Younger girlfriend
As a rule, women are always a lot of friends, of course, if she is a person sufficiently communicative. As a child she seeks to be in the range of the older: the mother, older sister. As they grow up she selects his friends the same age. Becoming more adult, less stringent test no longer exists, surrounded by women appear young girls and older women. How to relate to friends of different ages? Is it reasonable to ignore the advice of one, and blindly follow the instructions of another? Definitely no one can answer this question, but, nevertheless, it is worth trying to understand.After all, no accident, a woman surrounds herself with such an audience of different calibers.
In this article we want to talk about the "younger" girlfriends and friends are women.Is there any use of these relations? Should I start some kind of relationship with women younger? Attach a value to their advice? Do they pay attention at all? It is interesting that the more mature the fair sex do not want to communicate with younger age, are discriminated against him and the young, on the contrary, they want to have a familiarity with older women. Likely to occur and that is why the company, which combines all the ages. Although this may occur from the fact that it is difficult to create an environment in which people will be solely on your age.
Thus, it is helpful if familiarity with a young lady and, especially, his friendship with them? Sure, what's the use of such links exist, but now what? First of all, a young friend in any case represents an opponent. A woman who has a young girlfriend, begins to compare her with him. Not always, though, this comparison is in favor of a more mature friends. And that's when she decides to pay more attention to their appearance, which, of course, is in her favor. It starts to wake up sopernicheskie feelings, she begins to set some goals that may previously not have had any significance for her, she even begins to think differently. One thing is certain: the use of young friends there, and considerable. When knowledge takes more than a month, and the relationship becomes quite warm, it is in this period the woman and take a closer look at the cost of his young girlfriend. After all, not only it has something to teach, but to take something on a note herself.

What would a modern and advanced nor was the woman on the most recent updates, it can only learn from this friend. And not only learn, but also to see the results. After the young are very fond of experimenting, so as soon as they hear about any new developments, immediately try to apply it to yourself. A young friend you can ask about all the new trends in cosmetics, makeup, clothes. But all this is, of course, little things, because young ladies have, even though themselves are unaware of this, the ease and immediacy, not children, namely the one that helps them to become acquainted and communicate easily.
Most likely, a woman who has a younger girlfriend , will not admit to her that something wants to be like her, for example: in the manner of dress, make-and, of course, to communicate, she simply shakes his all into their heads. " Young girlfriends are good because they do not have to beg for advice, ask tell you what to do in any given situation. Once you just tell us about your problem as soon as girlfriend will give a couple tips and solutions to your problem. But you should not submit the form that the use of its recommendations, and even listen to them. Better to just ignore this advice. After all, a young friend, most likely, and she has no idea about what exactly is the advice you have been necessary.
If a young girlfriend is romantic, it's definitely a sense be passed and an older friend.It does not matter whether a friend is married or still looking for his companion - the new developments required her help. A young friend to help you - and if you do not have a large company or you are generally pretty lonely lady, she is sure to create an aura of kindness around you and fun, and you reach for people, eager to communicate with you. Your friend can become your husband's younger sister (sister-in-law). In this case, you will gain not only a friend but also a fellow member. From there, you will learn many secrets about his spouse, while you is not necessarily something to explore, virtually all of the information itself will pour into your hands.You can learn a lot of nuances in the life of her husband. In addition, sister-in-law may well be a good support in a difficult situation, when the atmosphere is tense to the limit: it was she able to defuse it.
Do not forget that despite the fact that my sister and brother (your husband) of both sexes, they are grown in one atmosphere, brought on some principles and, therefore, looking at his sister for her behavior, learning her views, you can avoid many mistakes. Well, for example, your husband is forgiving you - or hides the hurt and disappointment in his heart, afraid to hurt your feelings. And his sister can itself without knowing it, to give you the status of your spouse in any given situation.Make friends with a young sister-in-law - you will not regret it. By the way, her friendship may be useful for you, not only in relations with her husband. The most important thing in this situation - maintaining good relations with the sister of your husband, if you set it against itself, then get in her face a very dangerous opponent, so much wiser not to bring the situation before. For you, the younger sister of her husband - a great success, because if you're with her on good terms, it will help you establish contact and in-law.
Your friend can become a daughter-in if you are already a mother and your son got married. Relations in the family is always very difficult and therefore should establish from the outset, we should not wait until everything gets out of control. You are older and therefore wiser and more experienced, so all must take the initiative in their hands. You should immediately find a way to daughter, then you can achieve not only peace in the house, but also to find a girlfriend. After all, if you get along with daughter-in, then with my son you have become more cordial relations. And for any mother is very important. Of course, the daughter - this is the case, when you friend is imposed from outside, contrary to your wishes, you just put before the fact.But in this situation you have choices: you can either contact with her just as much as required by propriety or become true friends. And even if your sister is not too docile nature, then you can still find common ground and come to an understanding.After all, a loving woman is capable of much. Intelligence, charm, tact - all this can be your good helper in some cases, of course, have to resort to tricks, to show the composure and common sense.
The main thing in this case - daughter in law, not impose their views and beliefs. You should not think, let alone demonstrate that you are much smarter, more experienced and, more generally, in all her best. This credo does not go in your favor.So try to look at the darling son as an equal, and then you will have a new friend and ally. If we talk about younger girlfriends at all, they are can help you become more sociable. Young girlfriend can be grumpy in life, boring and even zanudlivoy, but next to an older woman she is changing dramatically. If you are with someone else went wrong attitude, the best way to adjust them - it's "send for a purpose," his young friend: she would be able to reconcile the warring parties. But, speaking of young girlfriends, not be superfluous to note that still do not get too close to let her into your family relationships. Of course, this does not mean that you must hide from her husband or his companion, but also makes them not worth it. The same can be said about your company, a young friend should be, as far as possible removed from your environment. Should not take things too seriously, it's just a small warning.