Why do boys and girls watch television TV differently?
Experts note that the boys love active plots, moving characters who are not so much reflect how many there are. Girls prefer to look about relationships, love, and they are more sensitive to moral teaching. And, of course, girls are still interested in the characters looks more than their character and even intelligence. Why do boys and girls watch television TV differently? These differences are due not so much by nature as education, which continues to be traditional. One of the problems of children's television around the world - the predominance of "male" characters on the screen.
There is a naive bias themselves of TV that viewers interested in watching the boys, boys, men. Of course, and show them as heroes who have phenomenal mental and physical abilities, in which love all polls. But the experience of a series for teenage girls, or a program such as "Dora the researcher, shows that you can make with respect and interest to treat girls! I repeat, gender stereotypes - one of the most stable. Parents themselves are laying the installation of the fact that boys should look, and that - girls. Families are often divided into teams: dad and sons enjoy football, and mother and daughter - serials. By the way, in Russia, men watch television while lying on the couch, do not show combining with other household chores. House and the TV remains a place of recreation and leisure options.

The fact that watching the children depends on family affiliation to a particular class. In the houses of workers executing even with large salaries are encouraged norms of subordination, obedience, and orderliness of conduct. If parents choose a strategy of subordination social norms, whatever they were, and in this they see a pledge of prosperity of the family, of course, their children they teach conservative values and educate them in the spirit of conformism. If parents consider themselves "elected", then in the range of television programs they choose what is "not for everyone, and children they instill a sense of social superiority and arrogance.
Children from middle class families whose parents rely on continuous improvement of their skills, watch informational, educational programs, interested in news and other useful information. TV for them becomes a source of information, rather than the supplier, "trendy" behavior that may not prove relevant in the next season. Final formation of complex strategies of television consumption occurs later, between 12 and 18 years. And before that children intuitively learn the skills and uncritically spectator behavior of their parents.
Distortions of child domestic TV
For the second year I am the Director of the contents of the Russian version of "Sesame Street", a unique children's program, which is not only entertaining, but also the character of Training. The purpose of this program - to teach preschool children to live in this complicated world. In the U.S., where the program was born more than 30 years ago, thousands of children grow best near a TV, because their parents are busy all day at work. And in the evening after a hard day at moms and dads just do not have sufficient strength to it, to tell the news and tinker with their children. We are also starting to live in such a rhythm and style.
Most television projects in Russia aimed at the cognitive development of children of different ages: the cognitive-entertainment "Stand from under" (TVC), "clever and talented youth (ORT)," The most intelligent "(CTC)," Baby Lips "(NTV)," Abvgdeyka "(TVC). This situation generally reflects the peculiarities of the Russian tradition of education with an emphasis on intellectual sphere of life and ignoring the physical needs and social skills. Soviet tradition added the task of forming a healthy body, because "a healthy body - healthy mind", ie to create a request for physical health and willingness to "work and defense, to build communism, etc.
Personal needs and requirements were discussed and promotion in recent years, interest in them is cultivated mainly in the psychology of comfort, individual success and aspirations, and with a touch of glamor. Today's children are considered as potential consumers of substance on which parents should not feel sorry for funds. Children's wear is cultivated on television through advertising children's modeling agencies, beauty contests for children.