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Work with internal barriers

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Work with internal barriers

Our subconscious mind - a kind of "warehouse" all sorts of beliefs, attitudes, stereotypes, fears and other programs from different spheres of our lives, including those from the sphere of material security. At the next decision must be made unconscious helpfully tosses us any answer, which we accept without thinking. And then reap the fruits of their unconscious decisions. What our inner beliefs can interfere with making money? Yes, a great many! Only fifteen years ago, we lived in a country of developed socialism. And all together they rejected the money because they still could not buy anything worthwhile. More precisely, it is possible, but only through connections or by turns. Money did not have value, because values were very different. What - it is easy to remember. Patriotism, internationalism, and unselfish work for a better future, any sacrifice in the name of the ideals of the people or the party. Sam dies, and people's property Escape! " Etc.

Today the situation has changed radically. Money has become a very real value, but to break old patterns of thinking could not all people. Who was able, he probably would not have special physical problems (but may be others). And everything else needed to "look" in his head and literally "pull" of themselves, what ideas about money you are guided. What's important to you? That - the main thing? And dance is just here. Because it is here may lie the root of many of your financial and material problems. How can become masters of their own lives and stop guided by the unconscious programs that create problems for us? You must first identify the domestic programs, setting, and fears that guide you in life. To do so, make a list of all its domestic programs, behavioral patterns, attitudes, or fear. And then divide them into those who help you to live and go to their goals, and those that interfere in this way. Last we will be called "negative programs. Then, for each negative programs need to create, according to certain rules, the opposite in the sense of a positive result.

Rules of making a positive statement is simple:

1.Pozitivnoe statement must be within the meaning is the complete opposite of the negative program on which you want to get rid of.
2.Pozitivnoe statement should be as brief as possible.

3.Pozitivnoe statement should not contain negations.

4.Pozitivnoe statement is always in relation to itself, ie always used excuses: "I", "me", "me" and the like.

5.Pozitivnoe statement should be "your", ie it must be nice to you, and repeat it should cause you have a soul good feelings.

In addition, positive affirmations can be of two kinds. Approval of the first kind are aimed at changing you. Approval of the second type focus on changing your relationship to the uncomfortable circumstances, without changing you. What kind of positive statement to use in a particular case, you decide for yourself. Amounting to (or pick) currently suitable positive statement, you need to make sure that it has replaced the old negative programs in the subconscious and it has taken its place. Then, if necessary, take another decision you have already unknowingly be using this new program. In the end you get what you wanted to get, making a positive statement. How is it done? Rewrite the hand of no less than 3000 times all of your positive affirmations. Rewrite preferably not more than a hundred times a day so that this work will take almost one month. You have to be very focused on the content of the phrase that will rewrite, not during the process distracted and think about something else. The second way - to memorize the positive statement (or copy them to a small sheet of paper and carry around), and mentally repeat them - like a mantra or a prayer. Total time reps - from 3 to 10 hours in total.

In addition, you can record on a cassette tape their positive statements - the most cheerful, energetic and confident voice. And then you can listen to this record at any time: when traveling in the car when doing household chores at home, etc. As a result of these actions have continued to jeopardize the installation must be replaced by a new, positive, another barrier to the desired goals will cease to exist. In addition, you can use one additional, very simple way of working with positive affirmations. You write or compose themselves anywhere they liked your positive affirmations, Learn them and then many times you repeat the allegations. Or record them on audio cassette and then listen to any free time.

In compiling its list of positive statements in it necessarily need to include all the statements that you made for the withdrawal of their own subconscious negative programs. And add to them all! The best positive statements on the subject. A tentative list of positive statements on money, work and business. "I myself, my thoughts and emotions create our future. My future is bright and happy, my achievements are an indicator of my right attitude to life. I believe in life, I know that in the future I'll be fine, I have all wonderful, I wonderful person, I divine creation! Life loves me and cares about me! My life is a game, and I always win! I live easy and fun to perfecting himself!

I rejoice in the fact the money that I receive today. I thank life for what I have today. I easily find ways to increase their current income is twice every three months. Money deserve to think about them. I love money, they're my friends, I have a lot of good and think about them. Money gives me support in my life. Money - this is happiness, health, success! " Money gives me health. The road to happiness is strewn with the money! I deserve a lot of money! I deserve to live in luxury! Money and material wealth is decorated my life, I truly enjoy them. The money helped me develop spiritually and to reach my spiritual goals. I know how much my work. Me turn off people. I have a great professional, and people are prepared to pay for my service with dignity. I appreciate the money and allow myself to get them in the required amounts. I know the value of his work and allow myself to assign a fair price. I am proud that I am rich. I do well! All my ideas are implemented! I am successful! My plans are realized the inevitability of the seasons! I do well! "

Once again we remind you that work with internal barriers is a serious matter that requires time and effort. And if all your work has been reduced to reading this (and several similar) books, then the sense from this will be enough. We come across many people who have re-read all the books Sviyasha, Vagina, Pravdin, Louise Hay and others, but the level of their material wealth has not changed. Chasing another miraculous recipe for enrichment, they did not find the time and opportunity to work on them. The miracle of your changes will happen if an effort to make it realized. Need to work on yourself, put a real effort to spend time on it. And not just to repeat myself positive affirmations, and immediately perform any action in the outside world, aimed at consolidating your new indoor installation.

You say to yourself that are worthy of wealth - so go and buy some thing, supporting this assertion. You told myself that your pay is high - so real lift prices for your services. Or find a place where your work will be paid higher than today, etc. Otherwise, not worth wasting time reading this book, it is better to read the tales of a goldfish or a magic wand. This concludes our consideration of ways to removing another internal barrier to the success and go to the end.
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