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Women and Sport incompatible

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Women and Sport incompatible?

In this case, we will not cover professional sports, often accompanied by injury and is meant by a limit load for the organism in which the body wears out quickly, health ends. And talk about sports as a necessary element of modern life.

The concept of "sport" began to emerge many centuries ago, then it was probably the rituals that allow men to prove their right to rule. So it happened that the sport has become the lot of men.

Lifestyle antiquity assumed a strict separation of men and women. Hunting, mining, defense, war, danger - this was done by men and bearing children, caring for them, keeping a home - were considered women's employment.
And value of both, especially at the time of the family, was determined based on the capabilities match the above conditions. The value of women consisted of attraction to attract the male for breeding, and from health to give birth to healthy children, and it is important to keep them force them to grow. Of men as necessarily required physical strength, endurance, and often limit the speed of reaction that was able to feed their families. Accordingly, the struggle for a place under the sun, especially before marriage, for women was a constant desire to prove that she is the most beautiful (and it should have been only during the breeding season), and a man - that he is strong and smart, just that he was obliged to prove every day until the children grow up able to feed him.
 Thus, the scheme described above has been mutually beneficial enterprise, whose goal was survival for both kinds of software and replete old. Perhaps it was then that began to form and the concept of "family institution", which was based on vital functions.

It always has been and what now?
When the food did not need to catch up with the mammoth and the self-plowing acres of fields, there is no need to reproduce the maximum in their youth, so as not to starve to death in old age? When children have ceased to be a means of survival?
Woman for the man was not just a mother to children, he wants to see the next person who will be valuable in itself. Have external charm, share interests, be understanding and so on. Children - is a large component of the family, but by no means unique.
And for many women it is still difficult to comprehend. By switching to a child, they are completely cease to take care of themselves, and as a consequence - the interests of his men. And then came the big disappointment and revelation, when families are breaking down.

Where to get this awareness, when a woman from time immemorial only cared about how, until a beautiful and young by nature, quickly and povygodnee marry. And instead of maintaining the beauty, the woman was engaged in more embellishment of what nature gave. But as nature has given, and successfully picked up all the natural postpartum. And earlier this woman is completely satisfied, no longer have to worry about appearances.
But today it is difficult to keep beside the right man, relying on "old" behaviors and beliefs. Now the woman must be attractive and after marriage and after childbirth. So let's look around and see that we are, and what to do.

Educational system, social norms teach that the physical development of women should be limited to the lack of fat, a good figure, and then until the bear, and then other worries, because children for women - the main thing. And since my childhood for girls, the future of women and mothers, laid the behavior, which is 100% guaranteed issue in the future.

Dressing up in gorgeous dresses, fabulous decorating with bows, parents often are made from baby doll, forbidding the girl to run and jump with the other children, because ".. so behave just the boys, and you're a girl, look at you!". By the child at that age, looking at himself, still do not quite understand what you mean, but, trusting parents, gradually begins to form an understanding of the "correct" behavior.

While in high school years boys actively play soccer, volleyball, hockey and other outdoor games, girls, at best, limited by "bouncers" and almost forgotten "pionerbolom. Approximately 12 years after watching serials, reading women's magazines, the girls learn the sport - it's not cool, it is for men. Many parents encourage their new beliefs, "vedyas" an imaginary pain and desire girls "hang" of physical education teachers begging them to release children from excessive physical exertion. Meanwhile, magazines in all the motley variety of fashionable color trends in clothing, cosmetics advertising, diet, but not the development of physical culture.
Maybe the right are those who believe sport is not women's employment. Let's assume that this is so.
Here is a typical pattern. 

Girl stops to 10 - 12 years of active running, jumping, high motor activity ceases, and now she has a belief that sport is not for her. But at the same time is a powerful hormonal changes which, inter alia, manifested in the active deposition of fat on the thighs, abdomen. If the increased metabolism and the body's ability to grow in teenagers allows them to stay still for some time in the form, then later, the food, consisting of fat and carbohydrates, plus everyday sitting for 8 hours in training or work, without additional exercise are beginning to make a figure unappealing, and the indicators of endurance almost zero. After that, start a health problem. After all, the ancient saying: in a big belly - a lot of diseases.

Youth and pledged the nature of health still allows you to stay and somehow attract men. What happens after delivery? 

Nature is grateful for the actual biological function - reproduction, and offers a woman the very sort that will be it with a figure of health, than it will now attract males. Attempts to begin trips to the gym, the stadium, the swimming pool. But because the body is not accustomed to stress, and the desire to engage in sports comes from despair, then there are injuries, disappointment, ultimately, women continue to drop classes and get fat and sick.
This picture is increasingly becoming a familiar and widespread. 
But this is not what I want to see

I propose to consider the following argument. 
Women in his life has not easy, so they should be prepared for difficulties, physical and mental stress. And this foundation of readiness to be laid in childhood.  

Not need to advertise clothing and cosmetics, and physical health and beauty, lay in the child an understanding of aesthetic beauty of the body due to his physical development. Cultivate the concept of "health" - as a value.
Perhaps, we should not "push down" the child grandmothers, for whom children are always thin, and their main mission is to fatten faster grandchildren, in the end - to spoil their health and to consider from childhood to teach a child to the sport, active lifestyles through sports camps, the same fitness clubs, almost all of which today offers classes for children's groups.

Perhaps you, too, there is not one hundred variants of how to make their lives better, and their children healthy and happy, equipping them with the necessary for life in the modern world of persuasion. Let this article be a reminder, perhaps it is time to change things?

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