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Your guardian angel

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Your guardian angel

Each person is God in the sacrament of baptism provides a guardian angel who protects the invisible man in the whole of his earthly life of troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins. Many examples of how the angels of God differently to help people, can be found in the Scriptures. So, Angel entered the mouths of lions, so they are not harmed Daniel thrown into the ditch to the lions for their loyalty to the true God (Daniel 6, 13-23). The angels saved Lot's family from ruin in the wicked city, cast him in advance of the convicted person to destroy Sodom (Gen. 19, 17). Angel saved from the fire of the three holy youths in Babylon, abandoned in razzhzhennuyu furnace (Daniel 3, 49).

Holy angels always care about making people like them, love God with all our soul, to serve him in every way, and thus achieve his own salvation.

Holy angels inspire us to good thoughts, intentions and desires, withdrawn from their sins; warned against the temptations and enticements, manage and reinforce the difficult circumstances of life, its cover protect from slander, evil spirits, always warring against the man, intercedes for us before the throne of God and exalt prayer worthy of praying at the altar, who is before the throne of God.
But it does not end blagodetelstvovanie angels. For the holy angels, not only in real life taking care of people who serve as their salvation, instruct them, strengthen, protect, comfort in grief and illness, but do not leave them at the end of life, caring for them and at the hour of death; embarrassed soothe the soul; reinforce in her faith, hope and love for God; nourish all-good sons of devotion to the Heavenly Father.

When it comes minute resolution of the soul from the body, then the angels of God, as the inhabitants of the sky, take a pious soul and escorted her into the heavenly abode, to the bosom of Abraham. This gives us the Lord of heaven and earth Jesus Christ in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, saying: byst die a beggar, and the bearing byti angels to the bosom of Avraamle (Luke 16.22).

A guardian angel is given baptized person for life and frees him from all evil, he shall in no case leaves a person at the end of life, with love cares about him. A guardian angel is relentlessly near entrusted to him in care of the Lord man. Every baptized person must have a guardian angel and one patron saint - God's servant, who was named in honor of people. It turns out that each person has two patron saint.

A guardian angel does not leave even a man sinned greatly. Christ himself testifies to the love angels care about saving people. He says that happiness is before the angels of God of a single sinner who repents (Luke Evangelie.. 15, 10).

Angels care not only about those who firmly salvation comes through, but also about those who live in sin, they are lovingly cared for the return of erring on the path of salvation. Guardian angel talking to people daily. Often, we believe that we are in a difficult situation saved by intuition or inner voice, we suggested a solution of some problems. This is the help of our angel. And many of the mistakes a person makes for one reason - have not heard the voice of his guardian angel.

Angels are obliged to instruct people on all the good lead to salvation, to protect the body and soul to them from all harm and evil and for the most part of the action on them of evil spirits, and predstatelstvovat apply for them with God.
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