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detailed forecast for each month selected year

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detailed forecast for each month selected year

Do you have a unique opportunity to get a detailed forecast for each month selected year. Purpose of the forecast - to give practical advice to help you analyze the possible developments in this period, as well as showing the freedom of the will, to outline an effective plan of events. Contents: career, money and creative plans, personal life (love and sex), health. Volume of 12 pages of text.
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Forecast for 2010 for Tina Kandelaki

You have left behind a mountain pass the process of gaining experience, now is the time to apply the acquired knowledge into practice.

Continue through life with a cruising speed. That is, the pace of events is such that you can see the major and minor. It may seem that progress toward goals has slowed, but actually it is not. The main task of the year - to resolve personal problems. In the list of priorities, first numbers are relatives, close people, friends. Absolutely necessary not only to enlist their support in all endeavors, but also to listen to their advice. This year, the most successful plans and projects will be prompted by the "inner circle". Try this year to bring their skills with others to filigree state.

Your health in the year Sixes will depend on how an orderly way of life you lead. For example, "gatherings", protracted till late at night can trigger the weakening of immunity, and as a result - colds. If you carelessly treat any disease or will transfer it to his feet, then it is likely that the disease takes a chronic form.

Concentrate! Year Six, can determine your personal life on a very long time. On how well you cope with the solution already exist or may vozniknuvshih problems will depend on whether you achieve success in all spheres of activity.

Ideal for year of conception and birth. Very poor year for the parting with your partner, great possibility of error, which would poison you the joy of life over the next several years and even decades. If for some reason your partner decided to leave, try to use all available means at least to postpone this event.

Spend as much sensitivity and emotional warmth in a relationship with a partner. Year Six opens up tremendous prospects in front of you in terms of strengthening relations. Spent force does not sink into the void.

Not the most "fruitful" in the tangible assets per year. Year Six will provide you with prosperity in the meaning of "enough", but without the frills. Necessary to have enough, but the more you can think in the next year.

Career plans is still a good think about it. Prepare the soil, plant seeds and wait for germination, but all the same next year. If the annual Sixes will be very successful in the sense of obtaining material values, will have to worry: "And how are things with personal life?" Most likely was that? Is "stuck" or "twisted." In the year of the Six financial success is only possible due to the "decrease" in the sphere of relations with relatives.

Period of introspection, coming to you this month, will help you understand many things. You have other eyes look at friends, work, their environment and discover truths that were not available to you before. Appreciate the opportunity to look dispassionate insight into things. Emotions obscure vision - removing the veil of emotion, you will make many discoveries. Most of the month will be dedicated to serious pursuits, thanks to which you will strengthen its position in the future. Let nothing and no one distracts you - not fickle friends, nor frivolous amusements, or acquisition, are not necessary. Focus on the learning process. Not restricted to any one area of expertise - to seek to embrace the idea of all the variety of things. People, traditions, art and material culture - all woven together in the fabric, which is called "life", and everything important in it. Only by learning can be understood only by knowing you can enjoy life. Engage in the occult sciences, dive into the depths of mystical teachings - you will find pearls of true wisdom.

Empty the fun and enjoyment will be transitory stifled serious thoughts and interests that will absorb you now. So it should be. Curiosity leads to a more thorough exploration of life, rather than let it just pleasant socializing and entertainment. Now you will be very useful intuition - you can trust her, looking for answers to tantalizing questions. Yes, you have hit in criticism and analysis, according to friends, but your judgments will undoubtedly be true if you take the time to see things clear and unbiased view. After thorough introspection, you can expect that there are no surprises do not confuse your peace of mind when you plan ahead and begin to implement plans. Rely on your newly acquired "inner" truth, defining your goals and achieving them. You should choose the best that neither is a direct and logical route and act without hesitation - as you see fit. You can not go wrong.

Month is not conducive to gambling, and various kinds of financial transactions. You also do harm to themselves - their health, career, your friendships - if you give way to anger and not to refrain from excessive criticism. Take a break from suspicion and jealousy - you need a cool and clear head when you think about your future; handy now would leave and in any case, you need to take care of health.

Finally came a month of unlimited opportunities and success. You will find that now you need not worry about your financial situation - everything you need at hand. What is required of you in return? You to share their heritage with disasters and proved his unselfishness and sense of responsibility. All will be assessed on merit, and in time you also need to get help, money, material, moral, in confirmation of biblical wisdom: "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Can personally lead any company in which you participate, because nastupivshy month conducive to the success of all. If any transaction does not generate revenues, but now they will enrich you. It does not matter what your purpose in life, you have to prove themselves. Keep the house, be the first among the fellow students, to solve complex and intricate business matters. Focus on all of what you have ever dreamed of, and fate, supportive to you now, will make sure that you are happy to fulfill your dreams. However, this does not mean that you should sit back and wait. Serious effort on your part to hasten development.

It's time to move forward and show everyone around what you're capable of, what skill, intelligence and will are endowed. But avoid arrogance, selfishness and ostentation, or your success will be short-lived. Do not forget about those who are not as lucky as you: share with them their wealth, their power, joy and knowledge. Support the needy, dealt well with them as benefactors your destiny. And then you can enjoy the fruits of their efforts to the fullest extent.

Do away with old habits, reject unwanted thoughts, put a point in the relations that impede your progress. Now is an opportune time to dive into the occult sciences. Still so many mysteries unsolved - refer to subjects of interest to you, get into the so far unknown. Now your intuition tense as ever. Rely on it to enrich themselves materially and spiritually. You do not need to ask someone to board, because you are unable to find their own answers to the questions you are facing, and hence the path to success. Look inside your mind's eye to all corners of consciousness, the soul and relieve the fetters that constrain and hinder you find most important for you to experience. Prepare internal work with renewed determination in the next month - when the hour.

