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Why we are in crisis

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Why we are in crisis

Why are we so hurts the crisis, and breaks down our lives, and everything breaks down, we find ourselves on the sidelines of life? Are we so dependent on the circumstances? It is not so!

There are thousands of people who walked trials and tribulations!

This does not mean that for them nothing has changed: some have cut wages, someone even had to change jobs. But! Crisis of them as a little "bent to the ground, as the wind bends the grass. And then people started to straighten! Quickly found a new business, new links, opened other sources of income ...

You look at these and you wonder: where they have such inflexibility? Why are they hardly affected by the crisis? Why do many people, he even helped to find another path in life, not rarely a more lucrative financially than the old, pre-crisis? Let's see if we make the appropriate conclusions. As they say, learning is always useful!

Let's see how people live, which was unable to overcome the crisis. Of course, many of them - truly wealthy are not aware of problems with money. But among those with inflexibility, many ordinary people who have a purse sparsely. Yet they manage not to break, not bend to maintain good spirits, to seek what is called a workaround. So what's their secret?

Do you think someone is in the first place such a person? That in his life "foundation"? Wife, children, home, work? No - it all starts with the man himself. And it's not because he is selfish and not thinking about the loved ones! And because he is himself a hard core and close to it can rely on.

Yes, the secret is simple. Everyone in the first place must be himself! Themselves to respect, love, be considerate of themselves, their desires and feelings. We're not trained for the most part, but quite in vain. Self-denial, self-sacrifice is sometimes necessary, but you can not build on their lives. Break, a torment - will your loved ones some problems. Need to protect themselves, because everything is good in moderation.
You know, there is such a wise saying: "If you yourself do not love it, no one will love." So a man who loves himself - and love to others. This also applies to personal da family life and work. Anyone who waved his hand over, a bad worker, the authorities will go on it. Who cares about himself, the husband-wife, no help and no joy. Bent morally timid, diffident man little to reach. And if, moreover, he himself does not take care of the ills and ailments, are not insured, then certainly. Yes, last but not least there is concern about their own health. Everyone knows that only a healthy body is a healthy mind.

Wife or husband for a man who does not take a crisis, are always in second place (on the ground, I repeat - he! But we must remember: the first place do not happen without the second, loneliness - a valid path). The two halves form a whole. They - a pledge of peace, a precondition of its existence. Be a man alone does not work out personal life, then and throughout the rest will seal failure.

Have a family, there are children. They are in the hierarchy of values in third place (again you a lesson: the third place does not exist without the first and second and vice versa). You would think that it is blasphemous: children should always be in first place, they are all the attention it the best piece. Oh, how do you oshibaetes! Making the young master of the child, spoiled child, brought up the selfish, which will then blow off the nerves to parents of any penny they do not put. Says another proverb from the inexhaustible well of folk wisdom: "Children fed only in well-fed mothers. Whew!

Husband, wife, children, grandparents, mother-in-law, and - this is your family. These are your roots, if they cut away, wither and die, even the mighty tree. Stability of relations with the genus - is stability throughout. Rod is on the honorable fourth place.

So we figured out how to build a "foundation" to really successful person: in the first place - he, on the second - the wife / husband, on the third - the children, on the fourth - generation.

When done correctly - any activity connected with obtaining money - a success! Then it is possible to show hidden opportunities and talents.

Remove at least one component, and shaken the entire building will be unstable. Add joggle - a crisis - and everything will collapse. And be a man in the depths of the problems out of which to be seen.
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