Your professional vocation
Often, people do not really know what they do. You, too, ponder, what to become, and how to make money? The answer lies in a secret code, your name and birth date. Numerological calculation will tell you what work will bring you success, what profession to choose and whom to work, what skills, talents and capabilities you have. Howto : 1) Fill in the form name and last name, you receive at birth 2) Fill in the information letter Russian alphabet 3) Be careful - the letter "e" and "e" have a different numeric value, so replace one of these letters the other can not. The date format is: DD / MM / YYYY (For example, 09/11/2001).
Your professional qualities:
You are serious and thoughtful attitude to work, giving the cause of himself without reserve. Working slowly, but responsibly do what you requested. Doing everything quietly and systematically, delving into all the subtleties of work. Have the insight, intuition, seeing many of the details and the details invisible to others. You are reliable, never let you down, take care about the prestige of their work.
Your ability is best expressed in working with people: you intuitively understand the other, act with tact and perseverance. Objective, trust only the facts, and strictly adhere to the rules. Works best in a group of like-minded, and not individually. Kindness, sociability, caring for colleagues. Modest, and your services sometimes do not get due recognition. Brings you the satisfaction of the knowledge that you need that you can not do without. The stability of the company and financial security are important to you.

Before you open a set of spheres of activity. Your ability to gather facts and statistics, a commitment to accuracy and ability to draw a conclusion from the available data, the ability to choose the right moment, a sense of rhythm and understanding of beauty, artistic taste, and spiritual development to provide a wide range of opportunities for success and financial well-being. You can realize themselves in complex technical areas, such as electricity, electronics, radio and television deal with the laws of space, light and sound as on the material and the spiritual level.
A suitable area of focus - banking, finance, distribution and control of cash flows for the benefit of society. For you to open an absolutely all areas of medicine. You can manifest itself in connection with the use of new, advanced methods of treatment. Productive area of focus are all types of diplomacy and public service, which requires a bright individuality, charm, kindness and ability to seek agreement on controversial issues. You can be a bookkeeper, accountant, secretary and administrator in any activity. Perfect for the role of supervisor in charge of identifying marriage, weaknesses, blunders and shortcomings.
What bothers you at work:
Dependence on others, increased sensitivity, shyness, slowness, risk aversion, lack of initiative.
Professional way:
You work well with the real thing, where you can see the results of their labor. Suitable work in the social and the service sector, where there is interaction with people.
Not suitable job that requires speed, quick response, and where working conditions are constantly changing. You do not fit a job where you have to be tough with people, and where necessary the pioneers and experimenters; administrative work.
You will be an ideal place, which requires the full cooperation, understanding, diplomacy and loyalty management. You better be in conjunction with others, than to take command post. The more you contribute to the cause, calling for cooperation, and show sincere interest in the success of such a case, the deeper will be your moral satisfaction from the chosen way.
Recommended areas of activity:
Religion, banking, science, radio, television, electricity, telephones, machinery, finance, electronics, brain surgery, travel, work with fluids, machinery, precision instruments, literature.
Featured profession (P):
The judge, lawyer, secretary, investigator, diplomat, ambassador, politician, orator, preacher, journalist, reporter, reporter, editor, writer, editor, proofreader, layout designer, an engineer, a healer, a doctor (especially a neurosurgeon), a psychologist, working, designer, builder, banker, economist, researcher, teacher, teacher of high school, the manager of any level, statistics, dancer, writer, musician, painter, sculptor, singer, bookseller, a real estate agent serving the airport, the curator of a museum or library, the cook or caterer, consultant, employee hotel or restaurant, stenographer.
Featured jobs:
Laboratories, auditoriums, hospitals, office buildings, industrial complexes, concert halls, large firms, research institutes, banks, university, church, government institutions, publishing houses, Embassy, travel agency.
Your professional qualities:
You distinguish business imagination, multilateral interests, activity, intelligence, optimistic. You can generate a lot of constructive ideas. You have a great enthusiasm and an innate ability to the attainment of success, including financial. Do you like smart, interesting for you to work that can be done in a relatively short period of time (as a few weeks), and better, containing every time something new. Your progress in your career depends on whether you are passionate about their work. If you're bored, you throw it. Have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, it helps you in difficult situations. Opportunity to express themselves provide all the activities associated with mastery, art. In the field of entertainment - professional actor, musician, singer. Can succeed in illustrating and design.
Many doors to success and financial prosperity opens the oratorical gift, one of your outstanding talents: well you can work as a diplomat, lecturer, commentator, salesman, advertising agent, teacher and consultant. Other areas: stocks and bonds, investments, real estate (especially where the need to develop design) business associated with toys, fashion, entertainment, travel and all kinds of commercial art. You are also endowed with an unusual gift of prophecy. With its internal sensitivity and intuition, you will often anticipate events. Misgivings, if they are not painted by fear or personal bias, direct and protect you.
What bothers you at work:
Impatience and intolerance.
Professional way:
Your best bet is to choose activities, where the expression in the price. Suit any business that requires creativity, mental stress, management, travel, computer skills, media and business, where there is rapid turnover of Finance.
Not suitable work monotonous, repetitive, and related to the responsibility for other people.
Recommended areas of activity:
Diplomacy, the clergy, missionary work, real estate, mechanical art, artwork, toys, trade, advertising, education, investments, travel, fashion, magic tricks, cosmetics, aviation, shipping, sweets, food, publishing.
Featured profession (P):
Do you need constant communication with people who suggest that the profession a diplomat, a judge, the seller, the director of news agency, lawyer, actor, writer, theater director and producer, playwright, photographer, models, politics, school teacher, beautician and hairdresser, designer, architect, gardener, a painter-decorator, nurse, doctor, artist, priest, entrepreneur, director of advertising agency, Sunday school teacher, the maitre d'hotel and restaurant director, will suit any occupation, closes on food, fashion and entertainment.
Featured jobs:
Exchange, store, theater, restaurant, library, kindergarten, rest home, own their home.