You broke up with the old - you may have to go through some kind of loss - either through theft or by your own carelessness. Be sure to check if everything is owned by you on the spot. Hide under lock and key values, carry with them as little money - better to let them be securely locked. Avoid disputes, do not succumb to anger, because any crack in the relationship may deepen in the future. However, do not fear the consequences if it's time to get rid of junk bonds, from those people who take from you too much. Do not take other people's problems are too close to the heart. Consider all the details, stopping at some decision. If it looks like you're missing the case, lose some, like, right people, do not go against fate. In life you intended to enter into many communication, and any experience is instructive, and so you must be willing to exempt from the relations that have become exhausted, so, tying new ones, use them well. Provide services to people, not shying away from debt to our neighbors, if you want others to take care of you. Perhaps your self-esteem will suffer this month, but did not attribute much importance to hurt, otherwise you pay the time that it would be better spent on important things.

Think of this month as a necessary stage of purification. Remove the burden of the past, and let you'll get a clear way that you go with the beginning of a new cycle. Under the "burden of the past" I mean well and with people no longer bring you satisfaction. Be merciful, but do not close our eyes to the fact that someone is robbing you and gives nothing in return. Such attitudes are destructive - they must be discarded, so you can join the more beneficial for you to bond.

In this period before you will, new opportunities, projects and prospects. All this is quite fascinating, does not require comprehension and evaluation, and approach the matter be very critical, not succumbing to the euphoria of change and dizziness of future success. You tend to forget about the past - and in vain, as it now is to return to the old plans: it is possible impediments to their implementation, no longer exists. This month is related to communication, business and personal relationships, information sharing and learning new. Fortunately, we are not constrained in the means of communication, and easily able to connect even with people on other continents, so hurry to take advantage of these opportunities to communicate with relatives living far away, business partners from other countries, childhood friends. Exchange of experiences will not only useful but also enjoyable, because you into a positive mood and will promote the growth of interest in life.

The best means of communication for this month is a phone, and you own a fine word, and easily maintain a conversation, in addition, at this time, your voice is especially beautiful and expressive. If you have to face meetings, try to make sure that nothing distracts attention from your speech is too bright clothing or makeup, gestures, and, in some cases, even a demonstration of graphic material, undesirable.

You can be very selfish, will focus exclusively on their own interests and concerns. This is understandable, but sad because it allows to improve on his personal life: to make peace with the satellite life, to appreciate the personal qualities of someone from my friends and just be interested in a man who deserves attention. To succeed in this month have to be strong and decisive leader, but often it leads to the fact that you forget about those who are near, yet, in order to protect them from the experiences and themselves - from the pangs of conscience, to quite a bit time and warmth.

It is very important now not to lose interest in domestic issues, and financial matters to approach with caution and circumspection. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of fraud or lose some wealth.

It's time to go into the shadows, giving major roles to others. Of particular importance is the sphere of human relations, you really worry if your loved one no longer trust you, my friends are arguing, as relatives or friends have no interest in your life. Loneliness is undesirable because it can cause sadness and depression, so do not give up communication and support earlier ensuing dating. You attach great importance to team spirit, and not a little concerned if among the members of your family, circle of friends or work collective disagreements. Instead of worry and grieve, take on the duties of a peacemaker: surrounding it will appreciate, and your kindness and tact will not cross the border in the performance of a laudable mission. The desire to find "your soul mate, a man who can be trusted in everything, is very intense, often forcing commit reckless acts. Month is favorable for the novels, but you should not lose your head, keep calm and prudence, you can achieve personal happiness, much faster than if you will accept any incoming offers.

This month will open a tempting at first glance, the prospects for actually placing the trap: you risk to spend a lot of time and effort wasted if you do not think over the consequences of its every step, every action. Attempts to swim against the tide are unlikely to be successful, but we should not forget that you are free to choose their speed. With the implementation of projects in which no one helps you, it's better not to hurry - this month will bring more good collective effort. In difficult situations do not hesitate to contact someone for help and advice, and not a refusal, when you refer to. This is not the best month to solve complex problems and finding answers to philosophical questions. Do not rush things, do not throw the emerging loopholes, trust your instincts and turn down the activity - let fate lead you forward, pleasing surprises.

This time, joy and merriment. Positive attitude will not leave you if you will overcome the main enemies - boredom and inactivity. Is active, companionship, social life, partying, someone may seem wasted, but actually does is not. Throughout the month, you'll be in the spotlight, and it means that your best qualities will surely enjoy the people, familiarity with which may be helpful in all respects.

Business contacts are not fastened in the offices and halls of the negotiations, and on a variety of exhibitions, concerts, corporate parties and friendly meetings, and even classmates. Your task - to demonstrate their talents and possibly loudly declare their own interests, your words could hear a potential partner, customer or employer. Cheerfulness and optimism makes you a truly compelling, but because the atmosphere of coquetry and flirtation immediately created wherever you appear. Alas, you just as easily become a slave to its own illusions, as well as impress others - so later, when the break the spell, you may be disappointed.

Prominently in the list of your priorities takes work, and, as a rule, modern, mixed, giving an opportunity to discuss and argue. There should be more careful, because, fascinated by the conversation, you are risking themselves in a ridiculous, if you start talking about what the bad are good. Get rid of aplomb, your element - questions, not answers. Remember, the curiosity to make a better impression than the condescending arrogance.

