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cartomancy Tarot

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Flash cartomancy Tarot

Tarot cards, probably the most celebrated and most mysterious of all the popular systems of predictions. These maps can give answers to almost every question. During the existence of the Tarot in the world there was a lot of different interpretations of these cards. But, ultimately, everyone seriously engaged in the Tarot, establishes its own system that best meets his personal experience. This also explains the presence of mass species tarotnyh decks. Tarot cards first appeared in Europe in the XIV century (according to some reports - about 1370). Their exact origin has not yet known, but most researchers agree that in Europe they have brought, or Gypsies, were engaged in fortune-telling, or returning from the crusades knights who met with the maps in the East. Classic Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into 2 parts: Senior arch - 22 cards; Junior lassos - 56 cards. Older, or "great" ("big", "majeure") lassos - numbered from 0 to 21. Younger ("small", "minor") lassos - divided into 4 suits, or "suites": Swords, Cups (cups) Pentacle (coins, discs, denarius) Wands (Staves, scepters). In each of the suits of 14 cards. It is numbered cards from Ace (1) to ten, as well as "costume cards, or figures: Jack (page), Knight (Rider), Queen (queen) and a king. Figure is also called the "yard". When guessing into account both direct and inverted position of cards. Value cards in an inverted position may differ from fundamental values. Some, however, believe that the upside-down position is no different from direct: if upside down, "War and Peace by Tolstoy, the book becomes a detective Chase. In the end, take the situation of cards or not - you must decide for yourself. The number of known layouts for tarot cards are dozens, if not thousands. Some talk about the past, present and future, while others - about love and friendship, partnership and business, and others - about the fate and destiny - in other words, the range of unusually diverse. In our divination are some of the most common layouts.

Alignment of the three maps 

Personal disposition
Alignment of the situation
Alignment on the human
Alignment "Yes" or "No"
Forecast for the week
The ratio of another person
Map of the essence and personality

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