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Why do women yammer

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Why do women yammer

First, some statistics. Zabugornye scientists calculated that a woman can easily say the day before the 6000-8000 words. In this case, it uses 2000-3000 additional sounds for communication and 8000-10000 gestures, facial grimaces, and other movements, which are called body language. By simple arithmetic we obtain the result - more than 20,000 "words" per day, through which it transmits, shares these doubts and express their emotions. At day 24 hours. Subtract 8 hours for sleep. Obtained 16 hours. Divide, subtract, multiply ... Eventually - 1250 "words" per hour, or 20 words per minute.

It seems a bit ... But this is without any breaks! That is, if you talk non-stop all day from morning to evening. And if you subtract the time, when she rides in a transport to work, it does something and can not speak for this for a while, then standing in line, where you can talk, but not too much, etc. it.p. During the day she blurts 4000-5000 words, and then comes home and sees you ... She left another three or four hours and 15 000 words that need urgently to be shot, otherwise it will simply explode. Divide-ka 15 000 in 3 ...

That's really right Bush: "There are thousands of ways to force a woman to say, but none to silence her." By the way, according to the same statistics, women are four times more likely than men to suffer from diseases of the jaws. So they need ... and men talk daily about 2000-4000 words, issues 1000-2000 additional sounds and makes the sign of the order of 2000-3000. That is, on average, produces about 7000 "words". A third of female norms. Women talk more, better and more often. Among teachers of foreign languages the vast majority - were women. Among the speakers on television and radio vast majority - were women. In short, they are, wherever you want to talk shop. At the same time, writers and poets, among them not so much. I mean, smart writers and poets, although there is also required to hold a speech. (Probably because there are more and intellect needed to talent, not just the ability to talk without peredyhu.)
This situation is due to the difference in the device of the human brain. Namely: we do, men do not have in mind a specific area of speech. When we say we work all the left hemisphere of the brain. But the special department of speech, scientists there have found. And women have such a chip. One area of speech in them is in front of the left hemisphere and a second, slightly smaller in size - in the right hemisphere. In two hemispheres, they have special areas that are responsible for it! No wonder that they are much better own speech. Well, if this ability is a sin not to use it! So they talk for the rate of company-machine gun.

Why do women yammer? because talk to them - that's all. Men who gathered to see an interesting movie or a football match for a couple of hours can limit a couple of phrases like: "splash beer" and "Goats, can not play." Women, if not protreschat all this time, believe and not sat at all. They have better articulation, more vocabulary, they are better connected words into sentences, sentences - into paragraphs, paragraphs - in a continuous stream of verbal ... Such a passion to communicate again comes from time immemorial. Men were hunters and warriors. Much to say, tracking down the beast?

Yes, guys are right. A pair of conventional signals and everything. Windbag still shorten the language to the mammoth is not scared. So we passed each other more than necessary for successful action information. Facts, only facts, nothing but facts. And at the end of the necessary conclusions. "Tiger went there - we dump here." "Smells like deer, will arrange an ambush here. "They are eight, two of us - we run." Everything. Short and sweet. When the men returned from hunting them, a day before the incident on opupeniya jungle, like one - sit quietly in front of the fire, grinding powerful jaws Shmat meat, and then lay down to sleep. An evening tales of how they are such a fat raccoon catch, effort was not there.

Women are either sitting on the caves, feeding babies and treating skin or jointly collect all sorts of roots and fallen trees with dates. To remain silent when these classes are not necessarily, and entertain yourself as something you need. So they talked among themselves. Plus, there was a need to communicate with children. It is not surprising that they are now successfully used the skills that have begun to acquire carefully at the dawn of mankind. Have evolved over time and the brain. As a result, they have already two areas of speech, and we have none. And they use them very willingly.

But such a pathological craving for conversation - not so bad. They are also relevant to talk more. They talk. Everywhere and always, with strangers and loved ones, friends and girlfriends, children and parents in a loud whisper and ... gossip, gossip, gossip. Women can spend together leave to come home immediately will call and talk for two hours, though not seen for a hundred years. Woman is capable of coming to the festival, discuss it all evening, without missing a beat: Who wore what everyone said, any man looked, and so on. In this case, it does not care what she says is all to his companion, who is already in the know.

Now the question is: where they have taken something to say? Agree that out of nothing still can not get ... Why do we talk less? Is it only because it marked areas of speech we do not? Hardly. Events we have less in life? Either. What then? Why do women need so much in a conversation? The answer given eyed scientists - the whole thing again in the device of the brain. Actually, not everything, but the lion's share. A man can sort and store "information in his head. So he arranged the brain. He is able to work as a kind of "archive". Accumulated problems of the day? Nothing. If the evening could not solve them, we may at times stop to think about them. Type: sleep on it.

The woman has no such ability. The information accumulated during the day, over and over again in her head. It simply can not get distracted and forget about the daily occurrences of tasks and backlog problems. Mentally it again and again to all of this is returned. A woman has only one way to stop thinking about their problems - to talk about them. Chatting, she understands the situation. Is considering it, we find various solutions, selects the most appropriate. With this is directly related to another feature of the brain that causes them to constantly chatting - they can not think about myself. Just loud.

For her, the conversation is not important result for us. It is important the process itself. (By the way, to have sex they have the same attitude. Interesting coincidence, eh? It will be necessary to develop this idea as something in his spare time ...) So, our scheme: the problem - thinking to myself - saying aloud the final output - if the woman does not work. It all happens out loud. And it gives her pleasure. More precisely, it is not this simply can not conceive of its existence. All of the above applies to the expression of its emotions. When she scolds excitedly head, this does not mean that you should immediately embark on its defense. It just gives out emotions. And nothing more. She even active support is needed. She needs a listener. Preferably with a handkerchief ready.

The following are not affordable to our understanding of the piece - a woman's ability to talk about everything at once, jumping from fifth to tenth, but from the tenth to the thirty-second. For us, the conversation - a straight line. For women - an eerie maze, which would have howled from the impenetrable melancholy Minotaur himself. We can talk at a time on one subject. Women are just seven or eight pieces, without any straining. And if a woman says to the woman, the amount of those increases with each minute of conversation in a geometric progression. And no because not lose. Neither will not lose the thread of conversation! Phenomenon!

They were not lucky with the brain. Information flow between the two hemispheres of their more powerful than us, plus there are two areas of speech. Therefore, in prattle they feel like fish in water. And so it can easily talk about several things at once, sometimes one sentence. Aerobatics. Women in general tend to multitask, unlike us. It also tricks the brain!
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