Who pray asking for help
The very first is our prayer to the Lord. But not only turned to him. There are those who are better than us, you shall ask the protection and intercession.
Mother of God is not only the main intercessor for all Christians, but also the patroness of our land Russian. From time immemorial, people of Orthodox Christians prayed and protection from enemy forces, and to send down the grace and assistance in their everyday affairs, and about getting rid of their ailments.
Special honor Mother enjoyed the girls and women - with her maternal anxiety and shared, and the groom a good sending requested, and in all things female, tribulations and afflictions she faithful assistant. So that any woman can plot with a prayer of the Mother of God to start - it will increase its strength only.
Guardian Angel
Each of us, after the holy baptism, stands behind the Guardian. Day and night he wings his man is ready to hide from trouble, the power of his grace to help him cope with a demonic temptation, to comfort him in trouble and help with the grace not to lose. In the morning and before bedtime, and at any moment, in grief or in joy, prayer, Orthodox people can call her an angel. And before any business, help can be to the Custodian of its appeal.
The set of saints with the Lord at all times been, they never cease in our days to appear. Special gifts he apportion them according to their faith - the ability to look into the past and future, the ability to expel demons and heal people of their ailments. By the grace of God and the saints in their earthly life people care is provided, the light of truth shall hope for eternal life and belief in the goodness of the Creator. Even after his death from the heavens to his spiritual children and watching the Lord of assistance and protection for them to seek.

In a moment of need and sorrow to each of them you can handle with prayer, but there are certain traditions that prescribe assistance request in the first place in the saint the saint of God, whose name the person has received at baptism, but those who for centuries to help people in different cases provided.
So prayer for healing from any illness has traditionally offered up the Holy Forerunner and Baptist John.
For centuries women to send down their offspring were praying the holy righteous Joachim and Anna, and the fact that pregnancy and childbirth safely passed, the prayer before the icon of All Saints have read.
On the conclusion of a successful marriage made request of St. Nicholas. The fact choby peace and harmony between husband and wife have always reigned supreme - Royal Passion and the Holy Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia.
Loyal assistant in school long St. Sergius of Radonezh considered. He is asked and that the exams successfully passed.
When you need to solve housing problems, to call for help of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, the holy blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow.
Help in need of money and a variety of everyday problems ask St. Spyridon Trimifuntskogo, St. Nicholas, St. Xenia of Petersburg and the holy righteous Filaret Merciful.
To succeed in commercial matters, in business, is the prayer of the Holy Great John, New Sochavskomu.
Of such terrible evils as drunkenness and drug addiction, as well as a passion for gambling, people are helped to get rid of recourse to the holy martyr Boniface and St. John of Kronstadt, and prayers before icons of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Cup", "Perishing", "Surety sinners. "
Those who can not get to work, helping the holy Martyr Tryphon.
About those close to yours, that military service are, and pray to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and Holy Martyr John the Soldier.
I will give you a few prayers, visits with various requests.