Wise Secrets of marital happiness
We are so passionate about fashion idols of today, which is quite forget that earlier people lived. They lived not worse, but at some point, even better than us. The past does not seem so unfriendly, not so full of violence and hostility. Does not manage, of course, no betrayal, and even wars, but surprisingly evolved their family relationships.
The last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, led an amazing diary. In it she has contributed both his thoughts and statements. But all this comes to love, family and children. And if today, a modern woman would look at these lines, many families would live peacefully and harmoniously. Try to learn to live happily in love with the past.
1. An important element of family life - a relationship of mutual love, not just love, and cultivate love in daily family life, an expression of love in words and deeds. Courtesy of the house is not a formal and sincere and natural. Joy and happiness to children need not less than the plants need air and sunlight. The richest legacy that parents can leave children a happy childhood with tender memories of his father and mother. It will light the days to come, will keep them from temptation and help in the harsh routine of life, when children leave the parental home.
2. Fear the slightest beginning of misunderstanding or alienation. Rather than hold back, pronounced stupid, careless word - and that's between two hearts that had been in one piece, there was a small crack, it is growing and growing to as long as they are forever separated from each other. You said something in a hurry? Immediately ask for forgiveness. Do you have some sort of misunderstanding? It does not matter whose fault is it, do not let him even for an hour to be among you. Abstain from strife. Do not go to bed, holding in his heart a feeling of anger. In family life should not be a place of pride. Never need to cherish their sense of wounded pride and meticulously calculating who should apologize. Truly loving such casuistry is not engaged, they are always ready to give up and apologize.
3. There is something sacred and causing almost awe that a woman marry, concentrates all its interests in the one whom she takes as her husband. She leaves the house of his childhood, his mother and father, breaks all the threads that bind it with the past life. She leaves are fun, are accustomed to. She looks into the face of the one who asked her to marry him, and with a trembling heart, but with calm confidence gives him his life. And my husband feels happy that trust. This is a lifetime of happiness of the human heart, capable and unspeakable joy, and immeasurable suffering. Wife in the full sense of the word gives all to her husband. For every man is a solemn moment - to take responsibility for a young, fragile, gentle life that trusted him, and cherish it, protect, preserve, until death do vomit from his hand his treasure or not slay him.
4. Not only the happiness of her husband's life depends on his wife, but also the development and growth of his character. Good wife - is a blessing of Heaven, the best gift for my husband, his angel, and a source of untold wealth: her voice for him, the sweetest music, her smile lights his day, her kiss - guardian of his loyalty, her hand - a balm for health and his life her hard work - his pledge bagosostoyaniya, its frugality - it is the most reliable steward, her lips - the best of his advisor, her breast - the softest pillow on which to forget all worries, and her prayers - his lawyer before the Lord.
5. If knowledge - is the power of men, the softness - it's the power of women. The sky always bless the house of one who lives for good. A devoted wife to her husband has the fullest confidence. It had nothing to hide. She does not listen to words of admiration for others who can not tell him. She shares with him his every feeling, hope, desire, every joy or sorrow. When she feels frustrated or insulted, she can feel the temptation to find sympathy, telling about their experiences with close friends. More destructive nothing can be, both for their own interests and to restore peace and happiness in her home. Sorrows, which complain to outsiders, are healing wounds. Wise woman with no one to share his secret unhappiness except his lord, as only he can smooth out the patience and love, all the quarrels and disagreements. Love reveals a woman much that outsiders can not see his eyes. Its shortcomings, it throws a veil and transforms even the most unpretentious of its features.
Frankly, the whole blog is full of Empress most valuable tips for families and women in a separate. And if we behaved this way, I think, a happy marriage would have been much greater. A woman must help the man - it is her mission. Not to be its application, as someone could think, it should help him that he could help her. This is full of joy. And how can a man be willing to help a woman or to accept help from that which he does not trust? Which, if any scandal will go and tell all her friends? Men are secretive by nature. That they are about "girls" may gossip, but never about his wife. And to a man who had started to complain about his wife - it must be strongly pressed. Driven into a corner, literally.
These tips are intended for those who can hear. Open your heart to her husband once and for all, and be it support all my life, never betrayed him. Then the kids will be happy and migration itself. You've heard how a man after the wedding, after years of starts to deteriorate. Can drink, beat his wife did not support his family. I think this is due to the fact that women are giving it. It was not his support, as was his judge. She judged him for any mistake, and never gave aid. That's how men and find their way out of difficult situations. We all, even if the marriage of creating a family, for what would it be happy. And for this we must try. When you become heavily on "family field", read these tips Empress and perhaps in them, you can find answers to difficult problems.