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Your mission in life

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Your mission in life

Everyone wants to know what he was born, and what is his mission in life. Follow it means to be healthy and happy. Using digital analysis to decipher the code value of surname, name and patronymic, we can define the meaning of life and to justify its own existence. Thanks to contain the materials you will discover new talents and abilities, understand the difficulties you have overcome, what problems to solve, and be able to choose the right path in life. Howto : 1) Be sure to fill out the form letters of the Russian alphabet, 2) married women should be used for calculations maiden name.

Mission in life Ksenia Sobchak Anatolevna

Your mission is to create something of lasting value, to make things stable and durable. You need to give practical dreams and land fantasies. For whatever you came from, erect, above all, the foundation - a solid, logically verified, designed for long. You are not allowed in the pursuit of fleeting pleasures, you will achieve what you can enjoy for a long time. You are well guided in detail and to master even the most boring job, demonstrating virtuosity. You are able to maintain composure when all around lose his head. Know their value and depart not where others have lost interest in the case or losing tired, give up - and you'll be rewarded on merit.

You have to learn to evaluate all the nuances of the projects to which you are involved, and not be distracted by "packaging". Think clearly, firm position - that's what logic dictates to you, and do not depart from it! You can not be called fidget, do you prefer to live and work without changing the seat when getting used to it. You work as hard, if you can "lean" on a sense of permanence.

You respect justice, equality, and are practical. Your life will be devoted to the implementation of his plans. Reaching a goal, you lay the foundation for new achievements. You constantly work hard, build up, but you are well prepared for such a exhausting rhythm, because the fate bestowed upon you a great patience. Methodical, logic, and reliability - these are your tools, with their help, you will extract for themselves and their loved ones coveted wealth. In a sense, you can inhibit pettiness, a sense of responsibility and conservatism, if not all subject to a purely practical purpose. Sometimes you risk so much to get bogged down in details that will lose perspective. In such cases it is reasonable for some time to drift, as well as listen to the opinions of more experienced people. We are talking about family relationships as well as a career. But if you persevere and prove to myself that your ideas are very practical, it can interfere with your progress. Therefore, listen to and consider all opinions before a foothold in the thought that you have only one way.

You never shy away from responsibilities and is always willing to take upon their shoulders still have a burden. When you need someone to lean on, you better not be found. Most valuable property in a marriage! You and the kids privete laudable desire to support those who need it. You are able to perceive any idea, pick up any idea and make its practical implementation. Be yourself when you have such an opportunity - in the service, as a family. With regard to the device at home, then you are able to compete with any designer and make your home beautiful and comfortable.

Life does not allow you to look at things simply, and many serious problems will bother you as long as you do not learn how to skillfully organize and tidy and proper shape your business and personal affairs. This may not always coincide with your wishes, but if you want the best out of life, then you need to constantly strive for unity ideas and results: for ye were born to take responsibility, and others will look to you for help and protection. Your success depends on a steady advance "from scratch" regardless of the nature of work. At least, you should try to achieve tangible results and to give concrete shape plans. Undue haste and carelessness in the affairs can kill you. Any change or a new plan should lead to improved order management and reliability.

Old you are destined to defend the principles of honesty, sincerity, patience, perseverance, determination and faith. Stick them in your life plans, and the fruits of your labors will survive you. Stubbornness, narrow-mindedness, jealousy, envy and sarcasm - the negative aspects of your character.

Your personal success depends on the ability to organize and tidy up your own initiative. Talk to people involved in practical and worthwhile things. You can find a faithful and willing to help people among scholars, organizers, lawyers, and those who contribute to raising living standards. Avoid carelessness in choosing them. High morality is part of your charm and attractiveness of friendship; aspire to a sense of unity with people. This will increase your popularity and chances of success.

