. Quite simply, I want - I'm tired of - cast. Like other child or adult - will hobnob, tired, not interested, offended - I will not! I will not hobnob. I want candy, cereal do not want to! Wise teachers know that something to teach the child, he should be interested. In other words, to make it appear like. But life goes on, and requirements for children are increasing, increasingly appears the phrase - you should! How terrible it is in contradiction with the usual - I want to. You should go to school, study hard, respect their elders, do exercise, clean up after themselves, help their parents, etc. But I do not want to! But who cares, now you must! If the child protests strongly prestige, suggestion, educational impact, adults, the child has a chance to win a sacred right and further in life to act solely guided by the motivation: I will not want to. In this case, the person will be great, but not adults, that guarantees him big problems in life, as well as the people around them.
There is a good word - responsibility. An adult who is responsible for his actions. Importantly, knowing your own "want", can be guided in other words - should, must, can, do.
An adult starts to care not only for themselves but for others: "He puts the porridge on the table." Children resort and eat, they do not think, from what is taken, they enjoy because there are adults who care for them.
Another is my definition.
Adulthood - Financial Independence and personal freedom, and responsibility for the consequences taken (and taken) solutions.
Financial independence - the ability, based on knowledge, skills, experience, in any situation to get enough material (financial) benefits for their own needs, and supporting our neighbors and other deserving people.
Personal freedom - the ability to make decisions regardless of the views of others. To act in accordance with their beliefs, have full responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Of course, take into account the circumstances and the views of the surrounding stands, but the decision to take on their own.
Let us determine the following example.
The young man willed girl, they love happened. Everything is fine. Beautiful words, romance, sex, interesting conversation. But over time, the guy began to notice that the girl has become somewhat tense, claims, whims. Enjoy sex with her, and communication has not. In other words, I want sex, but do not want to claim. They say that on close communication are children, and in fact did not knowingly say. In short, the lady got pregnant. Now her requirements were quite simple: you must marry, bastard, scoundrel, scum! " I want to get married! " What do I do now? But the young man also guided by his desires, he says, but I do not want good-bye. That such a situation of life. Clarify, these children, one 30, another 23 years.
This great kids. And he does it. The guy wants sex. The girl wants to marry. They are guided not by the responsibility, and their children - want. True, the adults?
We turn to the definition. An adult who is ready to take responsibility, including financial, for the consequences of his actions, telling myself - I have to, then - I can do it. But these children know only their want each other so impose a claim.
Do I have a girl to marry him? Not a fact. Do I need to marry a guy in this situation? Is also not a fact. A child who is born from two of these children are likely to be very unhappy. After all, he will be born with its "want", and met him two of the parasite, which can not cope with their own "want". The situation is complicated.
Solutions may be several, to be adults. Think how you would, hopefully, adults have solved this problem?
But back to the main subject of the article. Definition is given, and how to stop aching "childhood" and become adults?
1. Start earning money. I understand that on this board, you need to write three books, how to make money. This is a separate issue. But still. Money is a resource, a tool to support an adult himself, relatives and other deserving people. If you are very careful, but the poor, then your chances of an adult is very limited. Because children may be what you want ambitions, desires, but if they are not provided with adults of financial opportunity, it will remain just a desire, a dream.
2. Be yourself. Without the first item (earn money) is unlikely to succeed. The greater financial independence, the greater the ability to make decisions independently.
3. Begin to care. Terms of adult cares much more than a child. Help, invest their knowledge, skills, experience, finance, in his close friends, find other worthy, who need your care. Maybe it makes sense to create interesting projects of his life that will give it meaning and will other people. So did all the adults and great people, so we can remember them. What to remember you?
4. Be responsible. An adult responsible for their actions. Do not like our government for defaults, theft of the treasury, bribes - in words, but real money, time, energy, investments in correcting wrong decision.
5. Be mentally healthy. Adult - child has no control over their emotions, often makes the claim, believes that the people around him should all, touchy. After all, he wants to get a lot of things and nothing is able to give. Emotionally healthy adult is aimed, primarily, to provide knowledge, skills, experience, finance, worthy people. Just had this much, he's an adult, and what to take with the child?
Good phrase: "You're either part of the solution or part of the problem." So adult, this is probably - a decision. Adults - children are likely to - problems. Take a look around, see if you are surrounded by adults? And you what?