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Why are people unhappy

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Why are people unhappy?

To begin to define what a disaster. Misfortune, we assume a psychological condition characterized by the presence of negative emotions that arise through the disappointments, frustrations, or emotional stress that one experiences when life or situation is not as he wished. Obviously, the first state of misery is characterized by negative emotions. Why do people so often have they? The reason for this lies in the very nature of man.

The development of civilization is much more rapid pace than the development of an organism and the human psyche. Despite the fact that people have learned to conquer the space and invented weapon of destruction of unprecedented power, their natural instinctive reaction to what is happening in the outside world, remained the same as that of primitive man, and almost the same as our ancestors, hopping the trees and feast on bananas. In those days, when our ancestors were frolicking in the wild and full of dangerous jungle for survival of the species was perfect and needed an effective mechanism for survival - the immediate reaction of the mood to fight or flee during an emergency.

Automatic emotional reaction saves lives. Intensified during an emergency glands was injected into the blood necessary hormones, including adrenalin and the body too quickly intensified. Muscles took on the elasticity and strength. At the moment of salvation from the dangers all around the world ceased to exist, and all of our ancestors being subordinated to the single task, set on one goal - to survive at any cost. As the survival of civilization is no longer dependent on the instantaneous reaction to a stimulus, but the human body has not had time to regroup, and during an argument with a neighbor in the communal apartment, "the crown of creation" feels as strong rush of adrenalin into the blood, as Cro-Magnon with a stone ax, preparing for a fight with grizzly bears.

The difference lies in the fact that Cro-Magnon after the bout ended with the victory or a successful escape rid of the effects of hormonal attack vyplesnuv your stress in the active pursuit and return your body to equilibrium. Squabbles in communal apartments or other types of conflicts usually do not give their members similar benefits, unless, of course, the participants civilized enough to limit their disassembly level discussions, rather than requiring considerable physical effort to fight rolling pin and frying pans. Unwanted excess of hormones for a long time remains in the blood, causing a prolonged negative emotions, a sense of tension and frustration, which may be accompanied by states of aggression and feelings of humiliation, hatred, or sorrow.
Why are people unhappy? repeated stress of this kind reinforce the spectrum of negative emotions and negative emotions start automatically appear in their own right at the recollection of an unpleasant situation, for fear of repetition or associative relation to some event, recalling the stress-tested. Programme of the jungle continues to work in conditions of modernity more often leading to destructive than constructive to the consequences, but without realizing it, people blame for their misfortunes are not imperfect design own psyche, and an evil fate, fateful circumstances or again foul neighbors.

A person from birth is not equipped with a full set of fixed reactions, there are no pre-programmed instincts of animals to ensure survival, and in the early years of his life, the child learns a complicated life programs, and ensure that in future his style of behavior and existence. Unfortunately, most programs that are laid in his bio-computer, not too perfect, limiting his ability to evaluate events occurring randomly selected narrow confines of the rules and attitudes are not always suitable for proper troubleshooting.

Lyumbicheskaya system

Important role in the formation of emotional states is the limbic system - one of the deep brain structures. One of its main functions - a comparison of sensory stimuli coming from the outside world and the receptors of the body, with programs and facilities that is embedded in human consciousness and subconsciousness. The limbic system interacts with the cerebral cortex, sorting and processing the incoming pulses. The hippocampus, a part of the limbic system plays a significant role when comparing the new incoming information with past experiences. Another part of the limbic system - the amygdala - enhances the emotional reaction, if the incoming information does not match the expected stereotypes. In other words, if there is something new and unexpected or does not correspond to enroll the anticipated actions, the amygdala can trigger an emotional reaction of hatred, anger, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings.

Sent to the amygdala impulses travel through the region of the thalamus and the trigger operated trigger mechanism, which in turn leads to the release of hormones that provoke a state of emotional distress. Immediately increases the content of adrenaline, increased heartbeat, increased blood sugar. Following the reactions of the jungle, the body prepares to fight for survival, tuning in a fight or flight. I have not once had to deal with herself to such a completely inadequate stimulus responses of limbic system on human behavior that does not match the expected stereotypes, and the inadequate response to, as I learned of her nature, has often led me in bewilderment. Even more strange impression on me, made inappropriate circumstances of the reactions of other people.

Another part of the limbic system - a region partitioning, which plays a role in reducing our emotional reactions. By activating this system, people can free themselves from unnecessary emotional stress. Many of the psycho-Shaw-Tao sent it out to learn how to automatically suppress unwanted and harmful to the body's emotional reactions in terms of its intensity is not appropriate stimulus. As a result, removed a sense of tension, reduces heart rate and release of adrenaline into the blood. Function of the limbic system is to help our ancestors survive in the jungle.

With the help of pleasure or pain and suffering, it automatically makes a person follow the program, once enshrined in its bio-computer. That is, in fact, in most cases, the human response becomes purely mechanical, and generated by the limbic system, emotions and feelings of power make a man do what is written in its programs and that for him, according to these programs (although in fact it can lead to opposite results) related to the achievement of desired goals and the satisfaction of basic needs for happiness, safety and emotional well-being. The result of inadequate real children, and sometimes adult programs is that in most social situations, people commit acts opposite their mental and physical interests of their true security and true happiness.
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