Why men annoying chatter
No, of course, do not talk. Just wordiness, which comes from the fact that women think aloud. You probably scared the silence of the pause between the question asked and the birth of a response. Must somehow be filled. In this manner you thought process is going better, more efficiently. I can not say that we have this damn happy. (Although nothing criminal in that we do not see.) Just sometimes you want stay in silence. And the right would just chatted on the same topic. But women's thought is bizarre ways. Starting with the Pythagorean theorem, you can easily three minutes of uninterrupted monologue to end the problem - Streaked hair, or better not. And nothing strange in that you can not see. Everything is very closely connected with one another, each link in the chain of reasoning in its place, one logically follows from another.
I do not want to offend anyone. I'm just showing how you look the part (from our side is clear donut). We both can not. Talk to us - a straight line, not a fancy maze, out of which may not be. Maze fun and enjoyable - that's why you're so excited to voice their thoughts. The line is definitely much more boring. Therefore, we prefer to think in silence, and give out in the end only the final answer, that's why men annoying chatter . However, it is another possible explanation - we simply can not do many things simultaneously. Namely - to talk and think. Women tend to multitask, so this trick you do easily and brilliantly.
It turns nasty situation. You may not think in silence - it irritates us. We can not think out loud - this is troubling you. The conversation is not glued. How does all of this in practice? Please. Do you have any problem. Let's say, quite serious. Do you want to discuss it with a man. He was a reassuring smile off your TV and makes himself comfortable to you to listen carefully. Your way! And you begin to speak. Start from the beginning of the world, describes in detail the feelings and emotions, which only began to realize that the problem had arisen on the horizon, according to how they reacted to all your friends, something to say about Aunt Claudia, in the colors of describing his feelings when the problem has grown to the size of the cathedral, our thoughts, assumptions and concerns that if you correctly understand the man and ... and suddenly notice that the man looks out the window, and in the eyes of its universal grief and anguish. He already had ten times to remember and forget again, because of what, in fact, all the fuss, had a couple of times quietly shut down, and then recover, time to terminally bored and mentally strangled you already five times.

No, he is not insensible block. And he really loves you. But he does not understand that, pronouncing all that you somehow concerned in connection with your problem, you are agreeing to gradually solve it. You not only share with him, you still think aloud. You so easily. But we understand it can not! And sooner or later will hear: "short" or "Do not be distracted from the topic." It's a pity? You bet! But all that we say, not because boxing will soon be on TV. And not because we do not care about your problems. The man is focused on problem solving, rather than a discussion. He need a dozen words to understand and start thinking about the issue. When he had to weigh everything and think carefully, it will report results. And for that he does not need burning describe your feelings and emotions of your friends. (However, the feelings of a particular conversation. More on that later.) Enough to express the essence. Superfluous details only complicate matters. And your voice interferes with focus on solving problems.
It turns out eventually that you are confident in his indifference and superficiality, and he - that you are torturing him in vain. Good picture, do not say anything. But that's not all! Annoying habit of thinking aloud, and men more because you are pronouncing their problems, but it does not even hint that it is able to solve them yourself. It seems to us that you're just whining and complaining, not even trying anything to take. Your judgments seem to us not attempt to remove the emotional and psychological stress, did not identify a solution, but simply powerless to complain. Respectively:
• We are starting to chafe in the mistaken belief that you are well and will talk endlessly and never find a solution.
• We believe that the responsibility for this is the solution rests with our powerful shoulders.
• We are trying to plug your fountain of eloquence and push at least to some decision.
That is, we do not quite what you want from us! That's how all confusing ...
The key misunderstanding in a different mindset
But this sad story, there are continued. Let's say you sayd, and now carefully look at him, expecting him to immediately pick up the conversation. But he is silent. Can even get up and go about his business. Proburchit something unintelligible, and utknetsya in television. Or, will lead a conversation about an unrelated subject. How to understand such a defiantly brazen behavior? Very simple. He thinks. Think of your problem. Thinks in silence. So it is easier. Once a solution is found, he would speak. This can happen in five minutes, maybe a week later. We really happen are slowpoke ... And the most interesting - he did not forget about your problem until it is resolved. In fact. Just to think we need time. It is better to give it. And do not fumble, do not bother with questions. The most that you'll get - it will keep away from that conversation. And then just be silent.
What there may be a way? Well, first we need to discuss this issue and try to be responsive to the peculiarities of thinking partner. It's hard. But if the relationship of the road, you can try. Explain to him that can only think aloud. Popular explain. Can you show this book. Of course, he did not jumped for joy and not obolet your chest with tears of joy, but at least no longer consider you a lunatic. And this is already done.
Desirable whenever you are going to speak about their everyday, warn your partner that you are so kind and solves the problem. Like, not just Noah, and looking out ... Do not complain, and relieve tension. So listen and not interrupt. Times from the tenth, he will remember this wisdom. And would not consider myself an innocent victim of your being. Finally, give him time to think. No need to ask a question and then for ten minutes like a machine gun to offer their answers. His nerves could not stand it. Asked said they identified the problem? Everything, even now quietly moves gyrus. And he pleased, and you can safely go about their business - the problem is solved ...