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Woman Saw

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Woman "Saw"

There are girls in the Russian villages ... they do not care at all a cunning plan, psychological strategies and sophisticated tactical moves. They take into submission. And they called it "saw a woman." "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is just light comedy compared to the thriller, which unfolds in many households where the girl has enough tenacity, stubbornness and molestation. Men - pretty hardy species homo sapienc, but even they often do not stand boring, methodical "pilezhki" from the second half. In order to finally finish off boyfriend, is recommended:

- Be a bore;

- A hundred thousand times a day repeating the same request, order, criticism, etc.;

- To spin beneath his feet;
- In any case not to give up the slack.

The ideal woman "Saw" has day and night to hang over her boyfriend, and again repeating the (preferably with the same tone): "Propylesos apartment! Why do not you vacuum the apartment. When you vacuum the house? Vaughn Lenka husband always vacuuming the apartment. You'll be vacuuming the apartment today? I spent the best years of your life, but you can not even vacuum the apartment! ". So you can continue indefinitely. Sooner or later every man will break, and give up ... what do you think? Vacuum the house? No! Just go away! From you or a monastery, or in any other place where there is no need to vacuum the apartment!

Tediousness yet nobody was brought to the good. Are you very pleased to be visited? Did you dad Carlo to cut out the man of her dreams in this unsightly manner? In addition, over all opinion polls, tediousness - one of the most sexually unattractive traits for any woman. So if you do not want to be men, and not very common, and fled from thee like the plague, change the record! But at the same time and methods of influencing the stronger sex.

Or I, or ...

Certainly, if your lover will have to choose between you and what else, you win. For example, if he would have to decide what is more important: a girlfriend or a beer on Friday with former classmates, most likely he will choose you. But if you yourself put it in front of such a stupid choice, blame yourself! Once out of your mouth breaks out: "Either I, or ..." you can be sure to win this thing "or".

Why? Hard to say. People - freedom-loving creature. He does not want to be in something limited. And when a woman is encroaching on the freedom of man, he unwittingly starts in every way to resist. And unless you yourself do not do this? If your lover said: "Either I or the donuts!", Surely you would choose the latter, even if you can not tolerate them.

It is thus one of my friend Anya finally got rid of the complexes at the excess (in her view) of weight. Another gentleman as once said: "Look, so it will not do, or do you lose ten kilos, or we disagree." Anya, which is almost my entire adult life is spent on diets, and now starting to meet with the handsome young man, and not getting out of the gym, this time, simply and emphatically said: "Well then, goodbye.

- I did not want to obey the tyranny - then told Anya - I used to and very happy to make every effort only to lose weight, but after his words as the cut. Now I'm going to fold ten kilograms, and then he wants to, so I repainted in a brunette, then a larger chest, and then grew up to half a meter. No, because it will not work. I want to be accepted and loved for who I am. Without conditions!

And really, you're not on the market to haggle. So leave the reception "or or" to soap operas. Or for those occasions when you want guaranteed otshit unnecessarily cavalier. But not for the education of men of their dreams.
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