Why learn with us "wrong man"?
Who of us girls do not dream of getting acquainted with the handsome prince! So with a smile of Tom Cruise, intelligence Schopenhauer and purse Abramovich. That's only in my life somehow turns out a little differently. If anyone from young people and is suitable to meet, make sure someone with good looks and manners of Frankenstein swineherd. Why this life unfair? Why us learn "the wrong man?" And as the right lure suitors? These rules are for girls, feel free to do the first step.
Every time on the street or on public transport with you trying to get to know someone very much like the protagonist of the film "Godzilla", you certainly act against his lips, cold otshivaesh hapless cavalier, and think to myself: "There is in this city / country / world normal guys! "A Have you ever been in my mind that the more you think so, the less you have a chance to meet the man of her dreams? Our thought has tremendous power. If you are on a daily basis programmiruesh itself on loneliness, unflattering boyfriends and other negative, then your body is involuntarily forced to execute a command of the brain.
Analyze your thoughts and beliefs and see if there are any among them the following dangerous prejudices:
-Normal guys are all busy, left alone freaks and losers.
-All Men goats, swine, assholes.
Yes, who wants to get acquainted with such as I, when all around so many young, pretty girls!
This female-town! Men at all will not suffice, as normal and even more so.
So, if the above statements do you know my thoughts, you can congratulate yourself. You made the first and most important step toward self-knowledge. Most likely, these negative attitudes and is the main reason for your failure in communicating with the opposite sex. You yourself mentally formed his own world with its laws. And if in your world all men are "freaks and assholes", which, moreover, there was not enough, there is nothing surprising in that personal life is not glued.
Of course, such facilities are not taken from the air. Surely you have come to such a sad conclusion as a result of some events. For example, your own experience of dating was pretty sad, or your friends come across some fools. And all the men that you seem appealing, found themselves married or in love with other girls. In the result a vicious circle of negative feelings.
To break it, you must change your beliefs. To this end, write down on paper all the negative attitudes inherent to you, and then replace them opposite. For example, instead of the phrase "All men are idiots and bastards," write: "I am surrounded by beautiful, interesting, kind and decent man." Installation of "Forever I attract only some idiots" exchange the "I'm attracting the best, most attentive, attractive guys."
Every morning and evening to the mirror and says a positive result. Even if you're in it until you believe it - it does not matter. After a couple of months, this self-hypnosis you will notice significant changes in their lives.
Pull factors
Good to be a girl! You can send a man to an invitation to familiarity, not to mention at this word. After all, the most intelligible and most universal language of communication between man and woman - is the body language! Nonverbal communication is much more important than generally assumed. People understand body language unconsciously. Men catch such signals with incredible accuracy and sensitivity. This is not taught in school, but any young person can easily understand the mood of the girls in her posture and gestures.
For example, a frowning girl hard twisting arms, hardly someone suitable to learn, no matter how beautiful it was. No one just does not dare! After all, "closed posture" means a reluctance to go on contact. But the girl, flirtatiously touch her hair or gently preening, on the contrary, attract men like a magnet. Sign language is easy to master. To greatly simplify their lives and communicate with young people, it is sufficient to remember only the most basic principles and then you will not wonder why we have become acquainted with the "wrong man"?
1.Znakomstvo begins with views. Of course, flapping her eyelashes and languid roll one's eyes, as in the century before, not worth it. But hopefully and with interest to see you liked the man very much possible. Importantly - to meet his eye. Try not to drill him with a glance, just a short time Hold your eyes, and then modestly Bring eye. Such a game in daylight is very effective. Eventually the young man would not stand myself to you fine.
2.Ulybka - the best invitation to cronyism. A smile is incredibly favorable for communication. You must be, and she noticed how much more pleasant to hobnob with the merry and cheerful people. Smile vending man - it's like saying: "I like you, I'm not opposed to meeting you." But the smile must be kind and sincere. Avoid irony and strained. Such an expression you obviously do not decorate.
3.If you want to make clear to man that he is agreeable to you, turn your body to him. Socks, your shoes should be directed at him.
4.If you want to win the men before you started to talk, try "unmirrored" his position: Get up or sit down, just as he was, copy the tilt of his head and body. Aerobatics: try to catch the rhythm of his breath and adjust to breathing in sync. Such a technique is ideal attraction (ie gravity).
Has it ever happened to you so curious? You dress up, build beauty, the whole evening trying to charm you liked the guy, and ultimately on the hook for your irresistible hits a completely different person. Personally to me it has happened far too often. Created the impression that Cupid, or foolish, or drunk, promazyval by those men whom I was so eager to cast a spell, and wounded those who I did not need a gift.
For a long time I puzzled over this strange mystery of nature. Why are we so easily conquer those who are indifferent to, and so difficult to those who we really like. Perhaps the whole thing in her feelings. When love rages in the blood, you feel vulnerable. You're just afraid. And suddenly he did not notice? And suddenly he finds me vulgar and accessible? And suddenly I was not in his taste? Thousands overwhelm you doubt. As a result, lost the ease and playfulness. Few people understand, but the relationship between a man and a woman - a game.
If you feel a compulsive gambler, decided to strike the enemy at all costs (cunning, sexy, or even weak), then all you're doing, it becomes easy, effortless and graceful. You intuitively feel that I must say, when to laugh, like to see him so that he could not resist your charms. Costs do you perceive to stop flirting as a game and start to think that this is a matter of life and death, how everything is going downhill! Once I tried to charm the incredibly beautiful and successful young man. We hardly knew each other, but he liked me immensely, and every time someone uttered his name, makes me hot. And in the decisive evening, I was going and caused himself to combat readiness.
You should have seen this show! Go to a party at which I was to meet with the man of my dreams, I'm ready for almost a month, carefully thinking through their attire and striking appearance. As a result of much thought, I made a satin mini-dress, champagne-colored, tight me like a second skin, high boots and snow-white fur. My appearance was supposed to hit him in the first seconds.
Whenever I get dressed, how I overcame the doubts. And what if he finds that I look defiant? Still think I'm some kind of overdressed stolen. As a result of prolonged mental agony I dressed. In a gray sweater and jeans. Hoping to strike it with their "natural beauty". As a result, at a party, I looked like a gray mouse and feel themselves accordingly. Jokes and witticisms were not going for me with the language. Stammering and blushing, I was carrying a complete nonsense and a lot of laughing inappropriately. Do I have to explain that closer acquaintance with the man of my dreams never took place. To not be in such a deplorable situation, mind you my experience: do not be shy to shine.