Women's Happiness
In fact, happiness - this concept is so loose and bulk, it is virtually impossible to derive a single "happiness formula" which would fit absolutely all women and would suit a variety of tastes and needs. Themselves think about it: happy housewives happy business woman - is it the same? Yes, and romantically minded girl who dreams of a pure and tender love, hardly ever understand the temptation and cynical lady who already has seen everything in this life ... Someone of you sincerely believe that happiness - it's a loved one nearby, children and a comfortable home, and have nothing else, but this is very much a "family paradise" will not seem so very appealing, and the happiness of these women will seek out family - in a career in art, even in something. Everything depends on your nature, your thoughts, desires, demands, hopes and aspirations, so that the happiness of every man his own, and it is quite natural.
Why am I saying this? Moreover, that talk about "women's happiness" wrong in itself, because if there is no one size fits all ladies 'happiness', then it follows that, and there is nothing to generalize. Although, of course, I know where those conversations "grow legs": a long time us women, was assigned the unenviable role of housewives, it was believed that a woman's place - in the nursery and the kitchen is that it can not be an independent person, and certainly should to marry, so to speak, composed by men and children. In the old days no one could have imagined that a woman ever break free from his "prison house" and begin to conquer new areas of life: take up a career, will work alongside men - in general, cease to be a simple "application" a man and become a free person. But it is, thank God, happened, and now nobody can push us back into the narrow wall of the house to the pots and pans ...

However, many women - from force of habit and self-willed and zashorennosti, I believe - continue to cling to the ideals of the past, and voluntarily waive the opportunity to find happiness outside the family. Of course, home comfort and peaceful family life - things are fine and necessary, but it really should be an accomplishment? True worth to understand the " woman's happiness , "so narrowly? However, the question every woman should own answer, in fact, in after all, nobody forced happiness, their thoughts into someone else's head do not invest. If you can be happy in his tiny (even invented!) Little world - well, that's your right and your luck!
Of course, I do not want to question the importance and beauty of the family idyll, many wives find themselves exactly in this vital area, they give their all, time and warmth to her husband and children, and it fills their life with meaning and makes them happy. However, if you do not belong to the category of innate housewives and nasedok and the role of doting wife and mother do not you think the most important role in life (as it were blasphemous as it sounds!), It does not mean that you something is wrong . Just our society tries to force women from complexes because of their imaginary inferiority, imposing image of the ideal of modern ladies who knowingly associating in the first place the family (work - in second place). Get at least a television advertising: that's the mother pops out of the kitchen and asks her husband and children, they cook, and those happy to try to - make ten different orders (fish cakes, potatoes, meat). And most interesting is that a happy mom smiles and prepares everything she ordered. Idyll! And looking at all this, you will inevitably feel mental discomfort, because you own something, coming home after work, tired and worn out is unlikely to be such a pleasure to stand all night at the plate, as this TV mama. You with your career subconsciously comparing themselves with this body-ideal and realize that you had not come close to it. On the one hand, you do so, may not wish, but on the other hand, you still feel uneasy - unpleasant to recognize that you are far from ideal.
However, the reasons for concern. If you can not feel completely happy to close within the family, it is not talking about your selfishness, callousness and coldness (both convince us all these ads), and the breadth of your aspirations and interests, that you are seriously interested and curious person and you can not feel free in a limited space. After all, you love your family, and most important! And the fact that you will not be happy if you have to give for the sake of the family from all the other good things of life - this is normal, do not worry. And never listen to those who would reproach you for your thoughts and ambitious, freedom-loving impulses. It's your life, and only you know what you want to be happy!
And yet, I think the best thing you can do - is to learn how to combine the qualities of a business woman, mother, wife, friend and lover. Should get a such a cocktail. What do you give it? The ease and freedom, you will be able to be myself and stop fear of public censure and condemnation, you will be completely indifferent to what they say about you, because you can live the way you want it! Sounds nice, but it is not clear. Decode: if you learn to take from life all that it gives you, you'll never be bored, and that's just boredom pushes women into depression and makes them feel miserable! If you will always be things to do, then there will be no boredom time!