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Your attitude to civil marriage

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Your attitude to civil marriage

Despite the many negative aspects that are inherent in an informal relationship of marriage partners, their desire to free themselves from domestic problems and family responsibilities, many young people still prefer the long novel, a "trial marriage" or other similar forms of free relations, not wanting to lose the personal freedom and burden themselves with the bonds of marriage. You can determine your attitude to civil marriage by taking this test.

You must read the proposed questions and answer them by selecting one of the options above answers.

1.U their parents ... And you were - the eldest child;

B - the only child;

B - middle child in a large family;

T - junior.

2.Hoteli would you want your relationship with your partner, in principle, evolved as your parents?

And - best place to live in their own way;

B - in any case, not that;
B - it is hardly possible, because we live in a different time;

T - yes, my parents - a good example to follow.

3.What qualities do you value most in a partner? (Choose one of the most preferred answer.)

A - self-confidence, independence judgments, self-sufficiency;

B - extraordinary sexual esteem;

B - good character, honesty, devotion;

T - the ability to understand empathy, ability to listen and find common ground.

4.Schitaete Do you think that partners should share common interests, tastes and preferences?

And - even better than vice versa - when converge very diverse people;

B - not necessarily;

B - importantly - common values of life, but tastes may differ;

T - yes, it is highly desirable.

5.What your dignity as you think, most of all appreciates your partner?

A - independence;

B - special strengths and abilities that manifest themselves in the intimate sphere;

B - a bright mind, and ability to solve business problems in life;

G - good character.

6.How you think should be equitable distribution of household responsibilities?

A - life - dull routine, the less both parties are paying attention to him, the better for their relationship;

B - each does what it can and what they want;

B - it depends on specific people, you just have to come to a mutually acceptable agreement;

T - ready to take on most of the household cares to give partners an opportunity for creative, professional fulfillment.

7.Kak you think of the future birth of a child?

And - not yet time to think about it;

B - is ruled out, the extra burden is to anything;

In the - in principle, why not?

G - sometimes thinking that it would be great.

8.Sluchalis Does your family (parents, close relatives) of the divorce?

A - Yes, and it taught me to stay on guard;

B - parents and decided not to divorce, and the like - in vain, only poisoned the life of myself and I;

In the - yes, like many others, - this is a common phenomenon;

T - no, my parents have lived life in a single marriage, and divorce rates in relatives do not recall.

9.Kak affect your relationship a sharp deterioration in health or financial situation of your partner?

A - I'm afraid that it may spoil the relationship and make the part with him;

B - is not going to fuss over a disabled person or a loser;

B - the problem of close people - common, and try to solve them together;

G - I consider it my duty to bear this cross, no matter how hard.

10.Kak you think of the romantic formula "They lived happily ever after and died in one day?

A - I'm afraid that is I can not;

B - do not believe that it happens;

B - the perfect end to fairy tale, but life is a little like a fairy tale;

T - secret dream that is ever said about us.

Calculate what kind of answers - A, B, C or D - you have encountered most often. The predominance of one or another type of response characterizes your affiliate setup.

A - independent type. you one of those people who are referred to as self-sufficient. Above all, you value autonomy, independence and the right most control over their lives. And I must admit, have sufficient grounds. You are purposeful, energetic, able to achieve their goals, relying mainly on their strength. In this regard, your self-esteem a little overstated, but the claims are not always realistic. But it's not so bad. Much worse when people underestimate themselves and are preoccupied with small goals. You do not threaten. It offers advantages should also include the ability to take responsibility. But you have to obey, by contrast, does not like. Can not stand when you try to manipulate, to provide pressure on you. Because of this heightened sensitivity is sometimes as you see attacks on your independence, even where this and not talking. All of these qualities in its own securities, could complicate relations with others, including with the opposite sex.

B - consumer type. You are - a practical man who knows how to enjoy life to everything. And the people around them are for this vehicle. This does not mean you treat them badly, cruelly, ill. On the contrary, you know how to get along with people, if they can serve you with something useful. Many people think you sweet and nice person, so yes it is, perhaps, and it really is. The bad news is that in a relationship with a close friend you are consciously or unconsciously adhere to the same strategy. You can be charming, kind, willing to even go to any victim, but admit it - other personal property, hoping that it will pay off handsomely. While paying off, you're happy with a partner and living together. But if you are required to selfless sacrifice, this is beginning to weigh on you. You are not prepared to go forward, not looking forward to the generous benefits. Therefore, the partnership for you - a kind of joint venture in which you expect to receive large dividends. In fact, it's not even a marriage, a union of vzaimopolzovaniyu.

B - type of compromise. You are a person flexible, accommodating, able to almost all find a common language. Probably, your relationship with your partner will develop or already forming a friendly and relaxed. You are able to firmly but politely insist on its in matters of principle, but are not inclined to argue over trifles. However, we can assume that your relationship is not colored by strong emotions. If you happen to leave, it will happen without any strain, "intelligent", and you have no trouble finding a full-fledged partner in your opinion, replacement. Is it because you have not yet managed to find a unique, irreplaceable? Admit: you would really like it. But it all depends not on the happy event, but only up to you. Maybe this person is already next to you, but you are not yet aware of this report, carried away by considerations of common sense and reasonable expediency. Listen to your feelings. If the partner for you just better empty space, then in reality - no better, this is an empty place. And if you realize that this place can be occupied only by them, they will soon acknowledge: the formulation of relationships you will not fetter, and support.

T - dependent type. By its very nature a conservative person you are committed to centuries of entrenched values. Civil marriage for you - a marriage substitute "this" is either a test or a rehearsal. At heart, you are on long-lasting relationship, but something keeps on to be legally formalized. In fact, you just follow the spirit of the age old formula of "we must test the feelings." And how long do you think, this is required? Stretching is a test, you risk not only understand their feelings, how completely confused. The more so because you might got a partner of type B, which suits your complaisance and indecision. In this case, you risk over time, become the object of his goods, without a legitimate reason to oppose it. If you seriously think that at this stage of your life is preferable to civil marriage, try to determine: what is at least the duration of this phase. Otherwise, over time, more and more you will feel frustration, resentment and a partner.
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