Why are we so different?
Women ... They are - others. They walk among us, talk to us, something is required and give something in return, blamed for scattered socks and iron a shirt we are constantly talking and litter bath with hundreds of colored bottle of poison ... They are always close by. They are so infiltrated our lives that are seen as its integral part, though not cease to amaze. Surprise daily and hourly. Even the relatives who managed to learn over the years of life together far and wide, no, no, yes and otchebuchit something like that, from what the eye on his forehead climb. And they do so not on purpose, to whet our interest. Just another way they can. Why are we so different? Apparently, the ability to behave poorly in the most simple situation of women is encrypted in the DNA.
In short, we have to live side by side with beings of a highly unpredictable, confusing and ... necessary. To make this coexistence of the least traumatic, it is necessary to understand what is actually women represent. I assure you that what they show us, has little to do with the fact that there actually is. In any case, striking differences. Partly as a gigantic hoax to blame ourselves. Keenly aware that the psychology and thinking women are not like ours with you, we're trying hard not to pay any attention to this. For that and paying the overstrained nerves, headaches and other unpleasant stuff.

I'm not saying that women can easily understand

, this is only to want. Understand they can not, even if this case will devote his entire life. But to know and then consider communicating some basic principles, strengths and weaknesses, know what they want, what they think, to aspire to, it is quite possible. After all, in principle, women - it is the same man ... just the opposite. Previously, all argued that all depends on upbringing. Like, if you educate a girl as a boy, and it shall be a kid-kid. A kid can be, but here is a man (in psychological terms) - for anything. Still she will think and feel like a woman. Now scientists look deeper. In different ways we have the brain works. Yes, and he also arranged differently. In addition, even a whole story with hormones, the nervous system and other viscera. In short, we have common with women except that bipedalism and children ...
Such drastic differences taken care of by nature. And with it, as you know, do not argue. We, men and women, which was originally carried out different functions - from the time when not even imagined that a stick can bring down a banana. With time differences, the data of nature, increased just because of what we did different things, to ensure the life of the tribe. Judge: males, the stronger and larger, and most importantly - not able to bear and give birth to cubs, were required to strongly defend the females take care of them, so that those currently quietly nurtured and given birth. Century we have been doing this, and they - the fact.
What now surprised the beyond women's selfishness? Men for women has always been a tool - a necessary evil, which made it possible to carry out its biological function - to conceive, carry and give birth. Once the baby has grown up and can take care of himself, a man, in principle, is not needed. Its shares are falling sharply in price. He has more noise - goes something rumbling and asks is, requests sex, dirty skin scatters everywhere ...
Of course, over time, both men and women are more humanized. That is reclaim. Now the most advanced women are not after giving birth to a man as annoying makeweights to the beloved Chad. At least, out of politeness. But deep down they all continue to rest assured that the man - it's just a tool. We are interested in a woman alone. We, men, for them - intermediate. Which, by definition, is obliged to please them in every way, cherish, create the most comfortable and secure existence. When a man satisfied with all this, she will finally be able to do his main work - the child. Man poboku. All this is perfectly right and fair. This setup allows mankind for centuries to survive. If men were interested in women than children, people on the Earth would have remained. So upset about this stupid. You just need to understand why they are so selfish, fussy and capricious child. After all, has long been known for this bike:
What you need to impress a woman:
• tell her compliments, respect her, pat her, hug her, protect her, spend money on it, poite her wine, and feed at restaurants, buy her what she wants to listen to her, stay with her, hold her, go for the sake of on her side of the world.
How to impress a man:
undress and prepare to eat.
Themselves to all this taught. Why complain now ... Never noticed that if you go with a woman in the shop, so buy anything from clothing or anything else expensive and useful, we must be sure to buy something and it? Some detail. At worst, you can go to a cafe and treat it delicious. If you do not, you will find a small scandal or, at best, simply inflated lips. Maybe not right away. But during the day is mandatory. She can not stand the thought that she was not given due attention. Did not show due diligence. Simply cheated.
If a man comes into the store with a woman who wants to buy himself some trifle, had only one thought - when will this torture end? Him and would never expect a "consolation prize". Trifle, of course, do not argue. But the change significant. Women think about themselves far more than men. They are constantly demanding that thought of them. All of our other classes it seems a waste of time. They approve of our actions only if they are aimed at improving their (women's) welfare, their security, etc. it.p. And if she has a child, then on his welfare and safety, too. Either we care about ourselves seems to them a crime against morality, human values and of nature itself.
We think differently, receive and process information differently, believe differently. We have different behavior, perception and priorities. And prerequisites for such differences were laid when the first pregnant female progugukala male to now he was going to shoot down a banana with a stick - she toxemia and terribly sore back. Men's studies - hunting and war. Ladies - take care of hearth and offspring. Donut clear that the successful performance of these duties require a completely different quality. Because the evolution of body and mind were in different ways. Changed body, adapting to specific tasks, followed by me thinking. Millions of years of brain structure changed under the pressure of demands that men and women differed from each other.
And what we have now? Well, what we have, then we have ... It's okay in general. Especially if you treat these differences philosophically. Not always, though, it is possible. Well, tell me, you can calmly watch as she, holding the map upside down, trying to get oriented, moving away from home at ten paces, and barely turned the corner? Annoying awful. It seems that she does it on purpose. But no. Women for many centuries all my spare time sat near the crib or pot of soup. Forests, fields and valleys we have wandered. Gradually we develop the ability to more or less sensible to focus on the area and read maps. Now, on this basis, we consider ourselves smarter and better adapted to life. They are offended and argue themselves hoarse ...