This month is generous with his creative impulses, and often at this time there is a desire to change the strict dress in costume or housewives clothes soiled with paint artist. Usually such venture remain only at the level of plans, but some changes are still possible. Whatever you do, try to find like-minded: they will save you from mistakes, give good advice and will not allow to stop halfway.

Good month to talk, try to write all the letters, including two or three lines of friends and family - you want to tell them how you miss them. For the business person this time, meetings with old and new customers. Previous business relationships will be strengthened, again tied to be more fruitful. The more you have contacts, the better. Respond to all new projects, ideas, methods and suggestions, but beware of scams. You will be able to quickly see through the dubious identity and will not waste time on such people.

Consider all the prospects opening up before you - no matter to what changes they lead. Maybe we are talking about the new rates, movements, on innovative ideas - should examine all possible angles. Whatever appeared on the horizon this month, you'll probably see the first signs of his hopes. However, not enough for everything, just not to miss the event. First of all, think carefully about all the projects. But when you make sure that the project is worthwhile, decisive action. Sense of humor, common sense, optimism and energy this month put you in an advantageous position - before you open many doors, you will win the position of people with great potential.

If you have been at loggerheads with the spouse, it is time to reconcile. With these properties, your loved one simply can not fail to soften to you, and you deserve forgiveness. You something to hurt still get his? Now, all obstacles will disappear. Affirm, because you are assertive and independent, but you should indulge in the charm and apply a fair tactic. Do not persist unless you know what is on your side the truth, and be sensitive to the feelings of a spouse.  

You will be greatly rewarded if vykazhete a decisive and strong leader. Action - start a new business, get the friendship, work out the original idea: you meet with success. Yes, poroytes in the head and fish the most seemingly trifling thought. Think about what features it promises to materialize, and immediately get down to business. Do not delay implementation of any plans for it then, because all the steps in this month will be successful. Do not miss the auspicious moment for you - the delay will harm you.

The key to this month - cooperation, not leadership. You have been wise if every possible help to people who turn to you for help or advice. You will discover many new, as in the realm of ideas and practices, and gaining experience in the future will do you good. There will also be appreciated by your team spirit. Perhaps you will be able to connect the two loving people among your friends or to reconcile those who have been at loggerheads. Do not worry, no matter what happens, and do not lose self-control. It is important that you keep calm, clarity of thought this month, primarily because of some kind of relationship can lead to novel or promote your career. A cool head and charming manners will make a favorable impression on the subject you're interested party.

Since the previous month was for you a month of action and leadership in all areas of the current month, demanding interaction, may seem a bit tedious. No matter how urgent was not the case, if you can not easily find a solution to wait. What is easy - it is true. The hour and for this case. No need to seize that folded, - first well weigh all the pros and cons. This month is successful only for joint work and mutual aid - for no other purpose. 

If friends, relatives or colleagues will make some suggestions, leading to the revision of your established order, think carefully about the proposal before responding to them. In any case not in a hurry to give up others' ideas, motivating the refusal by the fact that you prefer to act in its sole discretion. Perhaps the proposal will be very beneficial to you, and change, albeit minor, but under the very fate will serve to your benefit. No need to move upstream, and if there are any problems, please consult the family. They wish you nothing but good, and their sincere assistance can be expected. If a question is a special property, consult a professional. Amateurism not bear fruit. Also, do not force events.

Any dilemma will be solved, if you choose the most practical, prudent and sensible course of action. The second month of personal favors negotiation and communication. Try to see as many of their friends and settle Enron you disagree. Be nice and diplomatically, then you are, no doubt, will manage all the sharp corners.

Accept any invitations and have a good time. Try to relax and rest whenever possible - you need to calm the nerves. Probably you will feel overwhelmed, frustrated and unhappy, and then become jealous of those of his entourage, who at this point lively and more fortunate. But remember - everyone is in the life of complete calm, and, perhaps, at a time when you are enjoying the fruits of their efforts, people dropped their months of waiting and resting. We all go destined way, we all have are ups and downs.  

You zavertit carousel of meetings and entertainment, you will find yourself in the spotlight, and it will flatter you and inspire a sense of pride. You will be very pleased with your increased popularity, and enjoying it, sometimes allow yourself to too much waste - and the time and money. You do not hurt more often recall the saying: "Cause - time fun - an hour." Excess of entertainment and burdensome to health and purse. You will attract art. Now you are endowed with the gift of speech, able to perfectly express yourself - do not miss this opportunity to profitable use of their talents. Share with others their ideas, thoughts and hopes. Anyone who can help you, sure to be among them. You have someone passionate about? Now you can easily conquer this man. You can impress peers with their knowledge and experience, because you can break out entire flow of eloquence. Even deny you in intelligence and wit changed his mind and the BE ENTERED you to the list of celebrities. Your zest for life now - your advantage: if your every word sparkles with optimism. Use your own advantage: do not miss a chance to express himself verbally - and you will meet with success.

Have fun as often as time permits and money. Invites new friends, whose friendship you value, people with whom you relate a common cause - do not forget old friends and neighbors. Accept all invitations to receptions and celebrations, which may contribute to the successful implementation of your plans. The world of art has a special power over you this month - use every opportunity to visit the theater premieres, exhibitions, fashion shows, demonstrations of any artistry. Be your personality and talents. Find people with similar inclinations, and you'll be rewarded with their friendship. 

