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Articles Contents
online numerology topics

Book of Destiny has come to us from past centuries of previous generations, from grandmothers and great grandmothers. The current version - online numerology questions and answers - about modern and can quickly clarify the situation on particularly important topics of love, friendship, beauty, future, work, monetary affairs, and health. You must choose from a list of interesting and important question to know the answer by clicking on the link. With the help of magical powers and a personal inspiration, you will get a short prediction. Guessing on the fate of the book is not only successful: in response to questions, it can be capricious. If the wise oracle of "refusing to speak with you today, if you do not give a clear answer - do not persist and did not peregadyvayte. You better try to look here for the next day or ask a question in another way.

Chapter I of the Book of Destiny: Questions about love and relationships
1. Do not bring me trouble, my love?
2. I go to marry him, of whom think?
3. Go out there married to someone I love?
4. Would I love the one I love?
5. If he remembers my betrayal?
6. Will it be to me the attitude of those I love?
7. Is it true again I love the guy (her husband)?
8. Will I again love the girl (his wife)?
9. I like me a girl that I love?
10. Faithful to me whether the guy (my husband) when I'm not around?
11. Is it true my girl (my wife) when I'm not around?
12. Do I marry a rich?
13. I'll go marry rich?
14. Do I have to go marry someone who makes an offer?
15. How long can we live together in marriage?
16. Can you believe the words of the girl (his wife)?
17. Will I be happy if you marry him?
18. Loves me whether the girl I love?
19. Do I have to marry the girl, which I think?
20. He thinks, or what makes my girlfriend when I'm not around?
21. Will I be happy if you get married?
22. Who loves me?
23. Do I have reason to be jealous?
24. Whether in love with someone the girl that I like?
25. I'm getting married someday?
26. I'll go get married someday?
27. I fall in love sometime?
28. Whether she loves me, lady, which I think now?
29. Who loves a girl I'm interested?
30. Is it true that he has a mistress?
31. Whether the couple live together?
32. Do me the girl, which I think?
33. Whether to continue my acquaintance with the man about whom I think?
34. Does he forgive my betrayal?
35. Busy is the heart of the girl, I dream about?
36. Soon I'll see "a kind of" girl?
37. Soon I'll see if I loved a man?
38. Anyone who goes to the bride's house, will it live happily ever after?
39. What has thrust one of whom think?
40. Will I be happy with her husband's relatives?
41. Does "this something" again to see me - ex-girlfriend (wife)?
42. Do not come out or does not want a "so and so" to get married?
43. Does "this sort of" see me, ex-boyfriend (husband)?
44. Sorry if "so and so" the death of his wife?
45. How to live "so and so" after the death of her husband?
46. Sorry if "so and so" the death of her husband?
47. What is the nature of the girl, which I think?
48. Be corrected if the person in their behavior?
49. Loves a "so and so" his girlfriend (wife)?
50. How to live "so and so" after the departure of her husband?
51. Soon he returns home?
52. Loves a "so and so" her husband?
53. Will be happy "so and so" who marries?
54. I - the father of unborn child or not?
55. This girl - a virgin?
56. How long I'll be a bachelor?
57. Is it true that "so and so" wants to get married?
58. I'm getting married on that are in love?
59. What will be my wife?
60. Girl, which I think is doing what?
61. Will my wife love me?
62. Is it true my girlfriend (wife)?
63. Will we love each other after the wedding in the future?
64. What kind of person, which guessing?
65. Whether he likes, which I think, "such and such?
66. Will I be happy cousins wife?
67. Should I go I marry this person?
68. Do you want to or not married already, "so and so?"
69. How soon will I marry?
70. Divorce if "so and so" with his wife?
71. How soon will I marry?
72. Which I will have a husband?
73. For a man is better for me to get married?

