Why is a man bites?
In half of mankind There is a theory about life crises. To twenty years, they - troubled teens, continues to thirty restless youth. Number "forty" for them is grim. Life seems to them that well, then a ditch, they fall and rise. Here it gets companion of life, it all had to endure with him. The first reason why a man bites - a career. In his youth he was athletic, witty, physically strong, attractive. Then added to this home, family, children, professionalism, and quite logically it all must lead him to great success. If success is still there, a man tries to use all means to achieve it. If success is already there, there fear of losing him. In this case the woman as a trainer and life partner - set it up is more optimistic with respect to the achieved and the possible prospects.

The Russian male life expectancy of a record low, and thirty years - is already the middle, pass. Professional take-off, say, by this time it did not happen, especially if it is not so long ago graduated. However, he had already given the philosophical questions "Am I happy?" Career is not the most important thing. This is the essence of its crisis, rushing through life, pushing the other for the grand prize for it no longer makes sense. Number of victories did not bring something of quality. Your man is at a crossroads. Either he is a force of selfishness will pursue external success, either - look for happiness within themselves. His choice will depend on your build, but you can cool down its aggressiveness.
Another problem which may give rise to a crisis - lack of communication . At any age a man wants to talk about themselves and be heard. As long as it will not say you are, perhaps he will find another who can listen. And you can only "bite" once again. One of the reasons for divorce - Loss of full communion with his wife. Training at the outset of cohabitation should be aimed at what for him an outlet - it's you. Instilling in him a feeling, you will be able to cure his "bite". Spiritual crisis, he can survive and about their sexual opportunities . This ability to reach a peak of twenty-five years, and after thirty years of decline begins. Man compares himself to a decade ago to the present and falls into a depression, which, however, does not increase sexual performance. Your friend's confused view: seriously assert sex - not age, but the monotony and boredom in his old bed! Increases his aggression in bed.
To avoid this, we must express my admiration for him as a wonderful lover. Keep in mind that his aggression, arrogance, "bites" - a screen behind which he hides male doubts and complexes. Sometimes men believe that thirty years - is the latest phase in the segments of life, when you can make a difference. It covers the winds of change: Change his wife, re children. The disaster, he is trying to become tougher in dealing with others. Mitigating that aggressiveness is your problem, whose solution is easier if you - a companion of the source of anger and are familiar with the factors of its manifestations.
Just so no one is born violent. Of course, maybe the man is endowed with the genetic, hereditary factors that influence the aggressiveness. Unbalanced temperament of your friend may also be a reaction to the past: unrequited love, betrayal of the beloved, as long as possible exclusion of women (due to a specific work or in places not so remote), the influence of the environment and much more. In short, life could spoil it before I met you. People like animals, inherent survival instinct - the suppression of potential competitors. Many men are particularly prone to this. In an effort to take a higher level of family hierarchy, a man can treat you aggressively, picking without reason.