Women's typology
What is surprising - they have sought with varying fractions of wit expand the types of us. And all attempts were failures. Confuse something in one pile knocked again, rake, this way and that ... hard to alter them. And all because we are too similar. What, and put a stick in the wheel - how can a uniform mass by a handful of split? Women - is another matter. Types of clear, bright ... You'll see a glimpse of the street - would not make a mistake.
Can be seen a mile away, who goes: Beliefs housewife or a wholly-owned business woman. And if a couple of minutes to talk ... But for some reason they believe are a solid mystery. "Heh-heh" - shall we say, and expand all of the shelves. Most of the women could be divided into five types. Criterion - behavior in relationships with men. That is to say to us. Aware of these types is essential to predict what awaits you in the community once the ladies. Thus, women's typology:
1.Zhenschina mother
"A mother does not pay attention to the age: he may be older than her, and the same age, and younger than her - she will always behave the same way. It will selflessly take care of a man, feel sorry for him, groom, nurture, to put his interests above his own, sometimes even forgetting that she may have some of his interests.
Pluses . You have every chance to live my life like Christ's bosom. With such a woman is easy, warm, cozy, it is not a problem, she solves them. And decides to so that you do not even notice that the problem was. It does not make a scene, she was a forgiving, kind, patient.
Cons. So cons "mothers". Will a boy in short pants. Even if it is delicate beyond measure. You for life inspire the axiom that for bad behavior slap on the pope, and for good candy will be given. Live with such beliefs can only be absolutely infantile citizens.
Sex. Because it does a good lover. If the "child" wants what any experiments in bed, she simply goes to it, even if it considers itself "a woman of strict rules." You bet! As is known, what would a child or teshilos ... That teshtes health. It will help.
How do I know. She almost from the first date showing an irresistible desire to feed, drink, to warm and protect. Utters the words: "I like to worry - every five minutes while breathing quickens, eyes cloudy, hands Teasing button on the lush bosom. At home has eight fattened cats and cactus, which in the cold, it pulls the scarf.
"Princess" is strictly selects his subjects. A man must be older than her, and secured enough in love with her on the ears. Only such a gentleman, in her opinion, could provide her with the normal conditions for living in the palace, which he himself had built. That it is necessary to properly do the one thing that she's able to do - to decorate. I must admit that it is indeed possible. These women are almost always quite beautiful, able to look after themselves and generally just a picture.
Pluses. attractiveness. If you need a woman with whom you plan to appear at social events, "Princess" - just what the doctor ordered. Do not disappoint. At such events, it feels like a fish in water.
Cons. Once and for all can forget about what a woman's concern. All the care it reserves exclusively for themselves. All the others have little interest in her. Well, if only as an admiring audience ... She needs only attention, adoration and admiration of the crowd. Even if the crowd consists of one person ...
Sex. In bed, it behaves exactly the same as in life - allows himself to please. Just so as not to bruise a new hairstyle. The very enjoyable considers beneath his dignity. Yes, and totally unnecessary - and so you should be thankful for what she allowed to touch her gorgeous body!
How do I know. It is very simple. She had just left the cover of trendy women's magazine. And do not even dusted ... and looks at you, as an insect. Useful, but the contrary. A little quickens when he hears compliments.
3.Svoy guy
She drinks beer, walks in jeans and running shoes, eagerly supported the conversation about boxing and basketball, and generally own a board. Trouble with it whatsoever. The only thing that sets it apart from your other buddies - intermittent ICP. And the rest - perfect for those who are already in the throat any female things like: "Oh, I do not drink beer, it is bitter, better pour me some orange juice" or: "You're not so long ago, gave me flowers."
Pluses. This is a true friend (in a good way). The man looks like an equal, does not go mad from feminism, but pointedly does not fall into a swoon at the sight of a cockroach. With it you can safely discuss any issue.
Cons. Very rare beast. You can enter in the Red Book. And even if will be found, you need more of his lasso. And it is very difficult. It does not make concessions and discounts themselves, let alone a man even more. She needs a strong, held the man. Personality.
Sex. Rather, as the optional entertainment. That is, first to speak, and then, if time and effort ... However, even in bed she can demonstrate their best qualities - rhythm, an understanding of what needs to be a man, the absence of any conventions and stuff.
How do I know. The brightest representatives have already been described - in jeans for a beer. Others are detected only after lengthy conversations twosome.
A very common type. Appearance, soul, character in a man interested in her the least. Importantly, what it represents in the social sense. Who are the parents, what kind of education, what position, what money? These are questions of the questionnaire. Everything else - little things that can be tolerated. No sentimentality. No snot. She has a clear goal - to live well.
Pluses. Near a woman you'll never bother with all sorts of lingering question for the meaning of life. You simply will not have time to deal with this nonsense. Constant striving for material prosperity and career advancement - that's your lot.
Cons. She - Hard leader. Any non-compliance will cost you dearly. After falling to it, freedom can be forgotten completely. She will not go let go.
Sex. Just as a reward for their achievements in improving the material well-being.
How do I know. In typical questions. "What does the daddy? Occupation What goals in life? What income sufficient to think for themselves? How do you have with your health? "This view appears through you, as X-rays, and lips move, calculating the chances of your promotion.
It is believed that in a population of 10-15% of men and women tend to transform the role. So, the business environment of contemporary Russian women - 16%. She is weak, why do we need men. She herself by temperament - man. And once a man, hence the value of her appropriate: career, career, and once again pit. Everything else - as it will. But in any case it is "everything else" should in no way interfere with the work. Employment - sacred.
Pluses. intelligent, reading, knows how to look good, and commitment. All this is necessary for the successful conduct of affairs. Rich - a tasty morsel for gigolos. Everything.
Cons. For a normal life is not fit completely. If you have a couple of its oil rigs and small jet aircraft, you'll be about anything with her to chat. And the chances of a happy family life with meetings once or twice a year, you are great. If not - then no.
Sex. Do you have a plane? ..
How do I know. Learn impossible, because you can not see her behind tinted glass of her own Mercedes.