Why do people die in their sleep
Statistics of deaths during daytime sleep, when ruled by the Sun, small, and the men go out of life than women by the end of the night, without waiting for the sunrise of his Hyleg.
Of course, the sun provides more energy for life than the Moon, which reflects its rays only. But this can not be concluded that human health is more useful to switch to nocturnal riprap day. The nature of our eyelids fit for daily life: daytime vision, diurnal rhythm of metabolism. For example, under the influence of solar energy in the baby's skin is formed vitamin D - protivorahitichesky factor in its development. However, "biological" clock in human nature "has got" on the energetic rhythm of the moon - without a night's sleep to live normally, we can not. If the average age to 70 years, of which a person sleeps about 23 years, 8 of them sees a dream. In sleep-deprived healthy person in a few days develop behavioral abnormalities, reduced memory, attention, disturbed orientation in space and time.
Why do most people die in their sleep? At the very many questions about the nature of human science can not answer. Relatively low, our technical capabilities that could prove or disprove at least some of the hypotheses. Eastern astrology and philosophy that gap. It is believed that the human body, like the environment, has two opposing and at the same time contributing to the development (from childhood to old age), beginning - the yin and yang. In astrological terms it can be assumed that one of the causes of death (which has medical, physical, chemical, physiological, and other items - a very complicated and complex process pluricausal) is also a defect of power struggle in the body of two principles - yin and yang that corresponds to the energy of light - the moon and sun.

It is possible that one of the causes of death is a violation of the separation of the energy shell of the body from the physical body, what is also involved cosmic forces (such as astral or mentalnoy0. I think that a sleeping they may be temporarily detached from the physical body. On waking they usually combine occurs smoothly, if the awakening was gradual, with little or "blow" on the fast rate of alignment, then the person wakes up, shivering. dreamwork astrology relates primarily a function of the astral body, which can move into another dimension ("otherworldly" world), to communicate his "spirits" to see our future in the form of characters (see the section on the symbols of dreams). Probably at the next branch of the membranes of the body during sleep by explaining the reason (serious illness, injury, poisoning, etc.) or for unknown reasons, they can not combine his lifetime, which leads to death. This can explain the fact that a person goes to bed alive, but can not wake up.
This separation of the astral body from the physical body feel some sick and injured during resuscitation when death experiences (not "real" - the biological, with the collapse of the body's cells). Why some and not all? Probably for the same reason that not all people are upon waking may recall their dreams, although "just remembered" that they had something to dream about. While seeing the dream, as already indicated, too, is communication on the astral level.
Unusual stories - "people from the other world" described in the literature, we study not only astrologers, and physicians. People - almost "dead" - looking at his dead physical body from a perception of the body separated from the astral body (the perception of sensations is also its function as the physical body). They sometimes have analyzed what he saw, wondering what on their bodies are busy, want to revive him, while they themselves are experiencing "indescribable bliss" (astral sense). But the very fact of thinking, albeit in a "raw", without sufficient critical evaluation and future, associated with the function of the mental body (which "pervades" their field of our brain).
Unsurprisingly, the astral empower perception - they were much broader than the usual perception through the senses of the physical body. So, revive describes the behavior of others, to take measures for their revival.
Told us that watched from the sidelines and down, as if hovering over his physical body at a distance of about two meters. They described what barrettes in her hair were a nurse, that can only be seen from above, not below, where he lay "dead", over which she leaned. Natives "from the world" were told what they were talking about their relatives, sitting in the corridor of the clinic, which is not admitted to the dying. They described the appearance of the medical device, located behind a wall in an adjoining room, which had never been, being alive ... To report the same of others, the deceased could not "feel it", because he was "unconscious". And in general this is impossible because, as the saying goes, "it simply can not be! That's what's amazing. Orthodox science has only registers such facts as we have in the country and abroad, but can not explain them. However, much of this can explain the astrology: astrology astral, causal astrology, Kabbalistic Astrology and others who study the "subtle body" of man.