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You can not have no gifted children

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You can not have no gifted children

"Every child is endowed with the talent of the artist. And this unique gift is often lost by the time the child becomes an adult, "- said Picasso. Start with your example. What I am going to a writer, probably, as now I remember, it was predetermined, and manifested the talent in the age of nine. As happens with many creative impulses, my hand is first picked up the pen during strong emotional experiences - died when my favorite snowy bolonochka Timka, which gave me an aunt. At that moment it was my strongest baby tragedy! From my experiences no atomic bomb and an earthquake could not be compared ... Yeah, so was born my very first poem in his life, tell of how much I loved my dog.

Our bunnies, sunshine and flowers - yes, I am, of course, about children - must recognize his natural talent and send it in the right direction. In this purposeful action, dear parents, your help is invaluable. Know how to monitor your child! Yes, the talent of a child may be varied - singing, drawing, mathematical aptitude, dance or athletic achievement, literary works, construction of ships and skyscrapers, computer games, photography, caring pet care, needlework. Anything! By the way, most talent of the child may not show up as early as in the above-mentioned geniuses whose names are inscribed in golden letters in the history of mankind.
Therefore, not finding a small child pronounced ability to not be like those parents who defiantly waved his hand: "Yes, my some ignoramus! No talent! And who is he? "Immediately come to mind short-sighted words of his father, Charles Darwin:" My son - mediocrity. In addition to dogs, it is nothing in life is not interested. " And the miracle that saved the little boy some internal vein, managed to resist the pressure and merciless criticism, even from the closest person. But these are isolated cases. After all, millions of children around the world through "smart" parents talent is dying and not being born.

Do not suppress children's outbursts of creativity. It's inexcusable to deprive your children so much pleasure. After all, you can always recapture their desire to create. Ponder, if you will instill in the child's belief in his unlimited potential and a unique talent, then how much higher he can fly! Let this be a prosaic molded from clay or odd job for moms on the eighth of March - always praise a child! Do not think that it's trivia. After all of the details is our whole life. As a clever person quipped: "If you think that little things are not important, try to sleep in a room where flies a single mosquito." Joking aside, but still ...

Be guided by the desire of the child

Support the children this creative fervor. Tell them that your son (daughter) - the most talented and capable child in the world. Enable them to enjoy all the colors of the world, let the child tries his hand at various fields. It is necessary to develop what you get from him is best, gives him pleasure. We must make every effort to make it escalated into his future profession. Refer to the wishes of a child, not what you would like for him. It's not just big words, and those truths on which we must seriously think about it.

Believe me, there are no gifted children do not . Each child is God's spark. By the way, if you own, adult moms and dads, thanks to the "diligence" as your parents have not yet discovered the talent, it does not mean that you are - mediocre mediocrity. Many prominent people made his million dollar state is not 20, not 30 and not even in 40 years: Mary Kay, Edwin Land, Darya Dontsova, Sharon Stone. The list goes on.

I remember the famous conversation between two famous actresses - Jeanne Moreau and Lillian Gish. Jeanne Moreau asked Lillian:

-If you had a daughter, a most cherished quality you would like to tell her?

Lilian replied without hesitation:

-Curiosity. Indeed, fatigue and apathy are other essential attributes of old age.

Certainly, in this context, it is not about curiosity, because of which the barbarians on the market nose torn off when they begin to groan and exclaim, whispering and gossiping, with someone who divorced or became friends. Of course not. Ardent curiosity with respect to creativity - that meant Lilian. So try to realize themselves and now. Write a novel, paint, try yourself in needlework, and possess the belly dance, if it wants your immortal soul. Importantly - create happy, and all you'll just get one!

I am deeply convinced that our relationship with the children resemble the relationship of interchangeable Master and Apprentice. Therefore fervently urge you to make new, happy, brilliant and unique colors in the fabric of child and adult life. This can be done with love and faith. Open the gates of the children of joy, laughter and happiness! They will thank you later! " You can not have children are not talented! Look for a child's talents! Help him learn the different types of art! Keep it the desire to be creative! Then and only then, you'll be happy and proud parent of mission accomplished. Your help is necessarily allow a child to believe in the possibility of transfiguration of the internal, hence, the outside world, to become masters of their destiny. After all, with your love and faith, he finds himself the main man on earth - YOURSELF! YOUR FACE! YOUR MISSION!
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