mutable signs astrology
I think that mutabelnost the most interesting of modalities. Much of what is happening with mutabelnymi people connected with the head. Many cases where things are happening in the imagination rather than reality. Customers with multiple mutabelnymi aspects are often influenced by what is happening in the rest of the map. They adjust and adapt to other influences. Since this is done on the mental level, people with severe mutabelnostyu may respond to a particular aspect of the plan.
When they make a plan, they decide that it's done. In the presence of negative tension much of what is happening, due to the fear, paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks. One of my clients with mutabelnym Taukvadratom said that when he starts challenging the band, he practically pineth away and is afraid to step forward or back, afraid to make decisions. Mutabelnye characters constantly in a state of anxiety and irritation, and at the same time to really suffer. When they occur real events, the worst in this psychological stress that they are experiencing.