But do not let the stupid and unnecessary liberties, which can damage your career or personal interests. The foolish actions will cost you too much, it's better to spend time and money on something worthwhile. Resist the urge to show off, boast of something or as something else to hurt people's feelings. Word - your power now, but be careful: you can easily offend or annoy someone word. No need to talk about things in which you are uncomfortable or do not understand, because what we're talking, I remember a long time, but by our words judge us. Beware of statements that will expose you in a false light. 

Having fun and meeting it's time to start working. Then came months of hard work, which will later be rewarded, and therefore it is highly desirable to use your strength. Now we must forget about entertainment, but at the end of the month you'll experience a feeling of satisfaction from the declaration. Honest labor and hard work has not hurt anyone, but have always been the key to future prosperity. What you achieve today will provide a solid foundation for what you want to receive in the future. Laying the groundwork now, you'll climb the ladder of success, armed with knowledge and experience. Take the opportunity and appreciate the entire baggage of their ideas and plans, and then focus on those who, in your opinion, can bear fruit in the future. Do not waste time on trivia - important things are durable, long-term nature of communication: a stable career, reliable personal life.

If you are married, then it's time to strengthen the alliance and to strengthen mutual understanding with the spouse. You can take part in the family, help, how it is in your power to spouses and to facilitate the burden of care, which lies on the shoulders of a loved one. In addition, you can make plans for the house, which will lead, leave, which has long dreamed of ... Well thought out, what do you expect from your marriage and what are the ways to achieve the desired, and then pursue their goals by applying all forces. If you act, the success is provided to you, but remember that it will not come this month. You will make some kind of contribution, interest from which will be paid later, at the scheduled time for this.

Now have a value of just the facts. Charm and bright personality will not help you move forward, as in other months. In each case, ask questions: "Why?" And try to resolve the situation, relying on common sense, without undue emotion. Focus on tasks that require elaboration, even though they are monotonous and boring. Review the reports, look for errors and correct them. At the beginning of the month you should think about how you can improve results and strengthen its position. The amendments that you will make in their work may lead to some kind of undertaking, beneficial to you.

Do that in your power to yourself as an independent Labour came a month. And do not think that someone will do it for you. Yourself for yourself ... You'll save money, and training will not hurt you.

Beware of idleness and boredom. Maybe you do not want to mess with all sorts of little things, but do not neglect them, and remember that the nature of things is important, any bit, and any effort just multiply your precious experience.

This month, you will find a lot of changes - many need to be addressed. Be prepared to take immediate action, you now need a flexible mind. You'll have to make quick decisions and adapt to the environment, defending their own prosperity. Permanence - not in the nature of the coming months, so try your best. Changes may affect your home or your career, but whatever they were, if you constantly keep the ability to adopt them and adapt to them, they will get you good. Awareness, common sense and safety are now playing a big role in your move forward. Think and then say - do not empty words ... Express your thoughts freely and directly, and then the knowledge and experience will open your path to success. Let authoritative people become aware of your capabilities and attitudes. Do not miss the chance to make a good impression. And since the coming changes are likely beneficial for you, do not be afraid of them. Do not panic! Adjusts to the demands of the situation. Month is very conducive to career advancement, and therefore should share all the valuable ideas, who came to your mind to focus on every detail, perhaps, not particularly relevant, but also demonstrate your flexibility and a sincere interest in their work.

Treat your word carefully. You do not want to offend someone by word or put himself in a false light? Do not be nervous, do not allow you to provoke ill-considered and hasty statements. Relax and meet unexpected fully armed. If you find yourself embroiled in a dispute or a misunderstanding, do not worry - they are short-lived.

This month you will be overflowing emotions. Do not carry out their engagement this month, otherwise it would be avoidance. Fragility - is what characterizes any project to which you are now involved. Knowing about such a Property vibration of the month, you must not annoy or give in to anger, if someone does not come at the agreed meeting did not keep his promise. If you are angry, then just subtract from a lucrative opportunity, which could result in an acquaintance. Permanence? No, you should not rely on any sort was consistency in the windy month, do not be discouraged if you make a step forward today and tomorrow - two years ago. Understand - is to accept and not become embittered. Look at things broadly, the experience of many changes now taking place will enrich you, if not immediately, but be sure - in the future.

Wonderful time - you can relax and find inner peace and enjoy mutual understanding with those you love. Surround yourself with beauty and comfort. You, of course, requires logic and realism in your actions, but you will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors. And especially you will enjoy all the sublime and beautiful, and above all - the art. This month, for successful meetings and family celebrations, launched at the forefront of family life, relationships with family and friends. The initiative, however, must come from you. Invite guests to your home - you will be able to decorate your home and create a warm, friendly atmosphere.

You and someone spat? It is time to resolve any misunderstandings, because the month is marked by the world, and you should not miss his chance. In the end, the world comes to us is not forever, and should enjoy it while it lasts. If you are married, you are waiting for some change, perhaps even a divorce - an outlet for unhappy couples. And, in general, is a good month for marriage, so hurry to take or make an offer. Your loved one will not stand and want a strong relationship with you.

This month is primarily intended for communication - use every opportunity to have a good time. Month is also favorable for the meetings that you somehow have long been putting off. Remember the old friends - they will please you very much. In the first place, of course, there are household chores. Landscape your house, make economic affairs, which never had enough time, make some changes that will bring you pleasure and create additional comfort. And then to pay tribute to their interests and hobbies. You do not have a hobby? Find - they bring you much joy, especially if it's something related to art. If you do not have these talents, you should learn some skills and then will be able to understand and appreciate the beauty.

