Who needs family?
A man and a woman turned to the priest, that he married after their sermons. However, the church filled with the Holy Father found he did not remember the face of those who asked him about the wedding. Then he said: "Who wants to get married, move." Walked down the aisle one man ... and seven women! The idea that the family needs first and foremost a woman, with pleasure caught many of our men (and some family experts). Mol, the man creates a family in the alleged assignment of a lady, as he himself well, this is not necessary, therefore, concerned with women's issues, how to get a man to marry ... Is this true? And Who needs family , and in particular the registration of marriage?
The myth that men do not like to marry, especially stronger on our (or want to say, "Sov") soil, where the conditions of existence in the family have always been unequal. The then "cell of society" was actually more profitable woman. As a man, though trying to be the head, remained in second or third roles: wife - housewife, mother, guardian of the hearth, and a man - threw out the window to pay and did not prevent the feet. " What? But, between ourselves, the men blame for this state of things no one but themselves. This is a consequence of so-called double standard. One of the tenets of morality says that worthless man to engage in economic and family matters. "Worthless?" - The woman said. - No problem! " And since men piled all the care of the family on women's shoulders, the woman soon became the sovereign mistress in the family. The stronger sex therefore got home chief - his wife. Now, they, of course, such a family is not needed.
Belief in the superiority of men played with them and another unkind joke. The woman, from time immemorial we call the "weaker sex" seems to need additional protection. Such protection to married life she has received ... from the old Family Code. In the introduction to it reads: "Soviet women are provided with the necessary social conditions for the combination of a happy mother with ... participation in the production and socio-political life. Soviet legislation on marriage and the family intended to actively promote the elimination of residual ... unequal position of women in home. However, no word on what this legislation provides a "Soviet man." That is not enough that the family - women's patrimony and, accordingly, a woman in her mistress, so also the law was declared the woman in the family extra support. And it turned out that poor women are legally stronger than men. Just remember the infamous practice of "carve-up of children in divorce, where the vast majority of cases the father was left with nothing ...

Played a role yet and that the security of the Soviet family "was generally low (many families this situation remains to this day). After all, while in the house have enough money only for food - Minister of Finance is his wife. When money becomes more - over the reins gradually pass into the hands of her husband, and the power of the more significant the more "leftover" after purchasing products. Generally, among the wealthy men family values again in honor: it is like an extra source of power and sense of self-worth. And in families with enough below average man can consider himself head of the family as you like, but my wife regularly takes him "to eat" all salary and the case quickly shows his true place ...
However, men of the family all the same plant. Is forced for the sake of women? None. Or maybe all impotent? Either. For what is man to give up their freedom? In marriage, they find themselves a lot of good, convenient and necessary. In particular, this is the real head of household status, which recognizes and respects. Vainly believe that men do not cherish it!
What are the benefits of marriage through the eyes of men?
Surprisingly for many, "married woman" is capable of giving his wife in sex much more than a mistress. Association of property for the benefit of both spouses and the desire to increase again works to the benefit of both. In this case, when the general welfare of the family grows, it invariably becomes the de facto head of her husband!
Formal right to participate in the upbringing of children, the ability to grow a successor "of the business and the heirs of his fortune, if at all, no joke," to immortalize his name. " Well, the psychological assurance that it is his children.
It turns out that someone who more appreciates his bachelor freedom, before the family is not ripe. Alas, it turns out that way. As a rule, many amorous conquests trying to assert himself Casanova who have nothing else to boast about. Yes, there are no little success he has, but look how many of them running around the ladies! And more often cling to the freedom of men unsure of themselves in need of constant admiration and quite infantile. This would never give up freedom for "family values" because he did not evaluate them in the state. As called for Pushkin's Tatyana:
I do not grumble, why complain?
He could not give me happiness!
Of course, actual age men - not an indicator of readiness to start a family and appreciate family life! And the criteria of "you get married too early 'or' you it's time to marry" untenable, since one was held psychologically as a family man already in 17-18 years, while the other remains infantile and after fifty. Social maturity at everyone, and therefore need to establish a family - too. So the man going to the registry office, the family needs as well as women, if not more! But only if he is capable of all the family good to appreciate, rather than pretending that he lives in the family only concession to his wife. Such men need to calculate before marriage, otherwise they will be lifelong reproach: that I married for the sake of you, now pay the bills!
Many of them do develop the theory that if women need more family, then they should run for men and to make an offer ... By the way, Maya Plisetskaya herself made an offer to Rodion Shchedrin, but very independent! In fact, today it does not matter who invites who to go to the registrar, and not necessarily that the initiative belonged to the man. But otherwise, "the stronger sex" is really nice to get women to run for yourself, because no other way to attract and retain they do not know. They do not need a family, but the fact that these men and themselves in the family does not hurt a need!