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Why Need profsoobschestva

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Why Need profsoobschestva?

If you have already decided what you want to do in their professional lives, and have matured a plan of action, then assemble a team with which you implement your project, you will help community. First, you can consult senior colleagues about the reality conceived, secondly, be able to attract investors for the project, well and thirdly, as I said, to assemble a team, which will implement the project. In this case you have not only "sell" their skills, but also a "buy" experience, skills and abilities of their colleagues. A good example of such associations within the community there is in politics. Take any state political authority, whether the State Duma or the government of St. Petersburg.

Everywhere there are parties and the opposition are taking their ideas and gather into groups for the promotion of a bill. Another example - a temporary project teams, which have already gained great popularity in the field of hi-tec. Going to a team of programmers, developers, they create a program to get their fee and then diverge. And each of them can not even leave their desks. The main advantage of this way of doing business - the remoteness of participants, You can assemble a team for the realization of his ideas, such as a book. To do this you need to write its plan to distribute to people on a certain topic, and then only to discuss with each of these complex subjects and to control the timing. For such cases, even developed an entire section of Management, called the project management. But that's another story. So use profsoobschestvo as a source of creating the project team, as well as - as a source of funding for your efforts.

Opportunity to attract the attention of new customers

For professionals involved in sales, profsoobschestvo - a "bonanza". Clearly defined customer segments, managers are beginning to take root in the community, customers and "teach" them to their products. My experience has shown that the more profitable "to be his" for a certain range, than the "so-so" for all. Therefore, in his work of rivers-router guided me this way. My main customers - a company specializing in energy and electrical engineering. Accordingly, my clients, as well as potential candidates for the vacancies relate to this profsoobschestvu.
In open source, I found some in this area there is an association, composed of employers, public schools for training young specialists in these fields, and where are training skilled workers, the date of the exhibition, as well as the online community. Next, gradually began to find ways to implement them. Initially, faced with much skepticism in my address, they say, where you climb - it's not your area. But little by little began to establish contacts with professionals, they gave me advice, I visited more than one exhibition, several conferences, wrote an article in profzhurnal, and that there were customers. Once I figured out the needs of clients, employers, I began to study closely the candidates for the vacancy.

I hope now you understand why you need profsoobschestvo. What is profsoobschestvo? This is an excellent tool for achieving the goals, but not the goal itself. Tusovka changes over time, as changing our attitude towards life, towards others. We can move to another city or country. The most important thing that you clearly understand what goals you want to achieve through participation in the community. Could it be that, with increasing professionalism you no longer need it profsoobschestvo. That's what I want to tell.

Scientific approach to the coterie

At some stages of the development team and your team needs may differ, and this leads to a conflict of interest. To know about it and in time to prevent a conflict, you can use the information below. Motivation - is what drives us to commit any act in accordance with the arisen we need. Through the influence of motivation one person spends an enormous amount of time and effort on self-assertion, and another - on a personal self-preservation. Some scientists believe that the motivation arranged in a hierarchical significance. Revealed a hierarchy of individual and group motivation psychologist Abraham Maslow humanistic direction.

According to his theory, the strongest are the primary motivations associated with satisfaction of physiological needs (hunger, thirst, need for breathing, physical development, the preservation of life). Next comes the need for self-preservation, protection from the risk guarantees satisfaction of physiological needs. Then comes a block of secondary motivations. Social needs - the needs in communication, friendship. Higher is the level of selfish needs, such as the need to feel proud to be prestigious to have a certain status or self-esteem, confidence, sense of freedom. The last level in the pyramid of responding to the needs of self-realization and creativity.

You have to understand what goals can be set and how to reach. I think you already answered for himself the question, why need profsoobschestva . And also learned the technology of brand building with their hands and how to assess the effectiveness of communicating with people. Whatever it may seem selfish to you, but often the environment does not give us the opportunity to grow and to change the situation, you need to put yourself in a supportive environment. After all, imagine where it is better to grow a tree in the desert or in the woods? Of course, in the woods, where necessary tree soil and atmosphere. Well, and you need to find its atmosphere. Want to be successful managers - talk with successful people, top managers and other professionals. To do this, make an effort. After all, is not easily pull out and fish from the pond. Therefore, forward toward success. In the meantime, we got to the next chapter, which I will discuss the types of communities, their structure, how they differ from each other, and the benefits they can bring you.
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