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Womens arms

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Women's arms

A popular women's weapons - sexuality. And in many cases it is also unique. They are convinced that if we wink sexy and show a leg, we're just dripping saliva, rushed to fulfill their desires. The most annoying that we did act in most cases. Although well aware that we simply manipulated. Women are masters of manipulation. Elusive perceptible hint of it makes it clear that if a man does what she wants, everything happens as in writings. We vedemsya on these promises, and then, "broken off" and begin to complain about a woman's treachery.
This is because we simply want to believe in what they think the same way as we do. Oshibochka. They are not so obsessed with sex as we do. But this very well know our weakness. Therefore, the use without compunction. What did you expect? In war as in war. We piously believe that all of them are fascinated as well as us, and each man as piously believes that he is here, you know, irresistible. Men's self-esteem, coupled with a thrust to all sorts of frivolous fun and gives women the opportunity to so easily manipulate us.

They can understand. Not so much a modern woman of weapons in the struggle for existence in this man's world. Here she copes as you can. Here is a typical example of this "unsportsmanlike", in our view, conduct. Quote from the book remarkable writer Victor Koneckogo. "I had a few friends, to write prose. That was long ago. Young and pretty tempting. Does not really blue stockings. And all were talking about literary victories (at the front of printing their stories), the same stories. Seductive writer, comes to the magazine's editor, brings a manuscript. Editor peck on her charms and asks for a date, in short, suggests a scoundrel and a feudal lord, on the bed. Writer elusive perceptible hint makes it clear that all of his time will occur in the scriptures. Editor of her opus pushes. After that, the proud author reports that he, the editor, not on that was met, that she faithful wife and generally inaccessible Everest.

I heard these stories too much. Just imagine-ka now another situation. Comes a nice young writer to redaktorshe women's magazine. Grymza this redaktorsha, lonely loser. And the writer begins to subtly-perceptible hint to show that grymze love, fascination. That thaw a little and the story writer print. After which the writer takes his hands and feet in recovering back to his office, showing a parting redaktorshe nose. So, asks the question: can a man with such morals called a Russian writer? Yes it is, incidentally, never in my life no one recognizes the ears of such of his affairs - shameful, dirty, went beyond, humiliating.

A female writer told a similar void sumnyashesya, even with the sort of boastful pride, and cheerful laughter. "

And it really - no one will reproach them for such antics. It seems to be okay and everything. And the editor - himself a fool, there was nothing to roll out his lip. But I bring this passage is not in order to once again blame the ladies of immorality. The most important thing in this passage - the last sentence. Why? Because it illustrates perfectly the truth of which most men prefer to turn away.

Women of all such things makes it very sparingly and with a cool head. I have already said that they are much more sober look at our world. And much better, always and everywhere the situation under control. Have you seen even one woman who starts to behave like a fool, when any man shows his admiration for her? But no such practice. And men? Very often. Look at his lady with large round eyes, and weigh a couple of compliments, a weary voice - and all of them can do anything. In general, the field does not see.

All we take for granted. Because we want to believe in good and flattering. I do not know of a great mind ... The situation in general, to explain. Especially if you remember that woman for men is the goal, and a man for a woman - means. All of our efforts, tricks, traps need to get this woman to her bed. Their efforts, tricks and traps - to get the security and safety of their own and their child. We rest assured that they want the same things we do. Naivnyak. Through the innocence and suffering.

On the other hand, they themselves suggest to them that their feet - the greatest invention of mankind. "Do not demand from the women of truth, until you educate them in the belief that the primary purpose of their lives - like" (Marie Ebner-Eschenbach). Golden words. Have dug a deeper hole. And they are not confused. If all these guys so much, you need to use it. The most natural primitive fishing. In the role of the crucian carp with protruding eyes with astonishment - a modern man. I saw how she winked and wagged her ass, swallowed the hook - now welcome to the pan. What do you want? Purity of feelings? This too will be. Luck. But in most cases, before losing his head from the vicinity of cleavage, you should ask yourself: "What it may be necessary, if not myself?". If you have any options - it means a hundred to one that does not twist her ass in front of you and in front of your office, apartment, residence permits, etc. it.p.
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