Take advantage of being delivered to you this month, the opportunity to get out of the well-trodden track. Let the circle of your interests, as well as social circle, no need to avoid difficulties in career or family life, although this is possible and easier for you. An adult does not shy away from responsibility - carry their responsibilities, and all is well.

Forecast for 2010 to Wladimir Klitschko

Remember the fable about the ant and the grasshopper? So, this year you'll have to play the role of an ant with all its consequences: you will find a painstaking work with a minimal amount of entertainment. I recall that tugging at its tether? Dragonfly is poorly finished. The main problem that confronts man Four year - to consolidate the stabilization of progress, strengthening the foundation on which you will then erect a house of his success.

The dramatic decline in the rate of progress towards the goal does not mean that you have chosen the wrong goal, it's time to simply "bring to mind" all the flaws and imperfections that may hinder you to realize our plans. Subsequently, however, can be very disappointing when so painstakingly erected building your plans will fail because of some trifle. So be patient and put things straight.

Health this year will require more attention than usual. Need to literally "keep abreast, not allowing a situation in which the disease can go away. Try to arrest the problem in the body in its infancy. Otherwise, the disease can cause you a lot of unpleasant moments later. It would be nice to pass the next survey "weaknesses."

It's time to establish a way of life, to do home improvement, management, streamline the relationship with your partner. Increased comfort level "rear" will now more than ever. Avoid stormy manifestations of feelings, and reduce the intensity of emotions. Problem, the Quartet - the strengthening of stability and focus on issues. Try to understand that you are "annoying" in a relationship with a partner and try to solve this problem. If you decide to part with a partner, it is better to make it a civilized manner, without any problems, or you can purchase an enemy for life. If this year you met an interesting person, do not expect decisive action and do not boost the event. Be patient and try to know him better.

Money this year will not only earn but also work. This means that you spend on this process is almost twice as much effort. Not a good year financially, but perhaps the consolidation of career positions at the expense of increasing self-discipline and self-esteem lower bracket.

Do not wait for "gifts of fortune, but it is possible to achieve much on their own. Be sure to fully implement all its commitments. This year is very important to match your desires and possibilities, otherwise you may suffer financial collapse. Large purchases and the most expensive undertakings better to postpone the next year.

This month, you will find a lot of changes - many need to be addressed. Be prepared to take immediate action, you now need a flexible mind. You'll have to make quick decisions and adapt to the environment, defending their own prosperity. Permanence - not in the nature of the coming months, so try your best. Changes may affect your home or your career, but whatever they were, if you constantly keep the ability to adopt them and adapt to them, they will get you good. Awareness, common sense and safety are now playing a big role in your move forward. Think and then say - do not empty words ... Express your thoughts freely and directly, and then the knowledge and experience will open your path to success. Let authoritative people become aware of your capabilities and attitudes. Do not miss the chance to make a good impression. And since the coming changes are likely beneficial for you, do not be afraid of them. Do not panic! Adjusts to the demands of the situation. Month is very conducive to career advancement, and therefore should share all the valuable ideas, who came to your mind to focus on every detail, perhaps, not particularly relevant, but also demonstrate your flexibility and a sincere interest in their work.

Treat your word carefully. You do not want to offend someone by word or put himself in a false light? Do not be nervous, do not allow you to provoke ill-considered and hasty statements. Relax and meet unexpected fully armed. If you find yourself embroiled in a dispute or a misunderstanding, do not worry - they are short-lived.

This month you will be overflowing emotions. Do not carry out their engagement this month, otherwise it would be avoidance. Fragility - is what characterizes any project to which you are now involved. Knowing about such a Property vibration of the month, you must not annoy or give in to anger, if someone does not come at the agreed meeting did not keep his promise. If you are angry, then just subtract from a lucrative opportunity, which could result in an acquaintance. Permanence? No, you should not rely on any sort was consistency in the windy month, do not be discouraged if you make a step forward today and tomorrow - two years ago. Understand - is to accept and not become embittered. Look at things broadly, the experience of many changes now taking place will enrich you, if not immediately, but be sure - in the future.

Wonderful time - you can relax and find inner peace and enjoy mutual understanding with those you love. Surround yourself with beauty and comfort. You, of course, requires logic and realism in your actions, but you will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors. And especially you will enjoy all the sublime and beautiful, and above all - the art. This month, for successful meetings and family celebrations, launched at the forefront of family life, relationships with family and friends. The initiative, however, must come from you. Invite guests to your home - you will be able to decorate your home and create a warm, friendly atmosphere.

You and someone spat? It is time to resolve any misunderstandings, because the month is marked by the world, and you should not miss his chance. In the end, the world comes to us is not forever, and should enjoy it while it lasts. If you are married, you are waiting for some change, perhaps even a divorce - an outlet for unhappy couples. And, in general, is a good month for marriage, so hurry to take or make an offer. Your loved one will not stand and want a strong relationship with you.

This month is primarily intended for communication - use every opportunity to have a good time. Month is also favorable for the meetings that you somehow have long been putting off. Remember the old friends - they will please you very much. In the first place, of course, there are household chores. Landscape your house, make economic affairs, which never had enough time, make some changes that will bring you pleasure and create additional comfort. And then to pay tribute to their interests and hobbies. You do not have a hobby? Find - they bring you much joy, especially if it's something related to art. If you do not have these talents, you should learn some skills and then will be able to understand and appreciate the beauty.

Take advantage of being delivered to you this month, the opportunity to get out of the well-trodden track. Let the circle of your interests, as well as social circle, no need to avoid difficulties in career or family life, although this is possible and easier for you. An adult does not shy away from responsibility - carry their responsibilities, and all is well.

