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You today its your past

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You today - it's your past

You today - it's your past . You become so true. But you're looking at themselves today - can you more because you've got your future. And his future as his personality, to do you: you can do if this plan will create. You are not blank, but the work on a you can become a different person: the way build itself in line with its plan. Man - this idea of a man is his future. You're the future - this is your idea of yourself, and in this sense, personality is not because our personality is always ahead of us, as our "Tomorrow."

Everyone knows what the "Tomorrow", and indeed it - no. When it's "Tomorrow", this is the "Tomorrow" is back in front, and it is again impossible to catch the tail. "Tomorrow" never there today, today it is not - but it is the presence of our "Tomorrow" makes us a people with a future. You now - it's your past . Your thoughts today - it's not quite you, but what you've got from your "Yesterday." This is what you take as your past and you can edit, correct, clarify.

You've got unnecessary, superfluous thoughts - you drove them. Correctly. Thought - it's not always you. Your feelings - it's also not you, you have your attitude about your feelings. You can enjoy your beautiful feelings and angry feelings are stupid and inappropriate. You were that way because you have feelings and such. These feelings come from your personal history, are dictated by past thy thoughts, memories and attitudes. You will become another, and to you, others will feel.

I - it's me, and feeling - not me, but I have. Your body - the more you are not completely: you never know what your body wants, you have your plans, intentions and obligations. I know very brave people with a cowardly body: in a situation of danger of such a body grows cold and shaking, but a person acting boldly and decisively, because people - it's not his body. Body - your immediate environment, your friend and ally, although when it and the source of problems. Can subordinate themselves to his body, and it can be to subdue, at least - to negotiate with him ... Your body may age, but you can stay young. Your body - it's your past, good or difficult, beautiful or painful, but what you yourself do tomorrow, you decide - decide every next moment, every next second. Of course, this is true only if you choose, you're - it's own design and personal design. If you choose to live their future and teach yourself to live the future.
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