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Witchcraft voodoo among show business stars

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Witchcraft voodoo among show business stars

The increasing popularity nowadays gaining interest magic voodoo. However, many do not even think about its consequences and very little delve into something with which deal! Now you can easily buy a voodoo doll in any magic shop, and about the simplest rituals found on sites dedicated to this ancient magic.

Voodoo popularity reached its peak and covered, even Hollywood, so yes the rich and famous conjure themselves and use the services of sorcerers! The famous actress and singer Cher does not hide his enthusiasm for this magic. For example, in the next interview, she openly talks about voodoo rituals that will help become famous on stage.

It turns out, you need to find the most gifted Kenar, cut out his tongue (very much hope that this procedure is already a dead bird, Sher maintained silence about it), put it in a lace handkerchief and hang it on the highest tree, which can be found in the county. In this case, Sher also spell the corresponding yields, which is a must-read.

Another notorious personality Christianna Loken played in Terminator 3 female cyborg, is also no secret that a voodoo adept. She loves to collect bones and skulls and does not refute the rumors that the drinking of human blood! Of course, here seen the PR, but still energetically promoting can be different, but no smoke without fire, as we know, does not happen.

Scandal Britney Spears paparazzi also caught for an interesting job, very smacks of voodoo ritual. She sat on the balcony of a hotel with a voodoo doll in his hands and muttered something under his breath. Britney refused to somehow comment on the situation.

Actress Sean Young is also accused of using voodoo magic. Her co-star "Doping" James Woods, even gave it to court because she allegedly threw at his door bloodied doll pierced with needles. He believes that the way she tried to interfere with his happiness with his fiancee Sarah. The Court held, but the actress was acquitted, though her reputation will forever remain tainted.

This is not the first history of Hollywood with a voodoo doll in the movie "The Comedians" was to tell the truth about voodoo high priest Francois devaluation, and this is true he did not like. Argue that Francois made the wax figures of actors and had them voodoo ritual, was among the actors, and Elizabeth Taylor. Relatives and friends of the star tell us that Taylor, after all this great health deteriorated.

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie uses voodoo magic to discourage Breda hunting or support any relationship with ex-wife - Jennifer Aniston. In his glove compartment in the car Brad discovered bat wings and black powder, as claimed by the notorious voodoo witch doctor snakes - a black love magic. Moreover, Dr. Snake claims that Angelina Jolie is applied to him for magical gray powder. Of course all of this information can be perceived as clean water and regular duck yet .. knowing hobbies Jolie gimp and magic that she never tried to hide, for some reason comes to mind is that voodoo is just in its style.

The fact that Michael Jackson enlists the aid of voodoo, told the world ex-husband of his sister La Toya, in 2002. Taking another voodoo, Jackson burned in his estate a dozen monkeys, and later he presented in the indictment. It's not quite harmless ritual, sinister, Sender curse.

It is no secret that many Hollywood stars use the services of sorcerers. Was no exception, and J. Lo. Her makeup artist has repeatedly stated to the media that is afraid for his life, because once he spill the beans about the secrets of beauty for Jay that he was fired and threatened to Jay didst send him damage. According to makeup artist, damage can induce her personal witch.

It has become fashionable to solve their problems with magic, it's the easiest way to get what you want and if you want to play a prank - to go unpunished. Vodou is one of the most effective and high-speed magic, while engaged in the ritual must a man dedicated, ie, real magic ritual voodoo can not hold everyone, but it does not mean that if the ritual you'll be spending - you can not do much harm. So many people think, and for fun, and just to see, and what will be, buy voodoo dolls and needles driven into them!

Do not! " Even given the fact that the doll does not carry any information about the person you mean, ie it does not protect his fingernails, hair, no pieces of fabric of his clothes - if you're such a doll dubbed the name of the person going to do harm, conducting a ritual, there is a high probability that you still do harm! By voodoo magic can not be treated with disdain, lightly.

I wondered when I see the so-called scary dolls - Voodoo in the hands of children! Mommy dear, come to your senses! Every thing has its own aura, its soul, Egregore what it - depends on our thoughts and emotions. How do you think, what Egregore have a voodoo doll? Even if your child does not know or understand what voodoo, and what they do with these dolls, the majority of the people around him aware of this!

It is not hard to guess what thoughts and emotions people experience when they see a voodoo doll - stick hanging out on the child's backpack or seeing her in his arms! And with this strange aura of your child will be during the day, what do you think - is beneficial it will affect?

Many people think that by resorting to voodoo magic to bewitch someone or incurring damage - themselves in this go unpunished, that is, to them it will not change. You are deeply mistaken! Not to mention the damage, a love spell - it's energy information program, which affects the psyche of a man maketh it deprives the right of choice. This is a great sin.

Therefore, resorting to voodoo rituals, always remember the consequences. How much evil you do the same to you and come back. Moreover, voodoo rituals in the most cruel and mean sacrifice. Think also of the innocent animals that are killed for the sake of these rituals! 
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