Period of introspection, coming to you this month, will help you understand many things. You have other eyes look at friends, work, their environment and discover truths that were not available to you before. Appreciate the opportunity to look dispassionate insight into things. Emotions obscure vision - removing the veil of emotion, you will make many discoveries. Most of the month will be dedicated to serious pursuits, thanks to which you will strengthen its position in the future. Let nothing and no one distracts you - not fickle friends, nor frivolous amusements, or acquisition, are not necessary. Focus on the learning process. Not restricted to any one area of expertise - to seek to embrace the idea of all the variety of things. People, traditions, art and material culture - all woven together in the fabric, which is called "life", and everything important in it. Only by learning can be understood only by knowing you can enjoy life. Engage in the occult sciences, dive into the depths of mystical teachings - you will find pearls of true wisdom.

Empty the fun and enjoyment will be transitory stifled serious thoughts and interests that will absorb you now. So it should be. Curiosity leads to a more thorough exploration of life, rather than let it just pleasant socializing and entertainment. Now you will be very useful intuition - you can trust her, looking for answers to tantalizing questions. Yes, you have hit in criticism and analysis, according to friends, but your judgments will undoubtedly be true if you take the time to see things clear and unbiased view. After thorough introspection, you can expect that there are no surprises do not confuse your peace of mind when you plan ahead and begin to implement plans. Rely on your newly acquired "inner" truth, defining your goals and achieving them. You should choose the best that neither is a direct and logical route and act without hesitation - as you see fit. You can not go wrong.

Month is not conducive to gambling, and various kinds of financial transactions. You also do harm to themselves - their health, career, your friendships - if you give way to anger and not to refrain from excessive criticism. Take a break from suspicion and jealousy - you need a cool and clear head when you think about your future; handy now would leave and in any case, you need to take care of health.

Finally came a month of unlimited opportunities and success. You will find that now you need not worry about your financial situation - everything you need at hand. What is required of you in return? You to share their heritage with disasters and proved his unselfishness and sense of responsibility. All will be assessed on merit, and in time you also need to get help, money, material, moral, in confirmation of biblical wisdom: "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Can personally lead any company in which you participate, because nastupivshy month conducive to the success of all. If any transaction does not generate revenues, but now they will enrich you. It does not matter what your purpose in life, you have to prove themselves. Keep the house, be the first among the fellow students, to solve complex and intricate business matters. Focus on all of what you have ever dreamed of, and fate, supportive to you now, will make sure that you are happy to fulfill your dreams. However, this does not mean that you should sit back and wait. Serious effort on your part to hasten development.

It's time to move forward and show everyone around what you're capable of, what skill, intelligence and will are endowed. But avoid arrogance, selfishness and ostentation, or your success will be short-lived. Do not forget about those who are not as lucky as you: share with them their wealth, their power, joy and knowledge. Support the needy, dealt well with them as benefactors your destiny. And then you can enjoy the fruits of their efforts to the fullest extent.

Do away with old habits, reject unwanted thoughts, put a point in the relations that impede your progress. Now is an opportune time to dive into the occult sciences. Still so many mysteries unsolved - refer to subjects of interest to you, get into the so far unknown. Now your intuition tense as ever. Rely on it to enrich themselves materially and spiritually. You do not need to ask someone to board, because you are unable to find their own answers to the questions you are facing, and hence the path to success. Look inside your mind's eye to all corners of consciousness, the soul and relieve the fetters that constrain and hinder you find most important for you to experience. Prepare internal work with renewed determination in the next month - when the hour.

You broke up with the old - you may have to go through some kind of loss - either through theft or by your own carelessness. Be sure to check if everything is owned by you on the spot. Hide under lock and key values, carry with them as little money - better to let them be securely locked. Avoid disputes, do not succumb to anger, because any crack in the relationship may deepen in the future. However, do not fear the consequences if it's time to get rid of junk bonds, from those people who take from you too much. Do not take other people's problems are too close to the heart. Consider all the details, stopping at some decision. If it looks like you're missing the case, lose some, like, right people, do not go against fate. In life you intended to enter into many communication, and any experience is instructive, and so you must be willing to exempt from the relations that have become exhausted, so, tying new ones, use them well. Provide services to people, not shying away from debt to our neighbors, if you want others to take care of you. Perhaps your self-esteem will suffer this month, but did not attribute much importance to hurt, otherwise you pay the time that it would be better spent on important things.

Think of this month as a necessary stage of purification. Remove the burden of the past, and let you'll get a clear way that you go with the beginning of a new cycle. Under the "burden of the past" I mean well and with people no longer bring you satisfaction. Be merciful, but do not close our eyes to the fact that someone is robbing you and gives nothing in return. Such attitudes are destructive - they must be discarded, so you can join the more beneficial for you to bond.

In this period before you will, new opportunities, projects and prospects. All this is quite fascinating, does not require comprehension and evaluation, and approach the matter be very critical, not succumbing to the euphoria of change and dizziness of future success. You tend to forget about the past - and in vain, as it now is to return to the old plans: it is possible impediments to their implementation, no longer exists. This month is related to communication, business and personal relationships, information sharing and learning new. Fortunately, we are not constrained in the means of communication, and easily able to connect even with people on other continents, so hurry to take advantage of these opportunities to communicate with relatives living far away, business partners from other countries, childhood friends. Exchange of experiences will not only useful but also enjoyable, because you into a positive mood and will promote the growth of interest in life.

