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Window to the world the real and virtual

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Window to the world, the real and virtual

How long can you watch TV? As much as you want, how much time going transmission, and whenever you want! "- A view of children. But what they say on this matter experts? Educators and psychologists want to have an impact on television as children's broadcasting is poor. TV shows that are broadcast on TV and bring up children in a lot of negative qualities - aggressiveness, brutality, irreverent, to some degree of swagger. About advertising on Russian television, its benefits or harms say one thing - in kindergarten has long offered to run for Klinskoye, interested in girls, which they strip, talk about what a pleasure lasts longer than most, and what relationship the most secure connection to Combelga or a condom, and other entertaining and very interesting problems.

People argue, of course, not only because of the TV or computer, but because of those "friends house" argument some entries very similar to a quarrel between alcoholics or drug addicts, is not it? TV and computer games have been invented and came into everyday life, so the controversy over their use and affordability ends with the phrase that you can not buy TV or computer. Yeah, but at the same time to ban the production of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Or even cancel any invention that is harmful, with some perspective. It is impossible. Window to the world, the real and virtual - TV and computer - as you can imagine modern world without them? These magic box is not banned, and bans will only reinforce the interest in them.

I think that's okay, if a child watches television - it provides insight into the lives and views of the adult world, their dreams ... and that they are as they are shown, and we do not like it - so it has nothing to nod in the mirror ... The problem is, I seems not the case. The impression is that many of you know, why TV is harmful, but say it gently, streamlined phrases. Shared their personal experiences and observations of his three children.

Of my three children, two older a child were not tied to the TV, because in those places where my husband served, TV shows, for various reasons, been taken very badly. All were watching movies on video. Jr. was also at an early age in the care of her grandmother in a civilized Belarus, where you can watch television programs in four languages around the clock. As a result, I discovered that older children, television has no special action. Children are not particularly attached to him, and look selectively, that is, when they want to see this program or movie. Jr. is just crossing the threshold, can not tear myself away from the screen, as if hypnotized, especially advertising makes him the state of stupor.

 In the mental and overall development as there is a significant difference. Thank God, the younger son, without being deprived of health, became interested in sports, and over time, and with our efforts, the "magic box" for it has ceased to be the most important thing in the house. I really would have thought that the TV itself, but also due to the fact that after all of the program is removed by professionals who know how to attract viewers, so binds to itself. But now it seems to me that behind this lies something else. Head to give to the amputation, I am certainly not ready, but something in it. Therefore, for a child whose mind is still unstable and easily influenced, television - is not a place where it's supposed to look round the clock.


Dear those who are against the computer in principle! You can not cancel the whole world, which has already appeared! We must learn to live with it and accept the fact that our children will open it for us. Surprising to see the relationship of children with this machine. How many years for mankind to invent this semblance of intelligence! And how quickly an uneducated teenager he mastered better than the creators! In these virtual children's special relationship with the computer. They are freely traded, with its filling and the opportunities that all those who understood it, would never say that the younger generation and stupidly incuriously. No wonder all the talented hackers - teens who have not even learned well in school! This can be called only by mutual understanding. And taken as a reproach that we know so little and know how to direct and develop the abilities of our children. So do not be mad at them for it!

As for teenagers, leave them - they know what to do with your computer without you. But young children - of course, is another matter. Wrong those who believe that it is so simple, and anyone willing to make to understand the place of each of the worlds - real and that which opens the monitor. Many parents believe that early familiarity with the computer (in a year - two) is just ridiculous. I must say that they are right. Not only ridiculous but also dangerous to some degree.

Oh, in computer shops, you can easily find a program for the year-old kid, but hand on heart, say - and whether we should kid who just learned to walk, to be able to deal with such a complex machine like a computer? Understand it he still has not the strength, but take it as a replacement for the material world - this is a very real danger. The purpose of the manufacturers of such programs is extremely simple - they are labeled in vain parents who believe their child - a true genius, as well as those who have panicked, as if the child is not lagging behind their peers. You will still not be able to make a child prodigy and a half years, skipping several stages of development.

The fact is that for a child in the second year the priority is playing activity, it improves their motor skills and skills in handling objects. That's good motility and psycho-emotional development determine later intellectual abilities of the child. Therefore, educators and psychologists do not recommend that to speed up this step. To play on the computer, the child should own a good body, a clear coordination of the hand-eye, that is, to possess the qualities that have not yet formed to two years. These skills come to the child during the games, which require the involvement of the fingers - drawing, sculpture, applique, tying knots, finger games with rope, ball games, cycling, swimming and running ... So the foundation for future intellectual development of children may be incorporated only in the real, and in any case of virtual games.

Child psychologists advise parents to develop their imagination for their children. The fact that children's imagination which is not very developed, prefer computer games all the rest, to the detriment of themselves and their health. Participation is not real and virtual game even further inhibit the ability of your baby to dream, because he still does not act in a spontaneous, but has already invented by someone circumstances, and he was even more attracted to a game that does not require him that extra resourceful , the circle is closed. To avoid this, play with the child in role-playing games. An excellent way to develop imagination is "skazkoterapiya" when your kid comes up with his own story, its characters and plot.

Clearly, teens are much more than small children, are "Computer Disease". They carried away games, the Internet, Infinity computer's capabilities. Compete with the Internet is actually very difficult. But here, parents, and you have cards in your hand - to instill the love child of the printed word, to learn to get pleasure from the book that you hold in your hands, quite a feasible task. And do not wait for the day when you will have the ears to delay your child from your computer, start now, when he was little and your word for it - the ultimate truth.

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