In your life you may have problems related to family, and you have to defend their rights. Not show the spirit of contradiction, be ready to help them, but my life is organized according to the plan, which, in your opinion, gives you security and the opportunity to realize their own talents. You need to have a strong personality.\\

Mission in life of Ivan Andreevich Urgant

Your mission - to analyze and find the essence. Your task - to dig deep and think over all, with what you face, using his gift of the researcher and the pursuit of excellence to find inner wisdom. The scope of your opportunities - one where you learn to use his acute powers of observation, to be thoughtful and understanding. Even if you're a cynic or a skeptic, you fulfill your mission. You go into everything, trying to get to a clear cause of things. You do not take for granted, but made up his - and lasting - a view on the subject. When the seed of thought gets into your subconscious, you'll long for him to bear, yet the mind does not sparkle with all the colors of the image, you are now thoroughly understood. And only then will you begin to act, or waive him. This is the way to the attainment of the great philosophical truths that you take the weapons being embraced, consoling the suffering and helping them. You are endowed with the gift of extrasensory perception, you are a frequent traveler a sense of deja vu - the feeling that you've already experienced a similar experience.

You intended role of the philosopher, teacher and healer, but you will not be easy to teach, if you do not overcome their isolation. Your restraint turns around for you a reputation unassailable. To you is granted only to those who understand your peculiar state of dreamy, quiet meditation. Lucky! After all, you can bestow upon them so much!

Your interests - is primarily a culture, the history of thought and philosophy. You need the air all that adorns life. You enjoy a beautiful painting or sculpture, a talented book. Without such a pleasure you can not do without. You are a connoisseur of rare skill and you can admire every single brushstroke on the canvas, not content with the overall impression of the picture. You have a great connoisseur of art. Of you will receive unparalleled parent, because you can instill your child the ability to love life in all its manifestations. Your low-key manner consistent stately appearance. You all show respect, and you take it for granted.

Life is often frustrating to you, you will meet many obstacles, but the philosophical mind will help you understand that life itself is overcome. And only if you try to cope with their problems, the burden of life becomes for you a little easier. In this case, you use the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of life and apply the extracted knowledge for self-improvement. This knowledge, spiritual and practical properties - your way to find happiness.

You will never in a hurry, you can always find time for rest and reflection. You do not have to worry about economic issues, because you have, in general, has everything you need.

Destiny you are having to learn, ask questions, to penetrate the mysteries of the soul and open them to the uninitiated, but as for the material needs of the mystic, then Providence will take care of. Your gift is rare, it should not be wasting nothing. Your weaknesses - a tendency to gloom and alienation, secrecy - do not contribute to a good rumor about you. If many of the impression that you are emotionally cold people, make friendships you will, of course, difficult. You are also characterized by cunning and prudence at the worst time for you.

Your life should be interesting, since in quest of knowledge you come with a variety of unusual events and dating that will help you learn to distinguish the true from the false. You destined to discover, disclose and understand the mysteries of life, to go into hiding, the scientific and the occult. You can even call it strange not like the others, or incomprehensible. You can often feel lonely, even being around people, and this will continue for as long as you do not learn to live virtue of his own soul, and not rely on the support and sympathy of others.

Your destiny - to live up to the realities of life, rather than external standards, realizing this, you will not be alone, because then the world protopchet path to your doorstep for tips, advice and knowledge, in order to enjoy the peace and stability in your life. Your business and even marriage can fall apart from too deep emotion and sentimentality.

Remember: you - and the educator can not choose a easy way. Its place in the world you occupy by knowledge, science, skills and wisdom. You can be a native of the common people, but you will love and respect for your skills and achievements. There will be times when you have to expand the scope of effort. Travel, visit distant countries. Connect with like-minded people around the world. They are scientists, researchers, historians, inventors, technicians, people who have an analytical mind and a penchant for mathematics. Are you interested in and can help you with writers, lawyers, surgeons and general narrow specialists. Study of Religion and Life Sciences. Engage in research as a hobby.

Expand your horizons and help you better understand the lives of Criminology, served in intelligence and generally "thin" type of activity. You should be interested area "of the science of art", and you can become a connoisseur of art, literature and antiquities. Please invite me to visit the wise men. Make your home high-class and elite, but warm and welcoming to all who seek knowledge and sincere desire to bring to human life science and the occult principles.

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