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Will my love and deception

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Will my love and deception?

You notice that your lover is inclined to lie. He does not tell you much, you feel that it is always a couple of secrets from you. Do you have any suspicions that his ardent declaration of love - is also a deception? How to determine whether he is sincere in his feelings? Passion to lie - this is without a doubt, pathology. People lie because they want to simplify their lives, to avoid difficulties, additional explanation - and as a result maintain an unblemished reputation.

Lie - it's avoiding the problem. Agree, much easier, instead of long wrangling with the authorities over the holidays at his own expense to say that you are sick. It is easier to deceive relatives, saying that you can not help them because of the disastrous employment, and not because of what just laziness. Simple and easy - and himself no trouble, and the relationship is not spoiled. That's why people like to lie. If your beloved deliberately distorts the truth in order to avoid further hardship to get away from long explanations, and bickering with you, it calls into question his feelings.

Love - is the limit of sincerity, love can not deceive the subject of their dreams. Even if he had accidentally stumbled and deceived you, then it will pursue a sense of guilt for their deeds, and sooner or later he will tell you the truth. If you caught him cheating, then it is a serious blow to his sincerity. But do not just leave him without explaining the circumstances. Will my love and deception? It all depends on how serious the lie, and what motives guided him.

Worry is when it comes to serious fraud, such as treason. If his deception is innocent, and he did it not to make their lives easier, and being afraid to lose you, then do not be too hard on him. Recall, for example, cheating hero of the movie "Three plus two: fear not like it, he did not disclose the secret of his profession, but when she realizes that his feelings too seriously, it still decided to tell the truth. This behavior is the norm for love. Therefore, if your partner stumbled and slukavil to appear better than it actually is, then you should not accuse him of insincerity.

There are other reasons why men cheat. It is possible that your beloved is lying to you because you put it in too rigid: for example, you ask of him, so he was always devoted to you. To carve out at least an hour to communicate with their friends, he refuses to go with you to the movies, referring to a headache. Of course, any lie - it's bad, but if you do not want to deceive you, then give your loved one a little more freedom, and he will be frank with you.

Love and deception are compatible in those cases when your lover does so only in order to save your relationship, and not to make their lives easier or to avoid unnecessary explanations. If you notice that he has too many secrets from you, if in a relationship with you, he prefers to hide the truth and distort reality, then it suggests that his feelings are likely too real.
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