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Your temperament

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Your temperament

We give the well-known properties are largely determined by the characteristics of different temperaments:




4.Sootnoshenie activity to the reactivity

5.Temp reactions

6.Plastichnost - rigidity (opposite)

7.Ekstraversiya - introversion (opposite)

8.Emotsionalnaya excitability.

"Sensitivity" - is the smallest and the necessary strength of external stimuli that can trigger a reaction from a particular individual, and the speed of response. (Eg, one person simply otmahnetsya from flying bees, the other will be horrified to rush in search of salvation).

"Reactive" - a speed of the unconditional response to external stimuli of equal strength. (One short of a second, to draw back the hand from a hot pot handle, the other necessarily burnt, wondering what to do?)

"Active" - are, respectively, energetic response to external stimuli. This property affects the tenacity, perseverance, concentration.

"The ratio of activity to reactivity" - this ratio determines the efficiency of human activities. It is clear that if a man rather quickly (quickly) and with sufficient energy tends to solve a problem or issue, he has a clear advantage over the slow and inefficient, passive.

"The rate of reaction" - is the rate of mental reactions and processes occurring in unit time. Characterizes the speed, quickness, nimbleness, speed of decision making.

"Plasticity and (as opposite) - rigidity - it's adaptability, flexibility and flexibility to new external influences. Rigidity as opposed to the value of plasticity - it's sluggishness, lethargy.

"Extraversion" and (opposite) - "introversion" - a multi-directional polar response and human activities. "Extraversion" typical foreign policy issues, "introversion" also directs the activities of the internal obstacles and become more sensitive to their own needs and opportunities.

Emotional anxiety - there is a lower (minimum) threshold strength of the stimulus for the occurrence of response and speed of its occurrence. It determines the rate of change of emotional states. All these properties are inherent to varying degrees each of the temperaments and bring a very definite distinction between the temperaments.

"Sanguine" is characterized by balanced, strong, movable type of the nervous system. Moderately increased reactivity allows him to quickly and confidently respond to external stimuli. He was impressionable, energetic and persistent. His active and reactive balance balanced. It is easy to control their emotional displays. Quick in his movements, purposeful gait, his speech intelligibility and different speed. Emotions displayed by moderate force. Sanguine is generally cheerful, with a high ductility (easily adaptable to the conditions), with a good sense of humor, friendly and not easily offended.

"Choleric. He characterized not balanced, strong, not balanced, not stable. His nervous system is easily excitable, high mobility. He is often careless, impulsive with increased reactive and proactive, not patient and not restrained, exaggerated motion, abrupt in communicating.

"Melancholic" character, perhaps the weakest and balanced type of nervous system. Characterized by high "sensitiveness" weak reactivity, reduced activity, they have slowed down the mental pace. Melancholic painfully sensitive and touchy, prone to panic, gets tired quickly, often suffer from depression, suspicious and pessimistic, but tactful, gentle in communication, shy.
"Phlegmatic." He is characterized by a strong, well-balanced, inert type of nervous system. Phlegmatic characterized by low reactivity, patience, restraint, slow reactions, low plasticity, high rigidity. His movements are inhibited, it is calm, a little slow. He is friendly and closed, with unimportant sense of humor, often introverts. If we separate the legitimate connection between the properties inherent in each type of temperament, we find quite illustrative table. It will help you better define your own temperament.
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