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You are 50 and you are fine

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You are 50 and you are fine

- Be aware of "fair go" - warns me my fifty-year friend. "From the Fair!" - It seems to me like a mountain. Long time we climbed on top of it. Crossed! And now - down. Not given to predict what it will be a way, long or a short

Who are we? We have not yet retired, we teshim the illusion that we need manufacturing, science and art. Cling to work, do not take ballots to have not thought - God forbid! - That the sick, and did not offer to go "on their own." Who are we? We - those who are to blame. The fact that the daughter did not marry, and that came out, but caught a bad husband, that children do not hear that the area is too small, that do not increase the salary of the young, and we are too small to count on it, blame that a short meeting with our grandchildren that there is no time listening to "his old parents that too much talk, too little talk, and so on. Fifty years for some women - a threshold beyond which is seen a sad finish for the other - the liberation of the way to a meeting with him. Personally, I am for the second path, and talk about it. Can I be for a best friend, and what you need to do and how to find peace of mind, he approached a "critical age?" How to live? not more. Do not despair. not jealous. I think that younger women to know it is because of us, they differ only in that "still growing" and we "have already grown up," And I want to say, not conceited, we were your age, but you still have to ...

I do not want, of course, to create the impression that I'm lonely carefree woman. I have two beautiful grandchildren whom I adore, and the first call nesus daughter play with them, walking and talking. But my young - the people alone, and after we have departed from the communal apartment, seeing each other, certainly rarer.
I offer no theoretical model, and the very real life, their own women-nearly 50 ... Yes, I'm going with "fair", but with songs, jokes, friends, work, and a dozen different problems. But this road is in no way bothers me!

SOUL-SOUL, what do you want? On this issue I begin each new day. Until the soul ponders what to say, I'm going to bed feet on the rubber roller. For many years he served me for a foot massage. When doing this exercise, I listen to myself, look out the window, what the weather there today. And adjust to a new day of my life.

Some exercise in place, but not torturing yourself exercise, I go to another rink (now manual). Dropping to the floor on her knees, I'm riding it with both hands back and forth, trying to stretch the whole body is maximum, while caving in the back. Then go to the bathroom.

And boldly, without thinking, it is helpful or harmful, which includes quite a cold shower. Several hand-held shower movements around the body, on the back, legs and face. Done! I am happy, and fun! Turning to the kitchen. During this short period of morning procedures in my soul is ripe normal desire to eat breakfast. Today the soul "require" hot sandwich with sausage and tomato and a glass of strong sweet tea. Light music accompanies my necessarily good morning. Recharge so I "fly out" to his career into orbit.

Game for two players. Today is Saturday. I look forward to it. Wanted, loved the man. Every normal woman, regardless of age must have its own outlet. It is best if this outlet is a favorite man. Mental and physical contact with him will give new impetus to life. Yesterday a man a woman should always remain, even when it is years old.

Every time a meeting with him, I am preparing seriously - three days before I turn on the discharging a diet - is excluded from the diet of meat, butter, soups, breads. Eve - just an empty day. But today, with it you can afford a light breakfast, lunch or dinner. Pre-guessing the menu, served table. Engaged in her toilet - easy make-up, unusual dress, simple hair, clean body. And certainly a good light mood, no serious thoughts, my soul is free today. I turn off my internal modding , so he is not snapping, counting the time spent seems to be in vain. All of my aura with a positive charge is directed to the object of my attention. Therefore, the meeting is taking place with joy and happiness for both of us. A game I invented one, gladly accepts he did. For this, I come up with a script in advance of our meeting, every time a new surprise. And this is the secret of my long friendship with a man.

I CAN STILL STRONGER - this principle brings joy to overcome himself. In my youth I was fond of sport, rowing. Stroke was eight "Petrel," I have four silver medals and the title of "Master of Sports." The training was hard, physical exercise as well as men - barbell, weights, skiing, running - all this and tempered my will.

In today's life without a lot of sports, the words "I can still stronger," gained new meaning and always help in difficult moments. Sport is continuing, and distance of my life increase.

A sports uniform support, using new technological advances. I should exercise bike, bought in a store. And for 55 rubles, I have a lot of fun. In the evenings, sometimes instead of dinner or just before it, I saddle my horse, metal, turn on the second gear and meals. Food, food - around flash ... No, not forests and rivers, and cars, buses, under my balcony merrily ringing tram. So what? I do not interfere improved: the foot pedal, the heart pumps the blood vessels of exercise, and I'm enjoying my life.

