Women's whim
Some girls believe that the best test for the male lover - is a test of women's whims. If a man deeply in love, then he will fulfill the whim of even the most eccentric person. Such a test is objective enough. Indeed, your Romeo will not be difficult to perform your next whim. Women's caprice is connected with a desire to always be the focus of her lover. But at the same time a whim - it is a sign of weakness and dependence of women on men. If you need to satisfy their desires, then you give the lover in you a man rise to the manifestation of his care. Therefore, the execution of your whims be your chosen one to deliver a real pleasure, because this way it makes you a little happier.
But there is one point which should always be remembered by resorting to this kind of inspection: Caprice caprice - discord. Explore the male reaction to your requests and you will notice that if your desire does not infringe on its interests and is not much beating of his wallet, he carries them with pleasure, for example, buys you ice cream when you're asking for, or leads in the movie. Such requests can stick to the beloved infinitely many times without the slightest fear of annoying him. He will be glad you are happy.
Another option when your moods are reflected in his interest, for example, you need to change his favorite style of clothing or fail to communicate with childhood friends. Such whims of your beloved is unlikely to fulfill, most likely he will conclude that you want too much and not give him any freedom. Do not overdo it, try to understand his feelings and did not fail to similar requests. Trying to impose your elect new interests and new friends, you risk at best be ignored and at worst - asked for it to rudeness.

There is another option, when a man with no enthusiasm to do your request if the request causes serious damage to its financial condition. Too frequent requests to reduce you to an expensive restaurant or buy another jewel will cause your loved one doubts the truth of your feelings. And you will be part of the category's most spoiled and naughty girls. In such situations, failure to fulfill your request can not be regarded as a demonstration of his lack of sincerity towards you. Checking for strength should not greatly impair the interests of your beloved, or he may himself to doubt your feelings. So, dear girl, naughty - so you can test the sincerity of your partner. In addition, repeated requests to give your beloved self-confidence, he feels stronger and more powerful in your community. But you know the measure, otherwise the man simply run away from you to another, not as a capricious lady.