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Women want romance men want sex

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Women want romance, men want sex

Aesthetics, delicate feelings, complex emotions - all of us very far. Sense of beauty, we easily satisfied, looking at the "Playboy", and a hurricane of feelings and emotions feel, rooting for your favorite team. Women want romance, men want sex . And sometimes a delicious dinner. On this, our fantasy of a paradise on earth ends. Various signs of attention, sitting on a bench at the Moon, poetry readings and other nurses we do not need. They need only to you. We have from time to time just trying to go to meet your needs. We do not need the gift and champagne with chocolate and starry nights to intimate conversations.

There are, of course, men who consume it all with relative pleasure. Any where poets, painters and other delicate nature of this world. Others are much closer to the meat, beer and sex. Give a man free of charge and without restriction, and it will be assumed that living in paradise. Have gifts and compliments another feature. Namely: very often it is only a means to make amends. And it does not matter, knows about the misconduct a woman or not. Sometimes you want to appease their own conscience in this way. Well, or the angry spouse. As in the joke: a man comes into a flower shop and asked him a hundred per pack rose. The salesgirl asked coquettishly:

-To whom did such a beautiful bouquet, man?

-For my wife.

-For my wife? Hundred and one rose? Lord, what have you done?
Like all jokes, this is a fraction of the harsh truth. We are really so sorry. Explicitly or implicitly. So that at times is really asking: "What have you done?" However, if you enjoy this ... You can not do. Well, a couple of words about the compliments. Situation: You and your man going to visit on any holiday. Especially for the occasion bought a dress and made a new hairstyle. You remind yourself at least descended from Olympus goddess. In the room where you admire a front of a mirror, he comes. You:

-How do you dress cute?

According to your idea, it must now fall into a swoon, or at least oblitsya tears of admiration and adoration. Instead, he vaguely says:

-Good. Come quickly, we are already late.

And with a sense of accomplishment comes clean shoes.

The evening is hopelessly flawed. A man deserves quartering.

Question: why is it so in a pig lead? Answer: it pays no attention to detail. According to him, everything is really good. He sees the overall picture - you have a new beautiful dress. Everything. More he did see, analyze and comment can not. You do all these details and trivia notice. And subconsciously expecting the same from us. Hence, all the insults. But this assumption is fundamentally wrong. So ordered by mother nature. We have with you from the ancient times were clearly divided responsibilities.

As a result, developed an entirely different way of looking and seeing. We solved the larger problem, for which notice all sorts of details was necessary. We thought, how and how much to sow the fields, you - what to cook for dinner. We were concerned about the hordes and creeping closer to our borders, you - the maintenance of order in the house. Now you notice the little things, but we do not see at close range. That's why we pass by your new hairstyles, dresses, handbags and perfume. But care can be trained. So if you are hunting for a man to respond to your outfits as well as respond to your girlfriend, forcing him to gradually notice little things. Any attention to training at least a dime a dozen. You can use any. And sooner or later, your man you need to say:

-Sweet, charming dress. It you slim, and the green collar is going to your eyes. Turn-ka, I want to see how it sits behind the ...

Not a man - a dream ... I guess.

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