Each time, pondering a new unknown to himself, "an adventure", I ask myself the question: Can I still stronger? Will I be able to overcome another obstacle in life? For example, I have several times changed the profession. From the designer, I became a physical education teacher at the school. Of the physical education teacher, I became a graduate student of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Defended his thesis and decided to test themselves in new roles - teacher of high school. Experienced, even running for dean of the faculty of social professions. Then he mastered the arts and crafts - othe, their artistic mural exhibited at Moscow exhibitions. Now I lecture, write articles and books, it means "I can still stronger."

REST IS NOT KNOW REST! What does it mean to relax? Lie on the couch? Play cards? Just do nothing? I do not understand this and do not accept.

For me to rest - is to switch from one activity to another is not to be simple. If I have long engaged in physical work at home - wash, clean, wash, stroke, a natural break for me is mental work. For someone who does not write, rest can become an active reading of literature or journalism, generally quiet concentration.

Conversely, the long mental strain at the table are replaced on the stove to cook complex varied lunch. I cook with gusto, always standing. The back rest, the brain is switched off, only work hands. Cut, brush, tinder. Understand the creation of food not as a burdensome task and duty, as well as the creative pleasure, which always feel, inventing a new dish, combining certain foods, opening up a particular taste and treating their loved ones.

Change of activity - it is one of the drivers, which I discovered in the practice of life. Always listen to your soul - the soul of what you do not want to do today? And if I feel the internal resistance of a job, never ask of yourself its performance - it's useless. I'll do tomorrow, when my mood changes. This principle helps to do everything with pleasure, with a mood - and that means quality is good. Every prinevolivanie ebya with no effect. However, all this does not apply to professional women. Duties that we perform at work, none of us would not withdraw, but there is a pattern here: if the house gives change of charge of vital spirits, then the work will be perceived easier and happier.

LEGS! Oh, those legs! How often do you want to go to the hands, sore feet, or rather, feet. Our footwear industry, not at all thinking about our aging legs, produces an uncomfortable shoe on the rigid-soled shoes. Therefore, "beat a" whole day, come home just "crippled" and do not know where to put them to drown out the pain. And this will help saving cold water. First leg drop into a bowl with plain cold water, then into a basin of warm water. So rotate approximately 20 minutes. Well, wipe it dry. And sitting massaging hands each foot, a good stretching, bending and straightening the fingers, knuckles massaging soles to feel burning. Then scatter around small items - pencils, erasers, balls, zazhimki, pebbles - all to collect your toes. Then get up and walk around the room barefoot on tiptoe. Down and walk on their heels, then on the back and outer side of the foot, at last, rolling from heel to toe. Rest. And a few minutes to roll the rubber roller. Then again to rinse feet in cool water. Wiped dry each finger. Oil cream, a little more massaging, rubbing cream into the skin. Lie on the couch, holding his legs in the air, feet up, working them up and down and round robin. Now we may again mark time at home, doing the necessary work.

Those with swollen legs in the evening, standing at night in cold water to wet a simple linen cloth or a simple stocking. Put it on the wet foot, upper shook a good woolen scarf. So stay up all night. Do it daily for a month - swell legs will be much less. A month later, repeat again - now his feet no longer swell at all.

HE WHO steamed - that does not OLD. Each time, entering the steam room, I think: why not here now television? Instead of eroticism in video clubs to rent these unique images - a woman in a bath, remember, like Plastov? That includes it in caps, with their sticks, climb the ladder, smell the herbs and a generous couples. A minute of silence to vote:

- Lord! There is also a paradise on earth!

- Babonki whether we are alone - no husband, no children, no grandchildren ... without bosses?

That is true, where the rest is our female soul. Who's on the floor is laid, who on the bench all again silence, and a Russian steam does its work. It penetrates deep into every pore, makes work actively heart, blood vessels, kidneys. All joints are alive. Toxins leave the body, and with it goes, and fatigue. Good, solid, competently and lovingly made by steam relieves us from the black, heavy blues, from the silent internal irritation of unexplained aggression. He's young, invigorated, as if opening a second wind. Leaving the steam room, boldly plunge into a cold swimming pool or get in the shower.

Then, vytershis, sit quietly, drink tea with lemon. And repeat trip to the steam room four times.

- Do you like theater? - Remember, asked one movie Tatiana Doronin words Belinsky.