Chapter II of the Book of Destiny: Questions about the friends and foes

74. What people I'm more like me?
75. Reconcile a quarrel?
76. What about me thinking this or that person?
77. This man is my real friend?
78. Does deceiving me suspect a person?
79. How to return "a sort of" personality?
80. Believe it or not that who I think?
81. As relates to my misfortune, "such a" personality?
82. With just more pleasant to "a certain" personality?
83. What's worse of all, for "such a" personality?
84. What now thinks I'm interested person?
85. I reconciled with the person who hurt me?
86. Should I resist my enemies?
87. How to treat me this man?
88. I sincerely wish me luck if the person who gave the advice?
89. Does not cause me trouble enemies?
90. Can I open my secret to this man?
91. Not be separated if we enemies?

Chapter III of the Book of Destiny: Questions about the present and future

92. What will happen to me today?
93. I'll happily live there, where I want to leave?
94. Soon there will move to another place?
95. Soon I'll see if those who wish to see?
96. Whether he will recover soon, think about someone?
97. Will I be happy this year?
98. Well to end with my journey?
99. Will I be lucky in the army?
100. Boy or girl will give birth to "so and so?"
101. Will I win or lose?
102. Where am I going to die?
103. How many can I have a wife?
104. Who do I will have husbands?
105. Will I have children and how much?
106. How long will I live and I will be a happy old age?
107. Will the happy child born?
108. Well if I take out there, where I am going?
109. Is my desire to be fulfilled?
110. What am I going?
111. What can I say about my present?
112. What can I say about my past?
113. Than all of what I think is complete?
114. Will the fact that upsets me?
115. Will I receive a letter?
116. That reassured me?
117. How do I spend the summer?
118. Where am I going in the winter?
119. From whom or what I stand?
120. What I intended destiny?
121. What surprises me to wait?
122. Coming soon to change my bad circumstances?
123. Will what I wish?
124. Will want to?
125. Joyful or sad news get?
126. Who is more likely to die: the husband or wife?
127. What do you mean I have seen a dream?
128. Fulfilled if what guessing?
129. What I want more in old age?
130. Will the son to respect me?
131. How to back left?

Chapter IV, destinies: Unresolved questions and doubts

132. What I have more inclinations?
133. What wise advice for me?
134. Guess I have to believe and whether the prophecy?
135. Rights (a) I in this case, or am mistaken?
136. To gauge whether my dignity?
137. What do I need for my happiness?
138. Do calm down my heart?
139. Abandon me or not from your intentions?
140. Who is to blame for my misfortunes?
141. How can I help my grief?
142. To whom and what can I hope?
143. What do I need to look out for?
144. What are the features of my character?
145. That for me the end of everything?
146. What I most difficult to win?
147. Forgotten or remembered?
148. Why is hard for me?
149. That my life is most advantageous?
150. Shall I go ahead or at all to pull the plug?
151. What am I missing?
152. I follow this advice or not?
153. Can you believe what it said?
154. Naidu is a lost thing?
155. With the success of whether to return my messenger?
156. Return a prisoner from captivity?
157. What do I like?
158. How soon will I get rid of sadness?
159. Is it better to share all of his brothers or live together?
160. Whether to go visit me?
161. Fortunately whether to return, setting off the road?
162. In what kind of people I live better?
163. In what country I'll be happy?
164. What dress should I wear?
165. There is missing or not?
166. He is stolen by someone I think?
167. In my house, everything is all right?
168. Fair to say?
169. What about me think these people (the man)?
170. What do I do in the current situation?
171. True if received by me?

Chapter V of the Book of Destiny: Questions about business, money and work

172. Will there be such a "rich and well-being?
173. I started it will end well?
174. Does the fact that I conceived my in-action?
175. If you take a job to afford that person will be whether they pleased?
176. If you go to work in a selected location, whether or not luck?
177. In riches or in poverty, will I die?
178. Happy to be going my business?
179. I get rich?
180. Will the money from someone who owes me?
181. Can we trust this man as a guarantor?
182. Does this man is my attitude and sincere effort?
183. Leave me your case or try to keep it?
184. I have begun bargaining (negotiations) whether or not successful?
185. Will the dismissal at work?
186. If the loan farm, whether or not luck?
187. Will there be gracious to me, my boss?
188. By purchasing I honor and glory?
189. Will raise at work?
190. Which profession is capable of more than my child?
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