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Womens mystique

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Women's mystique

Woman of Mystery, a female sphinx, mysterious stranger - a dream not only of the poet, but any man. It is no secret that men appreciate a woman mystique. You obey his every man, if you are able to intrigue him. In fact, female enigma - nothing like a sure way of manipulation. With it you can easily conquer any woman - whether it is the object of your dreams or the employer, offering lucrative jobs.

Here are some tips on how to properly use its mystique in order to achieve selfish goals. First, do not tell me about yourself the whole, better utaite piece of information. Even if you are very fond of talking, in the presence of your interlocutor you have to temper their desire to become more silent. Do not talk much, but do not be silent, as a partisan. Try to think carefully about your idea before you say anything. In a conversation with a man you should be interested in his original thought, a subtle hint. Do not try to completely withdraw into themselves, otherwise you risk not go unnoticed. Too much mystique and mystery in your appearance, too, will not go in your favor. A man will not be delighted by your desire to hide any information about yourself, including your name, address, phone number. In this case, you just show him strange.

Do not be too frank in his conversation with the man: try to hide part of your biography, which is not too much you decorate: for example, do not just talk about what you do not so long ago, were married and had a divorce, or that your real age is actually slightly more than your partner suggests. At first, it is best to leave a bit of understatement, reticence in talking. Often use the favorite female wording "may", which gives a man hope for reciprocity, but leaves room for doubt. If a man who has long loved you, still drew attention to you, it is not necessary in the first conversation to confess his passionate feelings, to open all cards at once. Be discreet in manifesting their emotions.

On a fairly direct questions about your feelings is better to use evasive answers: "I like you, but I still do not fully understand their feelings," "Your offer is tempting for a date, but I'm still not sure whether I will take it - let's talk about this next week. " If your behavior you get men to doubt myself, if he was born treacherous thought: "And if I'm good if I can conquer this impregnable top?" - Then you are on the way to conquer the hearts of men.
If you feel that you have nothing of the mysterious and enigmatic, the fact that both men like - pofantaziruyte bit. Invent yourself some sad romantic story about his past unhappy love. Hint about what you have experienced a difficult period in his life, that your heart belongs crafty seducer, and you do not believe men. His story you will arouse the interest of men. He will understand: to conquer your heart - it will have pretty hard work. Only one piece of advice: do not overdo it with fictional stories of romance, do not go into detail, and shed tears at the empty place. In this case, would be enough of a hint.
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