The best means of communication for this month is a phone, and you own a fine word, and easily maintain a conversation, in addition, at this time, your voice is especially beautiful and expressive. If you have to face meetings, try to make sure that nothing distracts attention from your speech is too bright clothing or makeup, gestures, and, in some cases, even a demonstration of graphic material, undesirable.

You can be very selfish, will focus exclusively on their own interests and concerns. This is understandable, but sad because it allows to improve on his personal life: to make peace with the satellite life, to appreciate the personal qualities of someone from my friends and just be interested in a man who deserves attention. To succeed in this month have to be strong and decisive leader, but often it leads to the fact that you forget about those who are near, yet, in order to protect them from the experiences and themselves - from the pangs of conscience, to quite a bit time and warmth.

It is very important now not to lose interest in domestic issues, and financial matters to approach with caution and circumspection. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of fraud or lose some wealth.

It's time to go into the shadows, giving major roles to others. Of particular importance is the sphere of human relations, you really worry if your loved one no longer trust you, my friends are arguing, as relatives or friends have no interest in your life. Loneliness is undesirable because it can cause sadness and depression, so do not give up communication and support earlier ensuing dating. You attach great importance to team spirit, and not a little concerned if among the members of your family, circle of friends or work collective disagreements. Instead of worry and grieve, take on the duties of a peacemaker: surrounding it will appreciate, and your kindness and tact will not cross the border in the performance of a laudable mission. The desire to find "your soul mate, a man who can be trusted in everything, is very intense, often forcing commit reckless acts. Month is favorable for the novels, but you should not lose your head, keep calm and prudence, you can achieve personal happiness, much faster than if you will accept any incoming offers.

This month will open a tempting at first glance, the prospects for actually placing the trap: you risk to spend a lot of time and effort wasted if you do not think over the consequences of its every step, every action. Attempts to swim against the tide are unlikely to be successful, but we should not forget that you are free to choose their speed. With the implementation of projects in which no one helps you, it's better not to hurry - this month will bring more good collective effort. In difficult situations do not hesitate to contact someone for help and advice, and not a refusal, when you refer to. This is not the best month to solve complex problems and finding answers to philosophical questions. Do not rush things, do not throw the emerging loopholes, trust your instincts and turn down the activity - let fate lead you forward, pleasing surprises.

This time, joy and merriment. Positive attitude will not leave you if you will overcome the main enemies - boredom and inactivity. Is active, companionship, social life, partying, someone may seem wasted, but actually does is not. Throughout the month, you'll be in the spotlight, and it means that your best qualities will surely enjoy the people, familiarity with which may be helpful in all respects.

Business contacts are not fastened in the offices and halls of the negotiations, and on a variety of exhibitions, concerts, corporate parties and friendly meetings, and even classmates. Your task - to demonstrate their talents and possibly loudly declare their own interests, your words could hear a potential partner, customer or employer. Cheerfulness and optimism makes you a truly compelling, but because the atmosphere of coquetry and flirtation immediately created wherever you appear. Alas, you just as easily become a slave to its own illusions, as well as impress others - so later, when the break the spell, you may be disappointed.

Prominently in the list of your priorities takes work, and, as a rule, modern, mixed, giving an opportunity to discuss and argue. There should be more careful, because, fascinated by the conversation, you are risking themselves in a ridiculous, if you start talking about what the bad are good. Get rid of aplomb, your element - questions, not answers. Remember, the curiosity to make a better impression than the condescending arrogance.

This month is generous with his creative impulses, and often at this time there is a desire to change the strict dress in costume or housewives clothes soiled with paint artist. Usually such venture remain only at the level of plans, but some changes are still possible. Whatever you do, try to find like-minded: they will save you from mistakes, give good advice and will not allow to stop halfway.

Good month to talk, try to write all the letters, including two or three lines of friends and family - you want to tell them how you miss them. For the business person this time, meetings with old and new customers. Previous business relationships will be strengthened, again tied to be more fruitful. The more you have contacts, the better. Respond to all new projects, ideas, methods and suggestions, but beware of scams. You will be able to quickly see through the dubious identity and will not waste time on such people.

Consider all the prospects opening up before you - no matter to what changes they lead. Maybe we are talking about the new rates, movements, on innovative ideas - should examine all possible angles. Whatever appeared on the horizon this month, you'll probably see the first signs of his hopes. However, not enough for everything, just not to miss the event. First of all, think carefully about all the projects. But when you make sure that the project is worthwhile, decisive action. Sense of humor, common sense, optimism and energy this month put you in an advantageous position - before you open many doors, you will win the position of people with great potential.

If you have been at loggerheads with the spouse, it is time to reconcile. With these properties, your loved one simply can not fail to soften to you, and you deserve forgiveness. You something to hurt still get his? Now, all obstacles will disappear. Affirm, because you are assertive and independent, but you should indulge in the charm and apply a fair tactic. Do not persist unless you know what is on your side the truth, and be sensitive to the feelings of a spouse.

You will be greatly rewarded if vykazhete a decisive and strong leader. Action - start a new business, get the friendship, work out the original idea: you meet with success. Yes, poroytes in the head and fish the most seemingly trifling thought. Think about what features it promises to materialize, and immediately get down to business. Do not delay implementation of any plans for it then, because all the steps in this month will be successful. Do not miss the auspicious moment for you - the delay will harm you.

The key to this month - cooperation, not leadership. You have been wise if every possible help to people who turn to you for help or advice. You will discover many new, as in the realm of ideas and practices, and gaining experience in the future will do you good. There will also be appreciated by your team spirit. Perhaps you will be able to connect the two loving people among your friends or to reconcile those who have been at loggerheads. Do not worry, no matter what happens, and do not lose self-control. It is important that you keep calm, clarity of thought this month, primarily because of some kind of relationship can lead to novel or promote your career. A cool head and charming manners will make a favorable impression on the subject you're interested party.

