XII house from the houses Radix
XII annual house I home birth chart. This is an indication of the concern and discontent. However, this position favors the occult pursuits.
XII in the II-m. Indicates a problem with money and predisposes to the associated cheats or secrets. Not so unfavorable as the inverse configuration, although its value is often similar to the values of II in the XII th.
XII in III-m. Makes travel dangerous, threatening accidents, especially under adverse planets. Indication of the trouble coming from the letters and papers.
XII in IV-m. Deterioration of health of parents, troubles related to place of residence, or trouble about the status of real estate. If the subject is the owner, this configuration predisposes to the presence of free space, or to announce the need for costly repairs. From health point of view, this position is likely to predispose to ill health and internal medicine (abdomen).
XII in the V-meter. Predisposes to a hidden affair. If this position is found in female horoscopes during pregnancy, you need to fear all sorts of complications, and delivery will be very difficult.
XII to VI-m. Points to the anxiety associated with health, often reduces the productivity of labor.
VII-XII in meters. Bad configuration for understanding spouses to consent in various associations. Under favorable planets predisposes to the shared secret, the worries and concerns, hidden from a spouse or companion, so as not to disturb them. Sometimes it acts like in VII XII.
VIII-XII in meters. Said the concern in connection with the death or the fear of his death, or close friends. Sometimes, an indication of the troubles associated with the inheritance or unsuccessful placement of equity.
XII in the IX th. Helps to ensure that the subject in a philosophical attitude toward the drop-down on its share of tests (if they are given, and if the house does not contain Mars), but with strong employment Twelfth House is the position of violations, often inadvertent, laws and regulations, etc. e. trials, and complications with the police, problems with the tax administration.
XII X-m. Said that the circumstances prevent freedom of action, and that the subject is forced to adhere to one set of rules to consider the opinion of others, or the customs and rules, and that to achieve their goals subject must use diplomatic receptions and detours. Sometimes this is an indication of the obligation and duty to honor that complicate his situation.
XII in the XI th. Adversely affects the relations of the subjects, predispose to disappointments, the cause of which friends. In relationships and friendships must be respected prudence, because friends can become a hidden enemies. Positive signs on the cusp of a favorable planets can not interfere directed against the machinations of the subject, but neutralize their effects and contribute to exposing the attacker. This position can be interpreted as a reference to the obstacles in the implementation of plans and ambitions.