- Do you like a Russian bath? - I ask you, I .- Go, go to the bath, throw the hell all the cases - they still can not be undone. I can not exchange the bath or in a theater, or a birthday or on the television program. Because advance anticipating ps

As lecturer society "Knowledge" I often go on business trips, lecturing, "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle." One section is devoted to the bath. And I must say that in any city or town I have is a lot of like-minded women. So come back sometimes with the sets of herbs, fir and juniper twigs - Moscow's gift parilschitsam. Exchange experiences, knowledge, experimental results. You can even call the women's bathroom of clubs willing to come and avid parilytsitsy, and newcomers are willing to and touching the attention we devote to membership in the bath fans.

SIMPLE porridge - OUR HEALTH. It is hard to imagine anyone who would voluntarily relinquished smoked sausage or a piece of good steak. But there are such people, and I among them. Why? Yes, because, having engaged in an experiment, I really felt the health-enhancing effect a simple meal of our ancestors. Food, which removes unnecessary aggression, improves complexion, the removal of residues from the body and, more importantly, rejuvenate a woman. This mess in the water. Every meal, like manna, and could serve as its foundation. But do not forget such great additions, like tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, carrots, cabbage, fresh and dried fruits. If in the morning, asking her soul, you feel that you are drawn to sweet breakfast and cook yourself, "a royal mess" of rolled oats, fresh apples, dried apricots.

If you want to check for yourself the effect of a balanced diet, you should take a ten-verification diet. Weight loss for obese guaranteed by stabilizing metabolism and improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Only excluded immediately from their diet for 10 days, meat, fish, butter and animal fat, sugar, bread, milk, potatoes, pastries, chocolate, jam. You are in terror? What's left? Vegetables, fruit, juice, sunflower oil, any water porridge with nuts, honey and mushrooms. Combination of options can be varied - most importantly, boldly are creating unusual dishes. Ten days is easy to endure, because there can be at any time. For excitable, nervous - not forbidden, even at night. On the second or third day you will feel easy and will understand that I will not deceive. Difficulties can arise only from the people around you - but even if it does not bother you. Health is important!

Here I am, for example (and this was in my life), decided to get married again - woo a goodie. All as expected - has come to make a proposal with a sibling. Well, sit and talk, I'm on the table, gather suechus so that all grade plane. And the devices shipped, and put napkins, and porridge in the irons filed. One - buckwheat with mushrooms, the other - millet with squash. Itself it, tout ... But something suddenly, lo and behold my "fiance" was cast down. I ask: "What's the matter?" And so he quietly, shyly: "And the meat that is not going to happen?" "Why did the meat, when the porridge to eat?" - Cheerfully replied. He is even more sad, and soon the peasants zasobiralsya home. So because of porridge and I married did not come out. And maybe better? ..

NOT anger - Goodbye! The life of every human being is accompanied by troubles in the relationship with family, friends and colleagues. If you follow the path of deterioration of these relations, mindful of all present and past grievances, life would be unbearable. Work on a can and is here to help keep your nerves, good location for people. I usually do not spend energy on people, I do not like professing different views on life. If people do not like, I get around his side, without engaging in close contact. If forced to communicate at work, it always drawn such a distance that insures me of his intervention. If I offended unjustly, normally suffer. "Young people are not worth the big talk," - said my grandmother, believing in such a way that it shall not be granted more of them to their attention. I say to myself, smart people do not take offense, they conclude. If I have offended people dear to me and I do not want to lose it, I just deprive him at the time of his smile, that he was uncomfortable, and then completely forgive, trying to forget an insult. If people do not respect me, I mentally convert him into a statue, put on a shelf and forget about it forever. So that pervades the soul of nastiness not admit to himself. Do not get upset, and about the material shortages, do not focus specifically on anything so scarce, such as furniture, utensils, clothing, gold, etc. Not a thing! Malice, aggression, envy - these three sisters szhivayut to light us women. You can, of organizing and forming his emotional state, to avoid unpleasant conditions, most often say to yourself, simple words: every day residency ity with good impulses increases my life. I live by the law - the older, the younger.

Yes, we must live. And try to do it with pleasure. Enjoying have been released for this time, knowing that a cure for all sorrows and deficits - in our soul that can enslave, but you can release from under the bushel of rubbish, to release to Julia our spiritual energy and direct it for peaceful purposes in his own creation, psychological health. Free soul will be easier to accept yourself with all the weaknesses and shortcomings, and thus the other. Everything starts with yourself. And one must live today, now.

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