Since the previous month was for you a month of action and leadership in all areas of the current month, demanding interaction, may seem a bit tedious. No matter how urgent was not the case, if you can not easily find a solution to wait. What is easy - it is true. The hour and for this case. No need to seize that folded, - first well weigh all the pros and cons. This month is successful only for joint work and mutual aid - for no other purpose.

If friends, relatives or colleagues will make some suggestions, leading to the revision of your established order, think carefully about the proposal before responding to them. In any case not in a hurry to give up others' ideas, motivating the refusal by the fact that you prefer to act in its sole discretion. Perhaps the proposal will be very beneficial to you, and change, albeit minor, but under the very fate will serve to your benefit. No need to move upstream, and if there are any problems, please consult the family. They wish you nothing but good, and their sincere assistance can be expected. If a question is a special property, consult a professional. Amateurism not bear fruit. Also, do not force events.

Any dilemma will be solved, if you choose the most practical, prudent and sensible course of action. The second month of personal favors negotiation and communication. Try to see as many of their friends and settle Enron you disagree. Be nice and diplomatically, then you are, no doubt, will manage all the sharp corners.

Accept any invitations and have a good time. Try to relax and rest whenever possible - you need to calm the nerves. Probably you will feel overwhelmed, frustrated and unhappy, and then become jealous of those of his entourage, who at this point lively and more fortunate. But remember - everyone is in the life of complete calm, and, perhaps, at a time when you are enjoying the fruits of their efforts, people dropped their months of waiting and resting. We all go destined way, we all have are ups and downs.

You zavertit carousel of meetings and entertainment, you will find yourself in the spotlight, and it will flatter you and inspire a sense of pride. You will be very pleased with your increased popularity, and enjoying it, sometimes allow yourself to too much waste - and the time and money. You do not hurt more often recall the saying: "Cause - time fun - an hour." Excess of entertainment and burdensome to health and purse. You will attract art. Now you are endowed with the gift of speech, able to perfectly express yourself - do not miss this opportunity to profitable use of their talents. Share with others their ideas, thoughts and hopes. Anyone who can help you, sure to be among them. You have someone passionate about? Now you can easily conquer this man. You can impress peers with their knowledge and experience, because you can break out entire flow of eloquence. Even deny you in intelligence and wit changed his mind and the BE ENTERED you to the list of celebrities. Your zest for life now - your advantage: if your every word sparkles with optimism. Use your own advantage: do not miss a chance to express himself verbally - and you will meet with success.

Have fun as often as time permits and money. Invites new friends, whose friendship you value, people with whom you relate a common cause - do not forget old friends and neighbors. Accept all invitations to receptions and celebrations, which may contribute to the successful implementation of your plans. The world of art has a special power over you this month - use every opportunity to visit the theater premieres, exhibitions, fashion shows, demonstrations of any artistry. Be your personality and talents. Find people with similar inclinations, and you'll be rewarded with their friendship.

But do not let the stupid and unnecessary liberties, which can damage your career or personal interests. The foolish actions will cost you too much, it's better to spend time and money on something worthwhile. Resist the urge to show off, boast of something or as something else to hurt people's feelings. Word - your power now, but be careful: you can easily offend or annoy someone word. No need to talk about things in which you are uncomfortable or do not understand, because what we're talking, I remember a long time, but by our words judge us. Beware of statements that will expose you in a false light.

Having fun and meeting it's time to start working. Then came months of hard work, which will later be rewarded, and therefore it is highly desirable to use your strength. Now we must forget about entertainment, but at the end of the month you'll experience a feeling of satisfaction from the declaration. Honest labor and hard work has not hurt anyone, but have always been the key to future prosperity. What you achieve today will provide a solid foundation for what you want to receive in the future. Laying the groundwork now, you'll climb the ladder of success, armed with knowledge and experience. Take the opportunity and appreciate the entire baggage of their ideas and plans, and then focus on those who, in your opinion, can bear fruit in the future. Do not waste time on trivia - important things are durable, long-term nature of communication: a stable career, reliable personal life.

If you are married, then it's time to strengthen the alliance and to strengthen mutual understanding with the spouse. You can take part in the family, help, how it is in your power to spouses and to facilitate the burden of care, which lies on the shoulders of a loved one. In addition, you can make plans for the house, which will lead, leave, which has long dreamed of ... Well thought out, what do you expect from your marriage and what are the ways to achieve the desired, and then pursue their goals by applying all forces. If you act, the success is provided to you, but remember that it will not come this month. You will make some kind of contribution, interest from which will be paid later, at the scheduled time for this.

Now have a value of just the facts. Charm and bright personality will not help you move forward, as in other months. In each case, ask questions: "Why?" And try to resolve the situation, relying on common sense, without undue emotion. Focus on tasks that require elaboration, even though they are monotonous and boring. Review the reports, look for errors and correct them. At the beginning of the month you should think about how you can improve results and strengthen its position. The amendments that you will make in their work may lead to some kind of undertaking, beneficial to you.

Do that in your power to yourself as an independent Labour came a month. And do not think that someone will do it for you. Yourself for yourself ... You'll save money, and training will not hurt you.

Beware of idleness and boredom. Maybe you do not want to mess with all sorts of little things, but do not neglect them, and remember that the nature of things is important, any bit, and any effort just multiply your precious experience.

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