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Why not have the time to think before dating?

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Why not have the time to think before dating?

If you are a long looking at a man he sees it. He feels a look at yourself and set up suspiciously towards the one who looks at it, whether it's an old grandmother, a man or a woman. As a result, when you come, you are treated with suspicion: "What does he want from me?" Often it prevents normal communication. The examples are not far to seek ... Dmitry.

One time I rode the subway to work and saw a luscious tanned brunette with long hair. Her face expressed complete confidence. It seemed, she said: "I am beautiful, and I know very well!" She was about my age - 27 years. She belonged to that type of girl to whom you start to feel nervous trembling. Suddenly she looked intently at me, but I passed her eye and determined to make her acquaintance. But the subway was noisy and somehow not very comfortable.

So I thought I would go for it, then the street will get acquainted with it. Waiting. The train stops. She goes through two subway stations. And I'm going after her. Strangely, it did not turn, but I got the feeling that she does not doubt that someone is behind it. Although people in the subway was a lot. Together we go outside. I quickened his pace. Thinking: catch up with her. However, she also added speed. Damn. No luck! I still went faster than her.

She stopped at an intersection. And as soon as I approached, she abruptly turned around and started back from me. Then came a screeching of brakes. I was frightened. The car passed by, gave sharply to the left and broke a mirror in a neighboring car, which at that time was to overtake. I waved my hand ...
What to say about this missed "adventure"? Dmitri too long delayed the decision, resulting in the girl noticed that he was something of her wants. Why not have the time to think before dating? Because she felt that something was wrong and was afraid. If he had talked to her once in the subway, said at least what is now the station, or come to her leg, and then apologized for such a barrier would not have arisen. It would be for it for almost a familiar person.

It was necessary to take advantage of Dmitri rule of automatism, it says: you saw the object of your tastes - smart, beautiful, sexy, - one, two, three, go! No matter what phrase now fly from your mouth. It is important to "discover" a person as soon as possible, immediately, as you noticed him.

Why not plan an approach?

We are preparing for a long time for something morally. Getting ready to jump with a parachute - and worried. Yes, and our excitement to jump sometimes much more exhausting us than the excitement during the jump. You're worried the day before, during boarding. A jump lasts a second. Remember the exams. What a jim-jams before them, and on the exam you confidently answer the questions and go out a winner. Jim-jams training to some event exhausts us, wind, and instead of the confidence we have in this state governs emotion. It is, undoubtedly, hinders us. Therefore, we must learn to avoid it. In general, it should be removed, excluded.

State at the beginning of communication with someone far more important than what you say to him. You can never prepare for the communication that flows is not clear in what way. Well, how are those - the peasant and the bear from a joke. Propose a solution to this problem. You see the purpose - just act. Without a moment wondering what to do. One, two, three - and more. If you have nothing to say, say: "Hello." When you approach, think about anything except the approach: how spacecraft travel through the ocean, or that will soon be summer, and you go to the south to rest.

Assume now you are here, near the end. What came into your head? What do you think? You look at the short skirt girl? Straighten it and say: "Classroom skirt, but sometimes a little peel off." And be bold! Go ahead! Audacity - the second happiness in life. And life is one, therefore, has nothing to lose. You think you can do something wrong? Oh, and what terrible happens? And you do not - with pleasure. Do not do so specifically. Do not like it! Main: Act! It is better to regret what I did, than in old age to sit and think: "Where is my youth, where's my playfulness and mischief. Return to all the, uh ... sorry .... " So sorry was not then - hop off now! You see, like - do it. And the more it would be unusual, the steeper.
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