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Autosuggestion , auto-training - no more than a focus, focus. If the will is well developed, it will be the intent, if the bad - a waste of time. In acting, to the actor could do on stage, reincarnated in a variety of characters, he uses his own feelings, removing them from the depths of his soul, and his attention. This account has several types:

1.Vnimanie to himself and his feelings.

2.Vnimanie a partner and his actions. The actor believes that makes him a partner in the sincerity of feelings and experiences as a partner. When an actor sees a partner and respond to his actions by their sincere feelings, comes the true reincarnation, and then we say: "I believe!"

3.Vnimanie to the viewer: a sense of the actor is so strong that we are infected with the them, we respond in similar experiences and expertise of the hero movie or the play seems very familiar.

To your feelings and their energy could be realized, it is necessary to love them, consider them necessary and proper, and in any case not to judge yourself for them, whatever they were. Feelings that convicted who are despised, the man suppresses and hides, trying to destroy them. And this is the best way to make them unmonitored, unguided. Depressed, they do not disappear - they kopyatsya, and at some point, when you lose balance, they explode, destroying everything in its path. And when this attack takes place, again you are condemning themselves for their own feelings, and again there is a vicious circle: the suppression - an explosion suppression - an explosion.

It is not enough to tell yourself that you are beautiful, not keeping an eye over their appearance. From today, start to dress in a beautiful and comfortable clothes and stop wearing that horrible - to show respect to their appearance. Start is a good and wholesome food, and stop there if only that - to show respect for your body. Begin to communicate with people that you are pleasant, and stop communicating with those you disliked. Carefully choose the books you read, things that you do. And check each time: what are you doing now - is really what you want, or not?

Write down 10 qualities, abilities, traits that helped you achieve any positive change in their lives. Once you compile this list, look at it and realize: it is - your resources, your strength, your arsenal, your dignity. The most important thing that makes a person intending to control their own destiny - it makes manipulation in itself. In order to get what I want, you should first understand what I want. Therefore, you must first know themselves, their own device. Any your state is important, it is information about you and your contact with the outside world, as well as information about the world. Your emotions - it is a motivator for action and a power generator. When we assign a sense, we can with him to do something. If we think positive: with respect, care and love at first to treat yourself, and then - to the people, the world, then we get in return is the same.
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