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Who is to blame for child abuse

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Who is to blame for child abuse?

Father or mother is deeply experiencing the fact that their son or daughter at school torment, ostracize, harass threatened or beaten. Noting that as a result of incidents at recess or in a classroom with her daughter lost interest in school or starts insomnia, parents come in angry. We want children to have left the school the most pleasant memories, I want to school was a place of their children to obtain knowledge and skills, and respond accordingly, noting that the school is transformed for our children to a place of torture.

 School should be a place of initiation of children to the most positive sides of human existence, rather than a means of intimidation and suppression of individuality. Facts abuse of a child in school cause the proper outcry of parents. However, many children do not tell them what happened, not wanting to look like traitors in the eyes of their age group or from fear of losing independence. In the case of the suffering of their own child is inevitable emotional reaction from parents.

It starts with a thorough investigation of the incident. How could this happen? What were the motives? Where are the culprits? Who is guilty in child abuse? During the proceedings, sometimes quite long, parents have a variety of theories and explanations. In keeping with its worldview and ideological attitudes they are trying to find explanations of the facts of beatings, abuse or threats. With a view to understanding what happened, they resort to their existing system of reference constraints.

Many parents blame the school around. Teachers should not sentimental, and to demonstrate the rigor and punish perpetrators. If the ringleaders expelled from school, the problem would be solved. If a teacher is not doing anyone favors, such incidents would go on the wane. Nominated and other requirements of the opposite characteristics: teaching is too authoritarian, children need more freedom of choice and understanding. Often parents are not satisfied with the composition of the class: they are excessive proportion of foreigners or an insufficient number of girls.
Explanation of the parents vary widely, and sometimes simply outlandish, but often contain a grain of truth. Because the proceedings with regard to their personal, people defending their position with the foam at the mouth. It is understandable that parents want to improve the moral climate in school and require the exercise of promoting the event. The school must follow the stricter discipline in the case of the outrageous act of the perpetrator or the culprit should immediately send for their parents. But the tone of the parents changes as soon as it comes to their own Chad. Situation the teacher is no less difficult. Escalating violence in the assigned classroom, aggressive atmosphere of alertness and continuing clashes impede the teaching of students.

In the case of a serious teacher relationship to the point it poisons him communicate with the class. On the other hand, he is experiencing incidents as personal failure. The teaching becomes painful. In these situations, many teachers class causes irritation. Approaching the door of the class, they are waiting for any disorderly conduct. Unhappy with the notes sounded in the very first words of addressable students. "Why not see books? You have to put them in front! "- Pounces cool mentor students after a four-break. Replacing greeting reproach, he first goes on the attack. If a teacher assigns an abnormal situation in the class of his own professional failure as a teacher, he faces a spiritual crisis.

The position of teachers

Do teachers of the older generation there arises a complex associated with a sense of inability to understand the new generation that they are complete strangers, and embodies the spirit of the time, which frightens them. Growing inner alienation from the profession. Teaching profession is no longer attractive to them, becomes a burden. A teacher a few months and weeks leading up to the moment when he will be able to leave the class, stoically endures the lessons as a punishment in an effort just to ensure that as far as possible to minimize the costs associated with the process of teaching. A sense of professional failure is reflected in the state of health of teachers outside the school: gradually increasing his depression.

Young teachers often feel cheated in their expectations. They are disheartened by the fact that children ignore their educational setting. In his early career, they believe in the possibility of interest and captivate the subject through the use of carefully designed incentives to learning, as well as giving children the maximum degree of freedom. Once they are convinced of the complete failure of its open, designed for dialogue and understanding of the position, their is a sense of deep frustration. Which fly has bitten the children? Why do they refuse to take part in a project to train teachers who have spent so much time? Young teachers are puzzled and just flatly refuse to understand what is happening in their classroom. How could it happen that, after two lessons on the topic of positive solutions to conflict situations, the two boys beat up a classmate just because he wears red shoes?

In search of the causes of violence, teachers, like parents, are based on the explanations, the most convenient for you. In their view, the causes of aggressive behavior in children, usually do not lie in teaching blemish or instability of order in school and in the impact on street children or family. Many teachers insist that children have already come to school wound up tight, tired and full of hidden aggression. From the perspective of teachers, children are exposed to numerous outside influences pushing them towards violence: a glut of products and television, and a shortage of housing, and the brutal methods of education, and to themselves. If the tenth teenager allowed to wander every night on the town, not surprisingly, he behaves in school dramatically and defiantly.

 If the father does not dare to put her son in place in response to his statement that he is not going to do anything around the house and will now go away and come home when he pleases, then transfer this style of behavior in school settings is easy to predict. Mutual installation on the externalization of the factor of violence starts a relationship to a standstill. Recognition of those and other external factors as the sole cause of the rise in violence is fraught with rejection of any measures was to overcome it. Teachers make claims to parents, parents blame teachers, they both go too far. Each shift the blame to the other. At the same time lost sight of its own share of responsibility for what happened.
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