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You are not satisfied with his appearance

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You are not satisfied with his appearance!

You begin to notice any defects in the exterior of your vote that previously just were not paying attention. You never tried to communicate with the handsome, for you were always more important than inner qualities of your chosen one, but some sort of detail you are still not satisfied. Why? Here is a vivid example of such hostility from the novel of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina: the heroine could not understand why her husband's ears stick out so ugly and she had not noticed before. The author provides an explanation for such behavior of her character - she loved another, and her husband - an obstacle that prevented it to connect with their favorite, so she vented her resentment on the exterior of the inner man.

Such hostility caused by the appearance of your beloved, of course, can occur for the same reason - you do not feel that a gentle and reverent feelings for him, so you do not like his looks ! Love usually brightens all the flaws of your partner, not just external. In his sweetheart, you tend to see the ideal man, he is to you is this, about what you dreamed of. If you truly love your vote, you have to take it for what it is, indeed, you like it with all its shortcomings, but without them it would have been not so good. You love all of it: with a large nose, bald head or a second chin.

If you suddenly notice the irritation, which causes his unshaven or plump complexion, it's likely your sense of already cooled down or was not strong enough. You simply transfer their negative attitude towards him on his appearance. You do not understand how to love him, if he so protruding ears or a big nose. Your negative reaction to his appearance might be just the beginning of the end. Next you'll be even more irritating - aversion will cause his habits, lifestyle and way of speaking. And only after some time you will be able to admit to myself that no longer feel that anxious feeling of love toward him as before.
Although it is possible that your dissatisfaction with his appearance may be due to entirely different processes. For example, you've just started dating, and your lover is well suited to you for all internal quality, but his style is contrary to your idea of the perfect lover: he has, for example, long hair, climbing into the tail at the back, and he wears only leather items . Do you think that you can not dress this way, and simply indecent, that in his 25 years, he just looks ridiculous. In this case, you need to make every effort to make your lover looked like a man of your dreams, not only on their intrinsic characteristics, but also in appearance.
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