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Why do children create groups

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Why do children create groups?

Transformation of schools into the center of group activity is an overload of children in the educational plan. By this we mean over-involvement of children in all sorts of organized forms of leisure activities and courses. Weekly Schedule of children and adolescents overloaded classes. In addition to school, they have many other opportunities for self-development: teaching karate on Monday, drawing on Tuesday, riding a pony at noon on Wednesday, English for beginners on Friday and participate in activities pfadfingerov (German analogue BSA) on Saturday. Children have almost no free time, and even after hours they have carefully planned out and accounted for.

 Taken individually, all these measures to develop skills and identify positive personality traits are quite reasonable and are generally perceived by children with enthusiasm, but everything should be in moderation. This in itself is an understandable and laudable desire to give children everything they need for their full development leads to excessive regulation of their leisure time. For most children, these forms of activity do not cause domestic protest, they are willing to paint, mold, play sports, or even learn foreign languages and in all this there is no place for boredom. However, only the monotony of endlessly trailing his free afternoon time slot on Wednesday, allowing them to gather his thoughts and concentrate on their own ideas and purposes.

Seduced by the program activities or classes, children cease to feel a sense of boredom and in the group. They behave in accordance with the expectations of the head of the course, without succumbing to the charm of aimless wandering in the company of coeval. Over-employment is not conducive to the formation of groups. Why do children create groups? Humanization of school teaching, declines in fertility and an overload of the curriculum make today's children find their own microcosm of it in school.
Group to help children get in touch with that part of the surrounding reality, which they lack. Stay in a group allows them to experience the phenomenon of human existence more comprehensively in a positive and a negative aspect. Shift in the center of the teen groups led to a change in themselves forms of aggression in today's world. It is often concentrated in the walls of the school, which is compared with the surrounding world that provides for more opportunities. The school was selected as the demon of violence today as a place where the demon can afford to deploy.
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