Women envy
Interestingly life works, sometimes it presents such surprises that wonder. At first I just watched her metamorphosis, and then decided to write the most improbable cases to cite as an example, as instructive history. Somehow when I started to "wash up bones" of one single woman (by the way, I'm not quite familiar), because it changes every year, "common law husband." I have for these "judges" found a suitable standard of "Changeling," from which smoothly follows morality, as of Krylov's fables: the most fair judge - that's life and she has enough patience to give the sinner find the right path, but rather on the massacre "the righteous "punished for the hasty verdict. Too convoluted said? But the nail.

And here is the metamorphosis of this topic. Lived with us in the stairwell of a woman. With her husband poor thing out of luck and she was left alone with a baby. Well, yes it young: she appeared fans, as well as after the divorce she was in no hurry to remarriage, then soon began neighbor gossip about her "black". That's where it was freedom for evil tongues! Particularly excelled two gossips: both married with two kids, but unlike "guleny" them with their husbands out of luck. Time passed and started the "global change": the sharp-tongued one took to drink and her husband had divorced; udrugoy hubby and did uchudil - find a mistress, and ran to her.
And that our "gulena? Found a nice in all respects muzhchinku, married and lives in clover. Here's a "Changeling" has turned out. Here is another example. Two friends who grew up the daughter, they comforted each other, how to educate girls to those of the hands is not repulsed. Only one actually turned out all right, and daughter grew industrious, hard-working good child. The second was less fortunate: daughter fabricate such "pretzel", though his head missing! Beginning of the first to condemn the second, in every way hayala her careless child, and their offspring to the skies ascend. So the years passed, the girls have matured. The second daughter of a friend, the one that was "black sheep", married and drove off abroad. Soon his mother to his visor. A first girlfriend precious daughter "pleased" - upekla in a nursing home and forgot about it. Well, whose daughter was a "black sheep"?
Want another example? How much you want them! At one entrance lived two families were friends, they each other, visit each other go. And now the wife of a beginning "nag" Believing that he was too hard for a drink is applied, and to work the opposite - indifferent. And in the example leads neighbor: that money is able to nail down, drink in moderation and to his wife respects. Not difficult to guess, from whose words "singing" offended supruzhnitsa and who skillfully (though well-intentioned) "pouring oil on the fire." Perhaps it's actually the way it was, only life will put everything in its place. None of the characters did not expect such a finale.
A happy little family in a moment gone bankrupt without remainder, even had to sell an apartment and a car for the debts. Unlucky head of the family with grief washed down, began Tapping his wife, so much so that she climbs out of hospitals do not. Now she does not brag to my neighbor, "the husband-earner," and envies her quiet happiness. A neighbor - that nothing has changed: her husband looked into a glass exclusively for the holidays (and who thought that he wino?), Bringing home a paycheck regularly (though the nest egg still managed to hide). Was not in their house or expensive carpets, no crystal, but there was peace and quiet. And this is more expensive than any money. And all the ladies envy .
A similar story around - a dime a dozen, manages only to notice, but to make conclusions. And only one conclusion - do not envy the other, not teach to live by example, not yet know how life will turn. Of course, it's hard to keep a lid on jealousy, sometimes it is impossible to resist the temptation of sins pozloslovit neighbor. Many people are living better than you, and commit such acts, for which you are even in the wildest imagination did not dare. I had a friend who is very tired of all my moaning on any occasion. Would not let her rest a strange success, though, in my opinion, she was a happy woman. Once I invited her to be patient and watch: so happy if those who are jealous of it and so does sin those about whom she speaks against. And for clarity, told her tale.
We walked along the road two donkeys. One was carrying a bag with salt, the other - a bag of cotton. Naturally, the first was hard, but he did not complain. From what the other concluded: if a partner does not moan, then it is easier to burden my! Himself a zaviduschy donkey cried all the way: that he sun is shining in his eyes, the stones in the legs slam. Vexation he began to teach and to criticize the patient companion: and the bag he carries wrong, and trudges slowly.
That came donkeys to the river, first decided to freshen up - very much he is tired. Here, of course, the salt dissolved, and the bag was easy. Donkey playfully ran forward. Second, seeing such a striking result, he decided to do the same. Alas, he was disappointed, because, well that the Russian - German death. Barely moving his feet, dragged unfortunate tyazhelyuschim with a sack on his back. So one has been rewarded for their patience, and the second being punished for their envy and stupidity.
How often have you complained to life, and what do the findings? And the answer is: compare yourself to those who live worse than you (in their background will be noticeably your pluses) and is equal to those who live better (if you have an incentive to reach great heights). Well, envy - the lot of stupid women.