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commandments of a loving woman 10

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10 commandments of a loving woman
Women tend to commit the same mistakes in relationships that eventually lead to rupture. Man looking especially for women, not like the others, that only he would like to see next to each other and get along with her entire life. It is sad, but after a while, special and perfect woman becoming one of the many that are totally not interested in this man. Build a relationship with a man to the principle - cooperation and equality. When a man tries to subdue the woman she starts complaining and show your character, but somehow, this same woman has nothing against that, to subdue the man himself. Many couples break up because of the inability of women to enjoy equality in the pair. To do not happen, you should stick to 10 is not challenging the rules of communication with man. Psychologists believe that these items are the basis of misconduct by most women.

1. One of the main irritating factors that can kill in the bud, even the most passionate relationship - it zakatyvanie tantrums and constantly striving to teach the man. If you think that raising her voice, sobbing and obzyvaya man, you will be able to get through it - you are deeply mistaken. In addition to irritation with his hand and the desire to escape from you soon you will get nothing. Then do not be surprised about some events of his life, you will learn the latest from his friends or his mother - the man does not want to share with you their problems, so once again not to run into your cries, tears, and Morality.

2. It is not necessary to change her man to make it fit a certain image. Also, do not teach him to do that which pleases solely to you. If he loves horror movies and do not like melodrama, let him stay in their preferences. Think about what will happen if he starts to drive you into some framework? Like a man who is close to you the way it is and more focusing its attention on its merits.

3. When women are in love, she feels an urgent need to be around the clock with the object of his passion, and its absolutely not worried about the fact that the man has some of his desires and needs. Should not limit your man to communicate, and perceive a hostile reception of his desire to see each other or go fishing. If he wants some of their time not with you, it does not mean that he does not love you or love less than you do it. Just men like change, and if you try to fill all his free time with himself, he very quickly to you cool off. In parting, there is a positive side - you'll miss each other and wait for the meeting.

4. Do not impose yourself my man. If you call a man to 10 times a day at the same time to talk about, just to "hang" on the phone and hear his voice - except for a negative reaction to the answer you get nothing. It is with a girlfriend can potryndet nothing - men do not like empty talk.

5. The man loses interest in women, which remained mysteries, so try to surprise the man every day. It only seems complicated, eventually you will like this game. Change the appearance, arrange a romantic evening, it is surprising favorite in bed - dreams, men love experimenting!

6. Get rid of jealousy. Jealous, you show a failure and a desire to have a person like a thing. Where lives mistrust - there is no place of love. Imagine how your man looks in the eyes of friends and colleagues who witness your endless test calls? Does this man want to come back after working in the house, where he awaits interrogation?

7. Try to solve the problems of a personal relationship with her husband, not her friends. Your man will be very unpleasant to hear from your friend's husband that they were already aware of all your problems. From what you share with a friend details of his family quarrels - they do not dare. And my husband has developed a strong belief that you can not say anything, because you tell it - "a secret around the world." No need to wash dirty linen in public.

8. Very often, she simply knocks out a man some recognition, literally forcing him to pour out her heart - do not in any case impossible. Sometimes men just need to be alone with your thoughts and, unlike women, who speak, it becomes easier for a man on the contrary it is easier when his problems do not know. Men are afraid to show their weakness or cause zhalos in the eyes of women, so if a man is not configured to talk heart to heart - do not insist. He can tell when you're ready or when it chooses, and if deemed not - hence, it protects your feelings and do not want to upset you. This man should be proud of, rather than reproach him for detachment and taciturnity.

9. The biggest mistake women - it's walking to the shops with her husband. Very few men like to wander for hours in the markets and shops, looking at the goods. Men do not understand how you can in 3 hours to choose a blouse or 2 hours trying on dresses. And how you can manage to one-half day to spend at stores, and at the same time so nothing for himself and not to choose - for men is an incomprehensible mystery. So you do not blame her husband's indifference, that he just does not want to advise you what to buy and what you will-to-face - were engaged in shopping with a friend. Together with her husband can go to the store only when you know exactly what you want to buy, and are confident that this thing is on the counter of the store.

10. Men are mostly punctual and do not like being late all the more so when the cause of delay becomes your habit for too long "inducing beauty." Such delays are often the cause of serious quarrels and scandals.

The surest way to achieve harmonious relationships in the pair - an open dialogue. Their problems should not share with her friends and mother, and to negotiate with the beloved man. I hope these tips will help you maintain relationships with your loved one and not to quarrel over trifles.
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