Wise woman
Phew - r! I never thought that being a wise woman so tiring. Then necessarily want to hide behind broad male backs, return the old days, when all decided for us parents, husbands and nagging aunt - old maids. If only to know that efforts are in vain, that there is wisdom, let a small, but the benefit for himself, his beloved. I do not know how this benefit is great, but in any case, nice to have your own opinion, and know that any problem sooner or later will find its solution.
Next, I will give you some interesting stories from the life of famous people.
Locate each logical sense from the standpoint of a wise woman. In the end we summarize and having filled kopilochku. Writer-humorist Jerome Jerome said: - "If two women were on a desert island, they would argue every day about what seashells and feathers are suitable for decoration, and every day to come up with new clothes from fig leaves." Adding from itself, that no woman would call these two "Robinzonsh" silly flirt. If, in the absence of men on the island, these girls have forgotten that they are women, we cease to respect them.

As a famous actress Greta Garbo has admitted: - "If my husband did not like my favorite perfume, I would not have changed the spirits ... my husband!" Already in my childhood I realized that fairy tales invented by men, obviously not. Ivan the Fool, Emelya-idler, The Prince, who all help - this is an incomplete list of the stronger sex. The smartest, they were not, and Grey Wolf, Sivka Bourke and daughter-in-law. But "our sister" and on the sidelines showed wit and wisdom - one of Vasilisa the Wise worth something!
Though the image of Pike, at least in the frog's skin, even under the guise of Baba Yaga - we like Chip and Dale, we hasten to the rescue. The award, however, one - marry us - here and fairy tales end. What is the advantage? And that, leaving the hero in the pleasant assurance of his rule, we direct the course of events in the desired direction. As a result, Emelya step can not tread without the pike, and Ivan obeyed Frog (aka - The Princess). A wise woman will benefit from any man's weakness, not detract from it at the same time and causing his suspicions. And this is not the only pleasant moment.
Colossal female advantage is that we, being weak and naive at the same time can be strong and wise. Man, reading these lines, exclaims, - "Nonsense! Either you are stupid, or - clever "perfectly sensible observation in terms of male logic ... but we are not talking about men. Consider the most simple example. Arranging books on the shelf, the men will be guided by common sense, sorting them by genre or alphabetically. We proceed differently: reds - to the reds, a blue - a little blue, favorite - in a prominent place, unloved - away. And who can say that it is not reasonable?
Another woman's advantage - the eternal contradiction. Share everything in black and white - the inheritance of men, and we act this way when we expand the laundry in the closet: towels separately, pillowcases separately. Such a nice little neat piles! The rest - dismiss. After all, the right word, it's your black and white division is so dull ... Much amusing rebuke her husband, who does not help you on the farm and at the same time to sigh: "Well, what do you like a woman, vozishsya with this cookware? Go away, I myself! ".
The most pleasant thing of the benefits - infinity of our desires. Their direction and latitude is constantly changing depending on our mood. Compare - men are the same, but under the influence of circumstances. Man, - "You have to buy new socks, old begun to leak" Woman - "Oh, what premilenky scarf! I dreamed about it so! "Now imagine the opposite, and you will understand: who just buys and who carries out his dream. Even if this is the scarf will then gather dust in the closet, but you have it there .
Tarzan in the city - that is, who would become a man, had he with his logic, but on our site. And we will, "penetrate deep into the enemy's defenses, we feel quite comfortable here, only men and strive to push us into the shadows. Laugh is on them again, and remember the most important thing is our advantage - we can confidently wear pants, sit behind the wheel and pick up a dumbbell. Let them try, they do the same thing with skirts, embroidery and wax for hair removal!
Basic principles of a wise woman
It is hard to say what motivates a woman in the power of strong emotions - whether the mind, a sense of whether ... But one thing is clear - not to lose credibility wise and sensible lady, even in the most critical situation is follow some simple rules. For example, why a wise woman strictly adheres to the principle - "Do not yell"? Have you ever noticed that some ladies get their way with tears and screams? Honestly, sometimes I envy you so hysterical and is ready to follow their example, because it is - the easiest way. Much more difficult to influence the 'object' words and actions, especially when you have brought to white heat. Here it forgets about the wisdom, whether in front of you, son, husband, or the Pope himself - get expensive, a portion of figurative expressions!
Later, however, shame is, they say, as I went down to such. A hysterical woman is not ashamed, they are happy with themselves and with the result. What's it called - blackmail? Well, it depends. In my opinion, a cry - it's the most real arm-twisting, but in terms of less principled people - in war as in war - all good. The choice is yours. In general, probably, possibly to allow the principle of "the end justifies the means" when it comes to something as important for us women, the concept as happiness. You know how the song - "woman's happiness - would have been pretty close, well, and have nothing else ...." And to achieve this very happy, we're ready for anything. Absolutely. And we still something will be missed for a "complete happiness". Agree, strange we women of substance - from all sorts of "if not for something ... (where each is his), then I would be absolutely happy!" No plaguing not.
And what exactly bothers you, ladies, to be happy? Husband, children, relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors - all of these people may not be exactly such as you would like and sometimes they may commit acts, unpardonable in your understanding. But they do not want to change, and then what? Always worth considering, but whether it is necessary to change those close to us and we love it for what they are, they are. And if you so eager to remake their loved ones, whether it is time to think - it's still love, or selfish and piggishness from your side?
What makes a wise woman , when in front of her question - what to do - to break another's character or adapt to it your own? Each addresses this issue in a measure of experience and intellect. But any (not only wise) woman will tell you that to try (albeit slightly) to get used to the strange quirks where it is easier than trying to convert someone to "turn themselves." In the end - everyone, first of all individuality, rather than the passenger compartment "under the order."
Thus, the wisdom of the first: to accept people as they are.
Wisdom of Two: to accept people as they are.
Wisdom of the third: see paragraphs one and two.
This, of course, a joke, but even the most obtuse joke has some truth. So what - you say - what principles should be guided, to be wise? I think that the question itself is wrong. First you need to try to become a little wiser, and then, drawing on his experience and wisdom to bring yourself some principles. Agree principles derived wise woman, differ from what may navydumyvat foolish woman.